military vehicles are changing from desert camo to jungle camo

its like comparing the F 35 that i believe is still grounded lmao ??? anyone to the Pak T- 50 the T50 would do circles around the F 35
n comparison with the US fifth-generation F-22 and F-35 fighter jets, the Russian T-50 has a more advanced guidance system of on-board weapons. This technique is known as "entry into enemy's rear hemisphere." In addition, the T-50 has a revolutionary technology of optical-radar detection. The new radar of the PAK FA T-50 is based on this technology and is thus superior to F-35 radars.

The serial production of the PAK FA T-50 is to start in 2016.

Russia's new fifth-generation fighter jet raises serious professional interest in the US military. At the same time, US officials fear that it will exceed similar models of state-of-the-art US fighter jets, Pravda.Ru says.

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Yes I know the data you're referring too.
But also look at WW2. It was 4 Russians to 1 German and 4 Germans to 1 American.

Also I've trained with the Russian guys. They're good dudes and I like them but they're just now catching up with our SOF of mid 2000s. Their budget over the last 15 years is not what ours is.

Our regular army is good at what they do.....and out regular army is paid more than 2x of what Russians are. Our regular army is much more Competent and trained than the red regular guys. Which isn't really much at all honestly. But I personally don't see us fighting each other. I think if anything we could give each other black eyes and then be best of friends so to speak. Likely we'd join forces against the others like India.

Also I don't know your experience but mine is that although Iraqis don't aim when they shoot at me and just suck completely I've seen French foreign legion and checz and Russians fighting us in Iraq because it's for a good paycheck. When I was there as a marine sniper they were offering 50k for a killed marine and his sniper rifle. So we are also fighting organized dudes.

I haven't owned a TV and I rarely watch news. If I believed what was on FB and online and news I'd be all fucked up in the head.
Yeah bro. I haven't heard anyone say anything good about that F35. My only hope is were trying to make it look like a failure so no one knows it's good.

There's been a lot of sick assholes making money off the government from these wars.

Just look at the army ACU uniform. The general that signed for that
Now works with the company that made the profit. That uniform got lots of people killed because it's worthless for cammo.
anyone have an idea why...I remember when they changed to desert camo, 2 years later they were in the middle east...
Its just amazing that this capitalist financed army of the Mericas not only covers their soldiers in camo but the entire outfit is in camo, you gotta ask why when so much tech is about aimed at defeating this very same camo, Ir, FLIR, Uv sattopoff, even x-rays ..? I'm all for no color at all, nice bright shiny tanks and planes, like in WW2, after all they only gonna last 3 days at most, in actual battle its way less than 24 hours
There's some shitty Americans
I was testing a pice of prototype equipment not long ago and it was total junk. Would make the military worse but in the hands of a completed untrained idiot it could be effective at killing Americans. So the millionaire owner threatened if the military doesn't pay him for the development he would sell it to enemies.

So yeah scumbags making money
Yes I know the data you're referring too.
But also look at WW2. It was 4 Russians to 1 German and 4 Germans to 1 American.

Also I've trained with the Russian guys. They're good dudes and I like them but they're just now catching up with our SOF of mid 2000s. Their budget over the last 15 years is not what ours is.

Our regular army is good at what they do.....and out regular army is paid more than 2x of what Russians are. Our regular army is much more Competent and trained than the red regular guys. Which isn't really much at all honestly. But I personally don't see us fighting each other. I think if anything we could give each other black eyes and then be best of friends so to speak. Likely we'd join forces against the others like India.

Also I don't know your experience but mine is that although Iraqis don't aim when they shoot at me and just suck completely I've seen French foreign legion and checz and Russians fighting us in Iraq because it's for a good paycheck. When I was there as a marine sniper they were offering 50k for a killed marine and his sniper rifle. So we are also fighting organized dudes.

I haven't owned a TV and I rarely watch news. If I believed what was on FB and online and news I'd be all fucked up in the head.

This is so fucking wrong its a joke, get a life kid, above all Get de Programmed oh yeah be normal by a TV watch the News
above all stop talking shit ...and hey ...welcome to RIU..(its a weed site)
Its just amazing that this capitalist financed army of the Mericas not only covers their soldiers in camo but the entire outfit is in camo, you gotta ask why when so much tech is about aimed at defeating this very same camo, Ir, FLIR, Uv sattopoff, even x-rays ..? I'm all for no color at all, nice bright shiny tanks and planes, like in WW2, after all they only gonna last 3 days at most, in actual battle its way less than 24 hours

Ww2 was a force against a force. Now it's against un recognizable enemies. So yes some pattern that blends to the environment is good for the soldiers. It gives you a chance at getting past first look. Those seconds mean a lot when bullets are flying.

There's a lot of good technology developed for us to see people better.
But for a couple dollars you can buy equipment to see us.
Oddly the cheap Chinese phones can see our lasers. Not the nice ones or iPhones just the super cheap throw away phones. Sucks.
which gun is better M 16 or AK 47 ???? which tank is better the Armata T-14 or or the american Abram M1A2 sad truth is even south Korea and China have leaped frogged ahead of usa in the tank division lol
Even if the Russia continues the “monkey model” policy for export gear, a downgrade T-14 could still stack up well against Western tanks, like the Abrams, Leopard 2, and Challenger 2. If the United States and its allies continue to assume their tanks are adequate for future confrontations, they may find out what the Iraqi experience was like at 73 Easting.
which gun is better M 16 or AK 47 ???? which tank is better the Armata T-14 or or the american Abram M1A2 sad truth is even south Korea and China have leaped frogged ahead of usa in the tank division lol
Even if the Russia continues the “monkey model” policy for export gear, a downgrade T-14 could still stack up well against Western tanks, like the Abrams, Leopard 2, and Challenger 2. If the United States and its allies continue to assume their tanks are adequate for future confrontations, they may find out what the Iraqi experience was like at 73 Easting.
Ak47 can be pulled out of the dirt and fired successfully. M16 needs lots of cleaning.
Ak47 can't shoot accurately and as far as m16 because of its caliber and loser tolerances to allow dirty use.
Ak47 is very cheap to mass produce and the m16 round when using standard green tip just zips holes through people....meaning shitty terminal ballistics.
So if I was urban I'd prefer the ak if I needed to shoot 600meters then the ak would suck! But I prefer the m14 and have used both the m14 and shitty m110 deployed. Which I'd take over an ak. I'd take a 10" m4 over the ak personally.

I've seen the armor comparison. Their new t72 looks bad ass
There is NO cammo change.
The army finally got rid of the stupid ACU
Gray pattern that only looked good in a rock pile.
Other than that the U.S. military still has same vehicle color (tan) since about 2004

The OP likely saw foreign military vehicle or someone's custom personal shit or ever worse some crap online
No those are us military bases in southern, California and they are not nets they are new vehicles a darker jungle type drab green not alot but few just like when they went from Vietnam camo to desert camo a few at a time...

This is so fucking wrong its a joke, get a life kid, above all Get de Programmed oh yeah be normal by a TV watch the News
above all stop talking shit ...and hey ...welcome to RIU..(its a weed site)


Lol. Johnny and Luther Htoo. It just reminded me of those crazy kids.
Its just amazing that this capitalist financed army of the Mericas not only covers their soldiers in camo but the entire outfit is in camo, you gotta ask why when so much tech is about aimed at defeating this very same camo, Ir, FLIR, Uv sattopoff, even x-rays ..? I'm all for no color at all, nice bright shiny tanks and planes, like in WW2, after all they only gonna last 3 days at most, in actual battle its way less than 24 hours

Most warfare is fought conventionally.
See enemy, kill enemy.

If you do not see the enemy, it is much harder to kill them.
Ak47 can be pulled out of the dirt and fired successfully. M16 needs lots of cleaning.
Ak47 can't shoot accurately and as far as m16 because of its caliber and loser tolerances to allow dirty use.
Ak47 is very cheap to mass produce and the m16 round when using standard green tip just zips holes through people....meaning shitty terminal ballistics.
So if I was urban I'd prefer the ak if I needed to shoot 600meters then the ak would suck! But I prefer the m14 and have used both the m14 and shitty m110 deployed. Which I'd take over an ak. I'd take a 10" m4 over the ak personally.

I've seen the armor comparison. Their new t72 looks bad ass
They call full metal jacket 5.56 the Axe for a reason. When it penetrates the front of the bullet slows and the ass end goes into a flip. It gets the job done.
They call full metal jacket 5.56 the Axe for a reason. When it penetrates the front of the bullet slows and the ass end goes into a flip. It gets the job done.
No actually we call it shit ammo.
That FMJ is called green tip. We switched to brown tip(hornady) because the rounds was going through windshield then head then headrest then back passangers head which was unacceptable when only one passenger was the target during vehicle interdiction.

I speak from experience not hear say, tv shows or some stupid navy seal book. Green tip or FMJ or whatever you like to call it is shit ammo and doesn't even hold a group.
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which gun is better M 16 or AK 47 ???? which tank is better the Armata T-14 or or the american Abram M1A2 sad truth is even south Korea and China have leaped frogged ahead of usa in the tank division lol
Even if the Russia continues the “monkey model” policy for export gear, a downgrade T-14 could still stack up well against Western tanks, like the Abrams, Leopard 2, and Challenger 2. If the United States and its allies continue to assume their tanks are adequate for future confrontations, they may find out what the Iraqi experience was like at 73 Easting.

Tanks are obsolete rolling targets for missiles fired from everything from infantry to air attack and even remotely from cruisemissiles and armed drones/UCAVs.

Lest anyone forget the Highway of Death from Kuwait into Iraq- and that was a long time ago.
Tanks are obsolete rolling targets for missiles fired from everything from infantry to air attack and even remotely from cruisemissiles and armed drones/UCAVs.

Lest anyone forget the Highway of Death from Kuwait into Iraq- and that was a long time ago.

no tank in any of my companies while deployed to Iraq were hit by missiles. or any of that. they were throwing potato masher grenades off rooftops with gijoe parachutes on them. just for them to fall to the ground and not detonate. lol. my tank almost got hit by a rudimentary missile pod, but it just started going crazy after the first 2 lol. it was like bottle rockets with the sticks broken off. and comparing armor is wack, cause if you have a shit hot crew in a substandard tank theyre gonna kill, i could run an m60 with a tits crew and easily kill an m1a1/a2/sep with a bunch of shitbags for the crew, its the operator not the weapon.. just like one well trained person with an m16 or m4 could wax like 15 sloppy insurgents in sweatpants and adidas sandals. lol war.