military vehicles are changing from desert camo to jungle camo

No actually we call it shit ammo.
That FMJ is called green tip. We switched to brown tip(hornady) because the rounds was going through windshield then head then headrest then back passangers head which was unacceptable when only one passenger was the target during vehicle interdiction.

I speak from experience not hear say, tv shows or some stupid navy seal book. Green tip or FMJ or whatever you like to call it is shit ammo and doesn't even hold a group.
I'm not disputing that. I never did understand using fmj for that very reason.

When you say it zips through I took that to mean clean wound. Over penetration is from lack of expansion. I own an ar. I qualified expert on one. Though I never shot a person with it I have killed deer with it.

I also hunt with a .243. I love small diameter rifles. 5.56, .223, .243, .270, 22-250. Flat shooting guns.

Of those my favorite is .243 in a Remington 700. I trust it to 500 yards. I don't have anywhere to shoot it farther.

What type hornady is the brown tip. I use hornady critical defense in my pistols.

In the rifles I use remington core lockt.

and 5.56 green tip is regular ball ammo its not fmj at all.
Ball is fmj. Ball ammo is left over from powder and ball days. Ball is just a term for general use ammo. Non tracer, incendiary, dummy, or special match. In the military ball is fmj.
im also military fyi. and yeah youre right. i was imagining fmj as some encased round like a slap t but non discarding..
im also military fyi. and yeah youre right. i was imagining fmj as some encased round like a slap t but non discarding..
I know. I figured that's why you said ball. That was aimed at people not prior military.

Its been a number of years since I've shot the green tips. I switched to buying bulk federal. From what I recall it was fairly accurate. At least to the point if I needed to shoot further a different gun would be used. Thank you for your service.
I'm not disputing that. I never did understand using fmj for that very reason.

When you say it zips through I took that to mean clean wound. Over penetration is from lack of expansion. I own an ar. I qualified expert on one. Though I never shot a person with it I have killed deer with it.

I also hunt with a .243. I love small diameter rifles. 5.56, .223, .243, .270, 22-250. Flat shooting guns.

Of those my favorite is .243 in a Remington 700. I trust it to 500 yards. I don't have anywhere to shoot it farther.

What type hornady is the brown tip. I use hornady critical defense in my pistols.

In the rifles I use remington core lockt.

Ball is fmj. Ball ammo is left over from powder and ball days. Ball is just a term for general use ammo. Non tracer, incendiary, dummy, or special match. In the military ball is fmj.
Yes green it is fmj m855 is the dodic for green tip fmj
Yes green it is fmj m855 is the dodic for green tip fmj
The dodic cor brown is black side so that can't be posted here. But it's just hornady ammo. Shooting s about sub Moa and 100 good ammo and doesn't over penetrate.

Sorry pencil dick....I'm was in the US Army...not some other army
Yes the USA Army's Special Infantry Division we all know nothing to be ashamed of they probably killed more unsuspecting terrorists than the entire Marine Corps.
Don't you love when someone can't think of something to say so they bring a family member into it.....I have pity for you
That's camo netting. You use that when you want to somewhat simulate the terrain. ..and cover your tent, TOC, vehicle etc...he's all kinds of fucked up though

I hated fucking with that shit
You and me both! Shit is a pain in the ass!
Anyway to store camo netting you have to get like 10 people , 1 team on each end...and roll it until you meet in the middle...then you get the teams on the long ends and roll it again till you meet in the middle ....then I think you flip a roll onto the other roll

Shits whack
And hangs on everything. Best part was the six ft poles we used as cheater pipes for getting armor bolts broke loss;)
No actually we call it shit ammo.
That FMJ is called green tip. We switched to brown tip(hornady) because the rounds was going through windshield then head then headrest then back passangers head which was unacceptable when only one passenger was the target during vehicle interdiction.

I speak from experience not hear say, tv shows or some stupid navy seal book. Green tip or FMJ or whatever you like to call it is shit ammo and doesn't even hold a group.

doesnt hold a group? i had no problem. sounds like operator malfunction.
.and by the laws of dynamics and like... physics, theres no way after hitting a windshield on a moving vehicle, a dudes face, skull, brain and the other side of skull...then the seat and out the seat and into the dudes head in the back. with a 5.56 "green tip" lol the trajectory would change after even hitting the windshield, not to mention the power behind it would be virtually nonexistant after shooting through all that stuff, maybe with 7.62 but cmon now.. lol. and isnt everyone in the vehicle a target at "vehicle interdiction" ?? DONT SHOOT, HE WAS IN THE BACKSEAT! lolol

EDIT: i was in the shower like thinking.. maybe with a m249..
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And hangs on everything. Best part was the six ft poles we used as cheater pipes for getting armor bolts broke loss;)

CHEATER PIPES LOL yeah thats hilarious.. everytime i see a piece of like 4 ft metal tubing i laugh.