Problems with auto quick one


New Member
I have some problems with my 3 week royal queen seeds quick one auto.
I am growing under 2x600w hps.Planted directly into 11 litre pots filled with algoflash soil. My temperatures are 27-32 °C with humidity between 40-60%. I only fed her once with a light dose of Biobizz Bio Grow. The other plants in the tent are ultra healthy and fast growing.
IMG_20150923_081717.jpg IMG_20150923_081741.jpg IMG_20150923_081813.jpg
dark green leaves and leaf tip death means over fert. that pot might say 11 liters but you not using all 11 as it isn't full; is that right? you have rich-looking soil, what kind is it? you probably don't have to fert for a good while yet.
Yeah looks nuked with frets shouldn't feed for at least a month IMO some people say 3 weeks depending on soil