Viking Fruit 15/16


Well-Known Member
not the one at area51 that's been on the news this morning in aust?
No I am a looooooooooooooooong ways from area51 lol. In northern Canada on top of a mountain. Were above the treeline surrounded by glaciers, it's pretty wild. Definitely the most rugged place I've ever been. Saw 6 black bears and a grizzly on the way in yesterday.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Please do. I really wanna see that ultra sour
I just gotta be choosy bout what I keep ..the ultra sour may go guerrilla with a ghost train haze ;)
i really need a fem sr71 so gonna sex that and the orange og.I had my plant in the ground by oct 8th last season it doesn't worry me if the guerrillas get a couple weeks veg less.


Well-Known Member
These 2 brothers are some of my longest & dearest friends. The brother to my left is retired & lives near the beach in Ventura Ca just a few miles north of LA & surfs every day.8) His brother, to my right, is a retired machinist from Area51. I have know them for over 25 years & I have tired & tried to get him to talk, but he still will not discuss what he worked on there. All I have been able to get out of him is that he reported to work at Las Vegas airport & flew in fake commercial airliners out to Groom Lake. He's a trippy dude.o_O
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Well-Known Member
That is him on the far right in the white shirt, & his brother in in the back row behind the kid with the orange shirt. This picture was taken in the beach in Baja about 15 years ago, before any of us retired...
8-30-2011 baja 002.jpg