Is it possible that NASA faked the moon landing?

I always wondered why the space station needs to orbit at all. Why cant they just sit in one spot. It should be zero gravity in space right? Do they need to go 17000 mph to avoid hitting things? Does that even make sense?View attachment 3508946
If the earth spins west to east would that mean a jet leaving new York to china would be chasing china to land there for never get ther new york to Calfornia might as well wait for cali to get here lol
UFO's are real. Caught one on tape.

show some proof then i still believe Hollywood had lots to do with the moon landing
First of all. Who really cares what you believe and why should they? You're but a grain of sand in an hour glass. I seriously doubt you've made any kind of great impact on the world, except as you travel along your span just like everybody else. It's not like your babbling will change anything. What you see in front if you is what you get. History is faith. I mean, moments are fleeting. No sense in living in the past. Everything changes. I believe we really landed on the moon. I also believe that scientists such as those involved in the space program, and the program itself inspires great invention and innovation. Evolution.

Why do you think China or Russia wants this country? Do you not realize it is now a global economy?. China needs us and we need China. Heck they both have their hands full dealing with their own problems. Deficit? Really? No doubt the numbers are out there. But, who really cares? They are merely numbers. They don't mean anything. What is money? A promissory note right? Just keep on promising. Forever. How many people pass on debt free? Truth is. Things have value but money is but an elusion. The common American people need money, sure. As a means to do commerce. Whatever happened to bartering? Money is merely a man made method to do commerce. It's not real. What is gold good for? Why is it so expensive? Precious metal? Well. It is rather precious. But, so is steel, aluminum copper and even plastic. The global economy relies on people having money and buying stuff. The more, the better we all thrive. Eff the deficit. Print dollars and put them in the hands of people to spend.
Big presser set for Monday as they seem to have solved the Mars mystery.
Is there water on Mars?

I can't wait to hear it and then for Darth Vapour's college freshman response.
Believe what you want but remember the government also told us that Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy from the school book depository. Which brings me to this. Fool me once shame on you . Fool me twice shame on me. Everything the government does needs to be scrutinized. Doesn't anyone listen to am coast to coast. MY personal belief is we did land on the moon.
Live long and prosper !
our government is 50- 100 years ahead of the technoligy we see today..we probably have free energy which is being hidden from us for good reason,,colapse of the economy.. we probably have a hidden space exploration team thats been far beyond what we know of,, planitary civilizations,, who knows..
if energy can be produced free, on a ship, space is no longer a limit,, electric propulsion thats endless..
many congressman, higher ups, etc all agree the biggest thing being hidden from us is free energy,, i believe we have it, but will never be available to us,, why? because we would no longer have to work our asses off to pay heating,cooling bills,, free energy would free us all and big buisness like com ed, nicor, would be a thing of the past..millioners no longer have the advantage,, that would be great for us,, but money runs the world,, holds us in shackles...

No matter how far-fetched they may seem. At the same time, many people quickly denounce any conspiracy theory as untrue … and sometimes as unpatriotic or just plain ridiculous. Lets not forget all of the thousands of conspiracies out of Wall Street like Bernie Madoff and many others to commit fraud and extortion, among many crimes of conspiracy.
75% of personal ads in the paper and on craigslist are married couples posing as single for a one night affair. When someone knocks on your door to sell you a set of knives or phone cards, anything for that matter, do they have a profit motive? What is conspiracy other than just a scary way of saying “alternative agenda”? When 2 friends go to a bar and begin to plan their wingman approach on 2 girls they see at the bar, how often are they planning on lying to those girls? “I own a small business and am in town for a short while. Oh yeah, you look beautiful.”
when skeptics attempt to ridicule a conspiracy theory by using the official story as a means of proving the conspiracy wrong, in effect, they are just reinforcing the original “mainstream” view of history, and actually not being skeptical. This is not skeptism, it is just a convenient way for the establishment view of things to be seen as the correct version, all the time, every time. In fact, it is common for “hit pieces” or “debunking articles” to pick extremely fringe and not very populated conspiracy theories. This in turn makes all conspiracies on a subject matter look crazy. Skeptics magazine and Popular Mechanics, among many others, did this with 9/11. They referred to less than 10% of the many different conspiracy theories about 9/11 and picked the less popular ones, in fact, they picked the fringe, highly improbable points that only a few people make. This was used as the “final investigation” for looking into the conspiracy theories. Convenient, huh?
our government is 50- 100 years ahead of the technoligy we see today..we probably have free energy which is being hidden from us for good reason,,colapse of the economy.. we probably have a hidden space exploration team thats been far beyond what we know of,, planitary civilizations,, who knows..
if energy can be produced free, on a ship, space is no longer a limit,, electric propulsion thats endless..
many congressman, higher ups, etc all agree the biggest thing being hidden from us is free energy,, i believe we have it, but will never be available to us,, why? because we would no longer have to work our asses off to pay heating,cooling bills,, free energy would free us all and big buisness like com ed, nicor, would be a thing of the past..millioners no longer have the advantage,, that would be great for us,, but money runs the world,, holds us in shackles...

It's vague, but I remember Tesla working on a theory to try and capture rogue electrons out of thin air. When I was in the military many years ago, like 30, I realized they have stuff some people can only dream about. Who used Satellites first? 30 years ago?

It's the economy of things. Most people need something to do to occupy their time. Something they derive satisfaction from. Feel self worth about. I wish I had a more fulfilling job. But, at the end of the day. It pays bills.

I've done a lot of different things. OTR truck driving as an independent agent was great. But, I had to be away from home for extended periods and it was hard on the household. I was a daytrader. That was stressful as a mofo. But, I did achieve pretty considerable good results up until the market crashed after 9/11. I've done other little things and even dabbled in starting an ecommerce web site around 2011. I got it up and running linking Amazon grow products. But, the real work is driving traffic to your site among all the other sites out there. And getting people to buy from you and not someone else. Marketing. I think just having a routine job is easier. Either way, you have to put effort into anything to be successful.

Anyway, yes the rich and the gov want to keep us civil and complacent. They will get richer for sure. Think about all of the social programs in the US. Food stamps, welfare, section 8 housing. If they all of a sudden just stopped these programs I feel there would be a big uprising among the people who live by these programs. I think shit would def get real here on our soil. It's one thing to always love poor. But, if you've always been able to rely on these programs, well? What are you gonna do if they suddenly disappear? I think it would get real ugly like we haven't seen during our lifetime. And who else benefits from these social programs? Growers, grocers, and some real estate investors cater to section 8. It pays rent.
but lets look at some conspiracies that a became true
Operation Mockingbird: Also in the 1950s to ’70s, the CIA paid a number of well-known domestic and foreign journalists (from big-name media outlets like Time, The Washington Post, The New York Times, CBS and others) to publish CIA propaganda. The CIA also reportedly funded at least one movie, the animated “Animal Farm,” by George Orwell. The Church Committee finally exposed the activities in 1975.
Asbestos: Between 1930 and 1960, manufacturers did all they could to prevent the link between asbestos and respiratory diseases, including cancer, becoming known, so they could avoid prosecution. American workers had in fact sued the Johns Manville company as far back as 1932, but it was not until 1962 that epidemiologists finally established beyond any doubt what company bosses had known for a long time – asbestos causes cancer.

Watergate: Republican officials spied on the Democratic National Headquarters from the Watergate Hotel in 1972. While conspiracy theories suggested underhanded dealings were taking place, it wasn’t until 1974 that White House tape recordings linked President Nixon to the break-in and forced him to resign.
The Iran-Contra Affair: In 1985 and ’86, the White House authorized government officials to secretly trade weapons with the Israeli government in exchange for the release of U.S. hostages in Iran. The plot was uncovered by Congress in 1987.

Kennedy assassination For instance, E Howard Hunt (CIA Agent) confessed to being involved in the conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy on his deathbed. E Howard Hunt was one of the Watergate Burglars. Barry Seal, who worked with Oswald and Ferrie ended up being one of the largest cocaine smugglers in the United States during Iran Contra, as a key player for the agency and informant for the DEA. There is so much more to get into, but there just isn’t enough time. Oswald’s tax returns are still classified top secret to this day. Why? Perhaps he was still getting $$ from the United States, which places him on the payroll. That money trail leads to figures, many of whom were murdered, that would have blown the story wide open. For 14 years, most didn’t know this. The HSCA investigaitons by congress went against the findings of the Warren Commission and both reports are from the same source, Congressional Committees. Which is true? Why do we only teach one to our children in school

To think the all mighty stealth fighter jet is invisible and cannot be shot down ??? as stated by the many turns out to be False and shot down in Kosovo a 3rd world country rings hollow don't you think ??F117wreckage.jpg
It's vague, but I remember Tesla working on a theory to try and capture rogue electrons out of thin air. When I was in the military many years ago, like 30, I realized they have stuff some people can only dream about. Who used Satellites first? 30 years ago?

It's the economy of things. Most people need something to do to occupy their time. Something they derive satisfaction from. Feel self worth about. I wish I had a more fulfilling job. But, at the end of the day. It pays bills.

I've done a lot of different things. OTR truck driving as an independent agent was great. But, I had to be away from home for extended periods and it was hard on the household. I was a daytrader. That was stressful as a mofo. But, I did achieve pretty considerable good results up until the market crashed after 9/11. I've done other little things and even dabbled in starting an ecommerce web site around 2011. I got it up and running linking Amazon grow products. But, the real work is driving traffic to your site among all the other sites out there. And getting people to buy from you and not someone else. Marketing. I think just having a routine job is easier. Either way, you have to put effort into anything to be successful.

Anyway, yes the rich and the gov want to keep us civil and complacent. They will get richer for sure. Think about all of the social programs in the US. Food stamps, welfare, section 8 housing. If they all of a sudden just stopped these programs I feel there would be a big uprising among the people who live by these programs. I think shit would def get real here on our soil. It's one thing to always love poor. But, if you've always been able to rely on these programs, well? What are you gonna do if they suddenly disappear? I think it would get real ugly like we haven't seen during our lifetime. And who else benefits from these social programs? Growers, grocers, and some real estate investors cater to section 8. It pays rent.
the first satellite of course Russia's sputnik 1 over 50 years ago :)
There is gravity in orbit, that is how things stay in orbit.
There is gravity in space, there can be micro-gravity or near large objects in space there can be enough gravity to crush stuff.
There is gravity in orbit, that is how things stay in orbit.
There is gravity in space, there can be micro-gravity or near large objects in space there can be enough gravity to crush stuff.
I know there is gravity in orbit and I know why they have to orbit but I'm not talking about orbit. I'm talking about breaking orbit and free floating in the vacuum.
Gravity is the attractive force between two objects at a fixed distance r. The strength of gravity is proportional to the mass of the two objects and inversely related the distance between them. A larger massed object has a greater gravitational force than a smaller massed object does which explains the difference between the gravitational field of the Earth and Moon. The force of gravity between two objects decreases rapidly at a rate of1/r2. Thus, the gravitational force of two equal masses 1 meter apart is 100 times stronger than if the masses were 10 meters apart. Using the two parameters, mass and distance, we can understand how gravity operates in the universe and causes objects to appear as though they are experiencing zero gravity in space.

Earth’s gravitational pull is responsible for the moon’s orbit. Similarly, all planets, asteroids, and comets in our solar system orbit the sun due to this gravitational pull. The fact that celestial bodies millions of light years away orbit the sun debunks the myth of no gravity in space. The sun has a tremendous gravitational pull because it accounts for 99.86% of our solar system’s weight.

Why, then, are objects seemingly able to float freely in space despite the sun’s gravitational field? Remember, the force of gravity is dependent on the mass of two objects. The celestial bodies have enough mass to experience the gravitational pull of the sun. Objects with relatively little mass will experience less of the sun’s gravitational force than celestial bodies like Jupiter. In addition, small objects far from the sun experience a weaker gravitational force. Although gravity never reaches zero, it gets close. With this in mind we should be able to get between the earth and the moon and sit in one spot am I right?