Canadian Growers Club

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Canadian grower here. Honestly I'm on the 45th parallel and most outdoor strains will grow well into October even in to November and our first frost is usually around now, little late this year.


Well-Known Member
That must put you in southern ontario. Lol

Im on the 53rd. And yet im still tempted to give outdoor a go...just out of curiosity....
You'd have to make some adjustments but you could do it. Start them indoor, get them out early at a good size, and light dep them to force flower them earlier. Worth a try if you have a spot to try it next year.


Well-Known Member
You'd have to make some adjustments but you could do it. Start them indoor, get them out early at a good size, and light dep them to force flower them earlier. Worth a try if you have a spot to try it next year.

How would i light deprive them outside? That has been my only worry, really...


Well-Known Member
How would i light deprive them outside? That has been my only worry, really...
A lot of guys rig up frames with tarps and the like. If you're only doing a couple of plants it wouldn't be difficult. You cover them up to reduce the light cycle earlier and time them to finish by the frost. A buddy of mine wanted some summer weed so he flowered his mothers once his outdoor was going and finished them around end of July, brought them into a shed after dinner..


Well-Known Member
Hello to all! I'm from BC and am growing out iranian haze from dr. greenthumb. Only one plant so far has had spots of mould so I cut that one down. The others are still going as of sept 26th.


Well-Known Member
Hello to all! I'm from BC and am growing out iranian haze from dr. greenthumb. Only one plant so far has had spots of mould so I cut that one down. The others are still going as of sept 26th.
Iranian haze.....

Must be a sativa? How long for flowering ??


Well-Known Member
I have one spot specifically that I have tried to grow the iranian haze and each time they've gotten some mold on them but I think that this is actually the location as it is sloping with tonnes of water going down the surface constantly which is why I planted there in the first place. After september 25th or so, mold comes in so that location needs an even earlier finishing strain. The other bog grow I am in they are fine. Here's a few pictures to show you. I used a good amount of coco in the soil mix because I knew it was boggy. The expert on the iranian haze on rollitup is 'old mother sativa'. The water is really coming into the bogs though so that's when the coco saves the plant. the plants that are still alive could use some more time. I could cut them down now but they'd be early. I think they could go for awhile yet eh? Cheers.



Well-Known Member
I have one spot specifically that I have tried to grow the iranian haze and each time they've gotten some mold on them but I think that this is actually the location as it is sloping with tonnes of water going down the surface constantly which is why I planted there in the first place. After september 25th or so, mold comes in so that location needs an even earlier finishing strain. The other bog grow I am in they are fine. Here's a few pictures to show you. I used a good amount of coco in the soil mix because I knew it was boggy. The expert on the iranian haze on rollitup is 'old mother sativa'. The water is really coming into the bogs though so that's when the coco saves the plant. the plants that are still alive could use some more time. I could cut them down now but they'd be early. I think they could go for awhile yet eh? Cheers.
I use auto's now for my sunshine grows as our summer season is just not long enough here in the lower mainland

I was able to harvest by early August, just before the crap weather set in

New Age United

Well-Known Member
I have one spot specifically that I have tried to grow the iranian haze and each time they've gotten some mold on them but I think that this is actually the location as it is sloping with tonnes of water going down the surface constantly which is why I planted there in the first place. After september 25th or so, mold comes in so that location needs an even earlier finishing strain. The other bog grow I am in they are fine. Here's a few pictures to show you. I used a good amount of coco in the soil mix because I knew it was boggy. The expert on the iranian haze on rollitup is 'old mother sativa'. The water is really coming into the bogs though so that's when the coco saves the plant. the plants that are still alive could use some more time. I could cut them down now but they'd be early. I think they could go for awhile yet eh? Cheers.
You should be good until the 2nd week of October, depends on the strain but those seem to be holding up real good, I've grown some plants into the first week of November, 45th parallel. This was a late frost this year so you definitely still have some time.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your advice guys! ISK, what kind of autos do you grow out on the lower mainland? Isn't the yield low and the cost for auto seeds quite high?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your advice guys! ISK, what kind of autos do you grow out on the lower mainland? Isn't the yield low and the cost for auto seeds quite high?
I've been using auto-fem's from Crop King...had some issues with some not being auto's and one was a male...go figure

but some have turned out quite decent, and I've been pleased with the good ones (hit & miss)

I got a good deal at the Vancouver 420 party....they sell them for a reduced price

check out my links for some of my results...yeah not the greatest but not so bad



Well-Known Member
Hi All .. Just stumbled across this thread myself.
East Coast here
Bluenoser ;)
I had to improvise to get "Lorretta" to finish. Its gets too cold at nights .(and mold would kick in anytime) to help prevent that I pulled a single bud off each cola about an inch down to help with air circuation . Seems to be working so far..
So the basement reno got cancels so I could use the wood .. and now shes safe from the elements to finish her visit with us this summer. ;)



Well-Known Member
I've travelled the world and can vouch that we have the greatest country in the world, no country even comes close imo. But if Harper gets in again I may reconsider a move to the US or elsewhere, away from this dictator. Mainly because if there's that many people in this country that can't see him for the tyrant he is, or agree with his policies, that's scary. Secondly because he continues to devalue and sell out our country through his policies and actions. Please, please, vote him out and get our country back!! Any vote other than Cons is a good vote