I am quite worried about a situation, advice would be appreciated.

Hello all, I have a question about a situation that has been worrying me for a long time. I met a guy who sold concentrates through my normal weed dealer and I bought oil from him a few times in November and December of 2014. In March of 2015, I found out that he had gotten his apartment raided and arrested in January (he sold weed, concentrates, shrooms, and possibly other stuff that I didn't know about). I had texted him in February asking him if he had any oil (stupid, I know) and he didn't reply so I just dropped it. I never made any kind of contact with him again. And then I found out about his arrest in March. Even though it is now almost October and it has been around 8 months, I am still worried about this. What made me really worried was that about 2-3 weeks ago I went to the pharmacy to get some Sudafed and I was denied it, so I went to another pharmacy and was denied again. It was very strange to me because I have not bought Sudafed in a very long time. I remembered that when I was told by my friend about the oil guy's arrest that apparently the cops planted meth in his apartment (but I don't know the truth of that statement).

So basically, 8 months after he got arrested, I am freaking out over this text I sent to my oil guy. I am really worried because I am applying to law school this fall and even though nothing has happened to me, I am still incredibly worried about this. I keep thinking that I am on some "list" or something, I worry about this all the time.

Am I just being incredibly paranoid?

There is another thing I forgot to add: I'm pretty sure the oil guy isn't incarcerated because he is active on facebook (I'm not friends with him though).
Next time try to b
Hello all, I have a question about a situation that has been worrying me for a long time. I met a guy who sold concentrates through my normal weed dealer and I bought oil from him a few times in November and December of 2014. In March of 2015, I found out that he had gotten his apartment raided and arrested in January (he sold weed, concentrates, shrooms, and possibly other stuff that I didn't know about). I had texted him in February asking him if he had any oil (stupid, I know) and he didn't reply so I just dropped it. I never made any kind of contact with him again. And then I found out about his arrest in March. Even though it is now almost October and it has been around 8 months, I am still worried about this. What made me really worried was that about 2-3 weeks ago I went to the pharmacy to get some Sudafed and I was denied it, so I went to another pharmacy and was denied again. It was very strange to me because I have not bought Sudafed in a very long time. I remembered that when I was told by my friend about the oil guy's arrest that apparently the cops planted meth in his apartment (but I don't know the truth of that statement).

So basically, 8 months after he got arrested, I am freaking out over this text I sent to my oil guy. I am really worried because I am applying to law school this fall and even though nothing has happened to me, I am still incredibly worried about this. I keep thinking that I am on some "list" or something, I worry about this all the time.

Am I just being incredibly paranoid?

There is another thing I forgot to add: I'm pretty sure the oil guy isn't incarcerated because he is active on facebook (I'm not friends with him though).
Next time be vague in your texts no specific information. But I wouldnt worry about it the cops usually aren't worried about whos buying, just whos selling. Unless you asked for 15 grams of oil you should be in the clear.
I've dealt with a similar situation and years later I'm still a little paranoid about it but that's because the guy I knew was caught with narcotics and a weapon and somehow was never incarcerated although VA has a mandatory minimum of 5 years for a gun charge and it was the Federal Government that busted him.(I think he flipped but I haven't spoken to or seen him in about 2yrs as I enjoy my freedom) If nothing has happened up to this point, you're ok. As stated by Peter Berg, just be vague from now on or use code words. Good luck on getting into law school.
id say your all set man as long as theres no reason to believe your selling anything I doubt the cops would even care about you.

as for the sudafed thing around here pharmacies dont have to sell you things even if its legal for you to buy. I remember years ago some friends telling me about pharmicies even not selling them robutussin (or hpwever you spell that) because they were 18-19 or so and the guy figured they were probably trying to abuse it (cause they werent sick)
I recently was paid a visit by the boys in blue back in early July. All my lights, fans, nutes and weed was confiscated . During this fiasco all I kept hearing from them was how they really weren't interested in weed they wanted the bad drugs . Which consisted of heroin, cocaine, opiates and meth and after that all they were interested in was who I could direct them too next. After realizing that all I did was work and go home and thru their snitch network no one knew who I was so they stopped pressuring me for info.....BTW it was a neighbor(and I live in a rural area) who made a call that brought the law and it was smell that got me caught. My case has been finalized and all charges were dismissed and I never saw the inside of a courtroom....Don't worry just be cautious and stop making stupid texts!
I recently was paid a visit by the boys in blue back in early July. All my lights, fans, nutes and weed was confiscated . During this fiasco all I kept hearing from them was how they really weren't interested in weed they wanted the bad drugs . Which consisted of heroin, cocaine, opiates and meth and after that all they were interested in was who I could direct them too next. After realizing that all I did was work and go home and thru their snitch network no one knew who I was so they stopped pressuring me for info.....BTW it was a neighbor(and I live in a rural area) who made a call that brought the law and it was smell that got me caught. My case has been finalized and all charges were dismissed and I never saw the inside of a courtroom....Don't worry just be cautious and stop making stupid texts!
wow, what will you do about the neighbor?
wow, what will you do about the neighbor?
Smile and play it cool for now.....he doesn't know that I know it was him my attorney found out from some paperwork filed by the arresting officers and inadvertently ( on purpose )left the paperwork on his desk for me to read while he left his office for a smoke break.
Revenge is a dish best served cold....I think Ghandi said that :-) :-) :-) !
always use code even in texting or dont speak of it at all, only face to face. you asked him for oil though. could be oil for a car or sewing machine who knows. hope you got a different phone as well. just trying to cover all bases but i really think you are fine. i remember when people i bought from got caught i would freak the fuck out thinking i would get charged for being involved as far as buying it. nothing ever happen. i think they try to go up the ladder not down.
The trippy thing is the fact he can't buy the cold medicine anymore the oil isn't a big deal ...........but being banned from buying that medicine is more worrying to me .......especially since he went to different stores and they said no .........it could be the simple reason he bought to much previously and it's unrelated .....but I wouldn't go trying to buy anymore ......these are the reasons I keep it green only .......good luck with law school hope it all turns out ok for you
If you want to get really parinoid start doing the meth. Thatll bring paranoia to a level youve never seen before. Seriously though. Im sure if you inquired at the pharmacy theyd tell you who to contact about why you were denied the sinus meds. If your only a thc user and not a grower you really shouldnt have anything to hide so i dont know what your worried about.
Yes you are being incredibly paranoid, if your attending law school think about it logistically, even if the cops found that message they have no reason to follow that lead for lack of reasonable cause, it's just not worth their time. I recently had a buddy go down for 1.3 kilos of blow and I sent him all kinds of messages about getting blow off him and I'm not the least bit concerned, bc I know the cops can't really do anything with it. It will never become public knowledge if that's your concern.
I think you may be ok coz you didn't say "cannabis oil" so if they say why were you asking for oil just use your imagination... Cooking oil, motor oil etc
Yes you are being incredibly paranoid, if your attending law school think about it logistically, even if the cops found that message they have no reason to follow that lead for lack of reasonable cause, it's just not worth their time. I recently had a buddy go down for 1.3 kilos of blow and I sent him all kinds of messages about getting blow off him and I'm not the least bit concerned, bc I know the cops can't really do anything with it. It will never become public knowledge if that's your concern.
I just keep worrying about this and I hate it... I keep thinking that it's not a coincidence that I wasn't allowed to buy sudafed and that there is something on my records. I've done background checks on myself (cause I'm that paranoid) and nothing would come up but I'm still worried. I haven't applied to law school yet and that's another reason why I'm so worried.
unless you are charged and convicted it didn't happen.
I'm trying to convince myself this, but I keep thinking that something bad will happen. For example, I want to renew my passport but I feel like I won't be allowed to for some reason connecting to this. I know it sounds crazy but I have so much anxiety