Bud Trimmer review....the "TrimBot"

Hell ya thanks bro! I've only ran mine on low, was nervous to run it on high but I will have to give that a try & let it run a little longer. Also, how close did you get the blades? Mine is so close it practically scrapes the grate (does sometimes) was curious what you have found to be best?
run it on high, keep the blade as high as you can, let it scrape. Spray it with a ltlle PAM & it will quiet down a bit....
how well does it work on bigger colas? looks like it does an excellent job on the cookie dough type size. thanks for the post about the trimbot and the answer to my question :)
Many of you know I bought a trimmer from ebay. I finally had a chance to use it today, and this thing is awesome. It didn't have an name on it so we've been calling it "TrimBot", cost less that $500, & damn well worth it. My wife & I give it 2 thumbs up. The little chute on the side doesn't work well, so we used it without it, just tipped the top to empty it. 2 people bucking buds off the stem, we couldn't keep up with the "TrimBot". I love this thing, I highly recommend it.:cool: Here's a few pics ....http://www.ebay.com/itm/Professiona...ud-Trim-Reaper-Pro-HPS-MH-Light-/350690101245
JJ, I just bought the same trimmer as you did. I can't get it to work properly! How fresh do the buds need to be? Is there a way to adjust the grate or the blades to be closer to the buds? I am stuck with a bunch of plants that are almost ready to go but my "trim bot" doesn't work properly. What do I need to do? Please HELP!!
JJ, I just bought the same trimmer as you did. I can't get it to work properly! How fresh do the buds need to be? Is there a way to adjust the grate or the blades to be closer to the buds? I am stuck with a bunch of plants that are almost ready to go but my "trim bot" doesn't work properly. What do I need to do? Please HELP!!
Did you keep the allen wrench that came with the trim bot?...you can adjust the blades with it. We want to have the blades scraping. It's a little noisy & I sprayed with PAM as a lubricant. wrks best with green buds. good luck
Did you keep the allen wrench that came with the trim bot?...you can adjust the blades with it. We want to have the blades scraping. It's a little noisy & I sprayed with PAM as a lubricant. wrks best with green buds. good luck
I find the "rounder" the product going in is, the better the machine trims. Long buds don't turn very well, and all sides don't trim like the round ones do. I upgraded the blade on mine to. It came with a very light blade, I found a blade for a sturdier/bigger machine that was double sided. I cut it down to fit my machine and installed.