
Well-Known Member
Ok people im gettin sick of some shit, a loooong brewing debate between myself and a few homies

Ok simple question, what determines the winner of a street/school fight? Damage done or blows landed. Now i always believed that damage done trumps everything in a beef but some ppl say hits landed is really what decides whos the better fighter. What say you???
Street fight: damage done Sporting event: style and technique like Olympic boxing
As we know, 2 different animals one is fighting, the other is sport


Well-Known Member
I fought many times lost some won some. But when I was 17 my parents decided to move and I started my junior year of high school in a brand new school where I knew no one. During the first week of school some asshole tried me and even though I never threw a punch his ass ended up on the lunch room floor with me standing over him . I found out later that day that most of the kids at that school were terrified of the dude. He had made it a habit of fucking with people and no one had ever stood up to him. From that one episode I developed a reputation of somebody you didn't fuck with so for the next 2 years the perception of what might happen kept me free from violence......oh yeah the kid I put on the lunchroom floor got into a fight later that same year with one of the assistant principals causing the the principal to have a fatal heart attack never laid eyes on that kid again after that....!
Wax on....Wax off mofo .