EC meter? How do i convert to PPM?

Those are the unconverted numbers for people that can't do math. If you convert the ppm readings like you are supposed to 1 EC is 1000 ppm. I never understood using unconverted numbers anyway. That is how everybody gets confused. The chart is handy none the less and I may forward it from time to time to any math challenged folks.
Those are the unconverted numbers for people that can't do math. If you convert the ppm readings like you are supposed to 1 EC is 1000 ppm. I never understood using unconverted numbers anyway. That is how everybody gets confused. The chart is handy none the less and I may forward it from time to time to any math challenged folks.
Different PPM meters use different conversion numbers. I use a hanna ppm meter and it is on a .5 scale - which is very simple.

.5 ec = 250 ppm

so for every .1 on ec you add 50 on the ppm.
Can somebody help me out I have a EC/TDS meter but it doesn't display a decimal point I get a 4number reading like 0230 do I have the wrong type of meter ? Can somebody help?
Different manufacturers use different conversion formuli to convert EC to PPM. You are far better off just sticking with EC.

Your EC can be anywhere from 1.2 to 1.8 for hydro - 1.5 is good and will jump up on you as water is consumed. You may also see EC expressed in micro Semens as opposed to milli Semens so the decimal will kick over 3 places making it 1200 - 1800. And stop using commas as decimal points - are you going to start driving on the wrong side of the raod next?
Can you please help me I got a TDS/EC reader and I have no decimal and this is all hypothetical and I'm just tryna learn , my water from the tap is 7.2 ph , 0010ec , 0072 ppm , mixed up 2gl of water with recommended feeding chart and my ec reads 3230 Nd the ppm is 1500 And ph is 5.0 ... what my ec ? Is that a 3.230ec ? Is that how I should read it ?