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smoke so thick

Active Member
I've asked a few places, but I'm curious to know what your opinion is: 125w of CFL lights or 125w HPS light? I know the CFLs can cover more, but is the light much much better in a hps? heats also a bit of an issue right now., with cfls im hovering around 77-80f in the morning, if its a sunny day can get close to 93. in my head one hps light would reduce my heat and give me more effective/powerful light, but is that really the case?


Well-Known Member
ive got a problem m8 i planted 10 hash plant seeds over a week ago i have them under a 250w envirolight for 24 hrs a day and they havent sprouted up yet i have uncoverered the soil and there is roots everywhere yet nothing on top please can you help :joint:


Well-Known Member
hey man got to page 4 and realized it would be easier to ask it and have you answer it another time if you haven't already...

ok so ive been growing under t5 high output little 2 footer for 5 clones for like over 5 weeks now. the smallest one is just reaching a foot and the others are all a little bigger, but LST'd so not really that much taller. I just picked up an HPS 400w and have been vegging them under that for the past 3 days and i'm really liking what i'm seeing. i have a good 6 feet in there so i know they can get up to 4 feet and i'd be golden, so i'm thinking i should veg em for a little longer under HPS so i get as big a buds as possible.

is there such a thing as vegging too long?

and oh yea also, i'm growing in something like 2 gallon pots, will space be a factor for 3-4 foot plants?
OK, unfortunatly I could always go on forver about what ya could do to better your grow but lets start with teaching the basics. First lets go into HPS lighting. A HPS light is great, I lovem, but nothing compares to the sun. The strongest indoor lighting (HPS) can only efficiently penetrate 1.5 feet through the canopy. So in other words anything under that 1.5 foot mark will grow poorly. Now to get around this indoor growers bud plants when they are fairly short(depending on strain) so they can finish up with a plant thats 2-3 feet and has quality buds everywhere. If the plants get to tall, but ya have plenty of room, ya can lollipop them. This is what I do when I am learning to grow a new strain and it stretches more than I think it will the 1st 3 weeks of 12-12. I trim almost all branches and leaves from the soil up until I have a 2ft thick canopy and a bare stem up to it. So I would ask how tall are your plants/ have any pics? Do you know what strain your growing?


Active Member
my plant is out doors an started to flower but there is only pistils showing on top of the plant none on the budding branches is that a problem?


Well-Known Member
yea i have pics i've tried to add them to my profile but am having some trouble,

i'm growing a couple of chocolate thai's and og diesel's and one blueberry. first grow so i want to see how i like them before choosing one to mother and clone for my next try.
my plants are all at right around a foot. i tied most of em down so they're all crooked and such haha the blueberry looks like a little bush, they've been growing crooked so that the one i transplanted late could catch up in height. since the HPS got on him he's shot up real fast so i'm thinking i should put them into flower real soon.

thanks for the advise on trimming the branches, i was thinking i should cause they haven't been getting enough light even with the t5's shining from the side., and by lollilpop do you mean tie down, it so it doesn't go over ?


Well-Known Member
Hey chaotic, I got a question. Well my 2 little plants that I started are just that, really little. They only have their 3rd true leaves so far. And the first true leaves I have had to cut off b/c they got really yellow and kind of wilted. I added a little epsom salt to the water, thinking it may be a mag diffiency. This was right before the 3rd true leaves started to appear. And the new leaves do look greener and darker, but the tips of the 2nd set of leaves are turning yellow now. What do I do? Im thinking of just starting over, I think it might have been from a little stress, but my friend also had a seed from the same bag seed, and he said the same thing happened to him, and he had a totally diffrenet set up. So maybe it was genetic?? Idk what to do tho... Is there any help for them? I wish I could post some pics but my cam isnt working right now, maybe I can ask a friend. But do you have any suggestions? Thanks.
P.S. I also started germing 2 seed from a really nice bag of bud I got yesterday. Hopefully they have a better start


Active Member
First timer here looking for some advice.

Have one plant which is about six weeks into flowering.

Wondering if it is too late to clone, and also how to tell when the buds are ready to be harvested.


Well-Known Member
my plant is out doors an started to flower but there is only pistils showing on top of the plant none on the budding branches is that a problem?

Give her time, it takes at least 2 weeks of solid budding before ya even see where buds will form, just sit back and relax.....I know its hard .


Well-Known Member
yea i have pics i've tried to add them to my profile but am having some trouble,

i'm growing a couple of chocolate thai's and og diesel's and one blueberry. first grow so i want to see how i like them before choosing one to mother and clone for my next try.
my plants are all at right around a foot. i tied most of em down so they're all crooked and such haha the blueberry looks like a little bush, they've been growing crooked so that the one i transplanted late could catch up in height. since the HPS got on him he's shot up real fast so i'm thinking i should put them into flower real soon.

thanks for the advise on trimming the branches, i was thinking i should cause they haven't been getting enough light even with the t5's shining from the side., and by lollilpop do you mean tie down, it so it doesn't go over ?

Lollipopping is just cutting off all pointless branches and shit that wont produce and leaving the top 2ft of the plant in tact. Gives it a lollipop stick look, hence the name.


Well-Known Member
Hey chaotic, I got a question. Well my 2 little plants that I started are just that, really little. They only have their 3rd true leaves so far. And the first true leaves I have had to cut off b/c they got really yellow and kind of wilted. I added a little epsom salt to the water, thinking it may be a mag diffiency. This was right before the 3rd true leaves started to appear. And the new leaves do look greener and darker, but the tips of the 2nd set of leaves are turning yellow now. What do I do? Im thinking of just starting over, I think it might have been from a little stress, but my friend also had a seed from the same bag seed, and he said the same thing happened to him, and he had a totally diffrenet set up. So maybe it was genetic?? Idk what to do tho... Is there any help for them? I wish I could post some pics but my cam isnt working right now, maybe I can ask a friend. But do you have any suggestions? Thanks.
P.S. I also started germing 2 seed from a really nice bag of bud I got yesterday. Hopefully they have a better start
This prob isnt what ya wanna hear, god knows I didn't at first, but ya HAVE to start with good genetics. I did the same thing and all ya get is average weed that will prob be seeded due to hermaphrodite genetics. Think about it a second. Almost all growers go for sensimillia (seedless weed), so if you have seeds in your weed, it's from a female going hermy and causing some seeding. Now you are going to take that very hermy mothers genes and try to grow a cross of the original strain that WAS good. Buy some seeds if ya really wanna do it right,you will really be glad ya did.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to know what you think of these lights....

Exo Terra - Products: Linear Bulbs (x2) 15"

Just some I had kickin around the house...

I have them combined with Sylvania 3700K 24" flourescents (x2)
Honestly I am not a big fan of flourecents unless ya have a shit ton of high output 4ft tubes. I personally I dont feel they are neccessary. Some people have heat or space issues and use them, but if ya can use strong lights I dont see a reason not to. Plus they give pretty small yields unless again ya have a shit ton. Some people have impressed me with there quality, but never yield.


Well-Known Member
im 31 days into flowering and a couple of my plants showing signs of powdery mildew, what should I do?
HMM powdery mildew ewwww been hoping I don't have that prob anytime soon lol. Never have thank god, I know a sulfur burner will eliminate it from happening in the first place but as for ridding it I honestly don't know but will try and find out for ya.


Well-Known Member
I tried a product called serenade, which sucked balls and smelled like ass, it worked for a couple days but the PM came right back, so if you do ever get PM dont wast your money on serenade...right now im am going to try plain alkaline water


Well-Known Member
haha lollipopping. i knew i was missing something there. i'll definitely be doing that. hopefully i can get some before and after pics up.

i'll be goin to the hydro store picking up some cloning stuff, any suggestions? and whats the smallest the babies should be, if i can get some clones from cleaning up the lower branches?