Rooftop SE Asia

Helll fkn yeah, new spacecase grinder also showed up yesterday. Been using the same titanium one for the last 10 years and man it has seen some fkn weed, and it shows. I was actually getting a forearm workout with the old grinder even with buds broken down. New one, like slicing through coconut oil

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So thats 10 transplanted so far. Another 6 popping up as I write this. Had 1 lanky seedling which got put in with some termuric & pea sprouts. If it makes it, cool, but if not no sweatt. Theres a storm off the Philippines now heading towards n. Viet and its dumping rain bands on us. Where the kids sit is covered sonall good. Oh yeah, boveda bricks showed up today.
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And for anyone who gives a shit, the seeds which were put down when the moon was waxxing definitely started faster. The seeds put down just after full moon are all up and out of soil, but took them longer to get there, and that is all strains that I have here. Indians had something right didnt they ;)
And for anyone who gives a shit, the seeds which were put down when the moon was waxxing definitely started faster. The seeds put down just after full moon are all up and out of soil, but took them longer to get there, and that is all strains that I have here. Indians had something right didnt they ;)
My best plant i transplanted to ground hole on waxxing last year she fucking went nuts
My best plant i transplanted to ground hole on waxxing last year she fucking went nuts

I will plant everything by it from now on. I used to just figure by month, but no more. And while I am waiting on fucking contract, time to get a patio roof back up, that shit wont work when I am at work; when I ask the wife if it rained today, she would say yeah a little......
Rain stopped but wind still blasting about. Looks like everything is ok so far, some wind stress for sure, but will see more as tomorrow rolls in. Got everything tarped until this wind stops gusting
Me and my 2 girls (3 & 6) will be busy in the morning planting loads of chilis and some more "salad" as my wife calls it (leafy greens). This morning started digging all the grow containers I had out, and it is quite the collection.
Oh yeah, boveda bricks showed up today.
Hey brah, looking good and it's cool to see the pics of your area. I really enjoy seeing different parts of the world.

Just FYI, I'd test out some of those Boveda packs with your buds before just throwing them in with everything. I'm in Hawaii and where I live the humidity stays pretty high all year and I assume your humidity is pretty high aaaand I'm not sure they work as good in places with higher humidity. They didn't work well for me. Everyone I read about using them was saying how great they were so I put some in with 2-3 units worth (I don't remember exactly) and it screwed my stuff up bad. Awhile after that I read of some other people having problems with them in higher humidity areas and they called Boveda and the rep just blew them off saying, "They work in every environment", maybe that's true in theory, but not in my reality and at least a couple other people that I read about online. I hope they work great for you though, just giving you a heads up; those guys cost me a good chunk of money on that round.