Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Staff member
i was just trying ot say you can go to the doctor for anything in canada and it would be free, not that i would actually go to one with a headache :roll:


Well-Known Member
We have free health care.
We call them er's or hospitals. Theyll send you a bill then you throw it in the trash..
Some people do actually pay them though, but you dont have too..

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
We have free health care.
We call them er's or hospitals. Theyll send you a bill then you throw it in the trash..
Some people do actually pay them though, but you dont have too..

I work ER

I've seen a doctor tell a patient that they owe him a brand new car. When they refused to set up a payment plan for the outstanding balance, he refused to treat them.

The ERs duty is to stabilize life threatening conditions, not provide you with motrin for your stubbed toe.


Staff member
sorry wasnt trying to start a debate, was just trying to random jib my stupidity in error of realizing that shit doesnt work the same way i have known it to work in the last 25 years of my life


Well-Known Member
I'm still getting $50 dollar ambulance tickets in the mail. for fucks sakes the only time I've gone is because cops forced me.

I gave up opening them


Well-Known Member
Im not sure yall recognized my sarcasm.
Obviously working in hospitals for most of sunni's life ive seen the transformation in our healthcare. Good luck btw

There are certain hospitals..st davids in my area for example that can and will turn you away. Seaton however cannot (public vs private). Many people, especially poor use hospitals as a primary doctor and dont care about their shitty credit..
All cannot refuse care in an emergency. In a non emergency public hospitals cannot turn you away
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