"Paid Actor" at the scene of 9/11 *FUCKED*


New Member
check out this video... this dude was "randomly" chosen to be interviewed by the press right after both the towers had collapsed. he sounds extremely calm for someone who just witnessed the most horrific act of "terrorism" ever to hit the U.S... he also seems pretty sure of himself... note the hand gestures too, a dead give away... you dont have to watch the whole movie (its almost 10 min i think) but the first scene will blow your mind
YouTube - 911 Clues EVERYONE MISSED
this video is showing how the story of what happened that day was being "sold" to the public immediately after it happened. Everyone was in shock and would believe anything with no questions asked

this video is good too... just shows how horrible of a liar bush is... note the accidental "comic relief"..

he starts of saying he was sitting outside.. so lets get this picture.. bush is sitting outside the "uh uh uh" classroom waiting to go in.
this is lie #1.. when we saw the "footage" bush was sitting in a chair IN the classroom with the students and teacher present

next he goes on to say he saw "an airplane hit the tower" and then we get some more "uh uh uh" and he corrects himself saying "the t.v. was obviously on" like obviously it was on, i obviously didnt witness it or know about it *pulls on collar as if it was getting tighter*
this is lie #2
what kind of elementary school has a tv on the news channel in the classroom or outside the classroom going by George w. Fuckup's story?
and did we not all see one of bush's chronies deliver the news? he didnt see it on any tv! unless this whole thing is a bullshit mascarade! AHEM

he then goes on to crack a really shitty and inapropriate joke probably so people would forget his bad liing and only remeber his stupid attempt at comic relief.. what a fucking joke, as if this guy is running the "free world"

here is another good video,,, i guess bush's prompter couldnt come up with something fast enough for that question... and neither could bush

blows your mind this mofo reigned 2 terms of terror


New Member
oh there is another good scene on the first video
YouTube - 911 Clues EVERYONE MISSED
its 6 minutes and 10 seconds in
this one is another live feed before the towers had even collapsed... somehow the news place had this guy at the station (while the nation was in a state of emergency) before the towers had even collapsed talking about osama bin laden and his regime and his wish for death to americans. wow that didnt take long to solve the crime, looks like they knew he was going to do something like that or something... or something... or something......


Well-Known Member
check out this video... this dude was "randomly" chosen to be interviewed by the press right after both the towers had collapsed. he sounds extremely calm for someone who just witnessed the most horrific act of "terrorism" ever to hit the U.S... he also seems pretty sure of himself... note the hand gestures too, a dead give away... you dont have to watch the whole movie (its almost 10 min i think) but the first scene will blow your mind
YouTube - 911 Clues EVERYONE MISSED
this video is showing how the story of what happened that day was being "sold" to the public immediately after it happened. Everyone was in shock and would believe anything with no questions asked

this video is good too... just shows how horrible of a liar bush is... note the accidental "comic relief"..

he starts of saying he was sitting outside.. so lets get this picture.. bush is sitting outside the "uh uh uh" classroom waiting to go in.
this is lie #1.. when we saw the "footage" bush was sitting in a chair IN the classroom with the students and teacher present

next he goes on to say he saw "an airplane hit the tower" and then we get some more "uh uh uh" and he corrects himself saying "the t.v. was obviously on" like obviously it was on, i obviously didnt witness it or know about it *pulls on collar as if it was getting tighter*
this is lie #2
what kind of elementary school has a tv on the news channel in the classroom or outside the classroom going by George w. Fuckup's story?
and did we not all see one of bush's chronies deliver the news? he didnt see it on any tv! unless this whole thing is a bullshit mascarade! AHEM

he then goes on to crack a really shitty and inapropriate joke probably so people would forget his bad liing and only remeber his stupid attempt at comic relief.. what a fucking joke, as if this guy is running the "free world"

here is another good video,,, i guess bush's prompter couldnt come up with something fast enough for that question... and neither could bush

blows your mind this mofo reigned 2 terms of terror
the first two videos are eh... not really showing anything.

the last one really pisses me off though. bush is such a damn liar and everyone knows it.


New Member
the first two videos are eh... not really showing anything.

the last one really pisses me off though. bush is such a damn liar and everyone knows it.
when you see it all together they show a lot... there were just too many people willing to make a bold statement about what happened while the whole country was in a state of emergency...

there are a bunch of other videos about how the second plane was not a passenger airline as we were all told, yet rather a cargo or a military plane.. i found two instances of live feed people stating that that it was not american airlines, and the plane had no windows on the side and a blue logo on the front.. you can also see an "extra" piece of equipment in slow motion on the second plane... the explosion from the second plane was also considerable larger than the first
there was also a fox reporter who witnessed the plane fly into it that said it was not a passenger plane.


Well-Known Member
Then have Cheney in charge? Thats the worst that can happen.

Anyways though, wasn't he reported to be drinking again?

Why dont u do it like switzerland.. ? All Kantons have like a parlement..... The greens, the leftis, the normals, and some others..

Thay are devided in to groups each group has 1 member from a kanton or 2...

this way not 1 person is in charge..... or atleast it doesnt seem like it..

hehehe i know that would be revolutionary & wont happen..

but would be the best ???


Well-Known Member
I don't think Bush is the one moving the chess pieces.. He is an actor like the others whom the puppet master controls. The real person behind everything would never show their face or even their trail because it would not benefit them or what they want to achieve. Then again I could just be delirious and the dumb Bush as people refer to him is the MasterMind behind it all. But if he is the mastermind and people think he is so stupid then what does that say about us letting him do as he wish?



Well-Known Member
hmm... how DID an airplane make such a small hole in the pentagon?

and the plane that crashed on the ground, where did all the pieces go? the plane just.... disintegrated into a hole in the ground?

and what about the WTC7 building? why was that dropped to the ground when it wasn't even damaged?

people who don't think this was a false-flag operation, explain this to me please. i'm kinda in a grey area about this. but evidence leads to a government operation.

oh, that reminds me. how the hell did the get those pictures of the terrorists who they said were flying the hijacked airliners? how do they know who it was? seems like bullshit to me.


Well-Known Member
And why were Muslims so devout they they would kill themselves in the name of Allah, getting drunk at a strip club in the days prior to 9/11?

Doesn't add up.


Active Member
Yeh, I've always had my suspicions, thought they were very quick to say it was Osama before the dust had settled on 9/11

The fact that they found these terrorists passports in near mint condition resting ontop of the rubble from both the worlds tallest towers (big pile), when bodies weren't even intact.

Bush has been caught out so many times.. How can the story change so much? Even the blatent lying saying he was outside the classroom watching it on tv? Such a small lie, why would he even bother!

There are so many flaws I see in the whole 9/11 thing, just haven't the energy to go through them all.. Hopefully some day this will all spill out truth..


Well-Known Member
You know, guys. The rest of the world has known for quite a while now what American citizens are too afraid to admit might be the truth. There are lots of little pock-marks on the face of this particular story.

Bush is either corrupt or stupid... quite possibly both. Which would you prefer your leader to be?

some one should shoot him....
Wouldn't work. The behind-the-scenes guys would just find another puppet.


Well-Known Member
the first two videos for me as well didnt say anything..really...i would say the only thing that stood out to me and was to seem somewhat suspicious would be that "schmuck" in the first video they interviewed on the street...it did seem sketch and well rehearsed...and bush is a corrupt evil man...i think we need to put him on trial


New Member
Nobody wants to start this revolution?....
yea i do, and here is my thread on it

I don't think Bush is the one moving the chess pieces.. He is an actor like the others whom the puppet master controls. The real person behind everything would never show their face or even their trail because it would not benefit them or what they want to achieve. Then again I could just be delirious and the dumb Bush as people refer to him is the MasterMind behind it all. But if he is the mastermind and people think he is so stupid then what does that say about us letting him do as he wish?

i agree 100%.. it was all a master plan... americans love dumb people and thats why he was chosen to be the president. Bush is no mastermind, he probably has his crazy ass dad wispering in his ear. bush was spoiled remember, daddy would do anything for him.. because IMO if there was some "evil mastermind" behind this he would have got rid of bush after the first term,, he fucks up wayy too much.

him and his dad were both into the oil trade as well.. seem suspicious?