Well-Known Member
You are really creepy
4 time sock puppet says what?
You are really creepy
Not so. I think that children cannot consent to sex and would under no circumstances give an adult access to my daughter but Rob is different. If I found out about a situation of child abuse, I would go to great lengths to make sure that a child abuser does not continue his abuse, regardless of my association with the child or the abuser. Rob Roy has gone on and on about how other people's children can consent to sex at almost any age. He says it would be none of his business if he found out. No matter how much questioning he's gotten on this, he has been adamant that children can consent to sex with adults. It's fair to ask if his daughter has done this.You are really creepy
He said they could "consent"/give permission, yet still doesn't think its right or advocate for it.Not so. I think that children cannot consent to sex and would under no circumstances give an adult access to my daughter but Rob is different. If I found out about a situation of child abuse, I would go to great lengths to make sure that a child abuser does not continue his abuse, regardless of my association with the child or the abuser. Rob Roy has gone on and on about how other people's children can consent to sex at almost any age. He says it would be none of his business if he found out. No matter how much questioning he's gotten on this, he has been adamant that children can consent to sex with adults. It's fair to ask if his daughter has done this.
You didn't answer. Nice try. Would you consider somebody over 21 and having sex with your 13 year old daughter acceptable if she agreed to it? What more information would you need before you could decide to intervene? This is a hypothetical question or was meant to be until you took it personal. There is no need to get all huffy about my probing into your family's personal affairs, I'm sorry if this actually happened. But just out of curiosity, did you stop the bastard or did you ask if you could watch? Please, no details.
What is a prohibitionist mindset? I don't have enough information to answer your question.
@Rob Roy
Why can't you answer my specific questions using your own words?
Chapter 7, for example, admits that there are people who are dishonest but then goes on to assume that people will protect their reputation. Because, yanno. They can't just move on and find another easy target.
Fucking BS. And then the drivel about 'professional arbitrators'? LOL. Because when you change their titles, they are nothing like judges today.
How come when I point out the obvious flaws in this, you move on and claim that I haven't refuted anything?
Try answering some of these before you declare victory:
If government using their own judges against you to win a case is the problem, why do you want all plaintiffs to choose their judges?
What do you do if somebody who has not consented to this form of government has wronged you? Use my Canadian example. If a Canadian shoots your horse, what can you do about it?
I think the idea is just take em out and dispose. They won't remember the pain after they are dead
He would just disappear if he got near my kid.
Why? Who said they were similar? How can a market be free if resources and infrastructure are privately owned? Capitalism can not exist with out gov't.
Yet you proclaim that a child can consent to sex with an adult and anyone who would try to stop such a union would be the true molester
You are a sick fucking dude
I know.Who said they were similar? Lots of people erroneously equate the two.
By what criteria is someone able to consent?You've presented a hypothetical setting. If I had a daughter that age, is she capable of consenting is the first thing that should be determined? We don't know that from your example, do we?
Generally speaking I stayed out of my sons personal lives once they became teenagers, never had a daughter though, but I wouldn't be comfortable with a young teen girl in a relationship with another person over 21. I'm not comfortable with age pairings with a large differential, but if both parties are capable of consenting, how would you propose any person intervene?
A prohibitionist mindset is one wherein a person externalizes their thoughts into prohibitions, laws, restrictions etc. on other people that are behaving in ways that don't directly concern the prohibitionist. Malum Prohibitum, etc.
If a person IS being molested, there's a very good chance they didn't consent to it. So, in that circumstance we seem to agree they should be left alone.
If a person IS capable of consenting to somethmoleing that you don't like, but doesn't involve you, your intervening then becomes the molestation, grasshopper. You are unable to refute that and all you have done is offer diversions.
You abuse the term "Protecting a person". You've implied it means, making them stop doing something they've willingly consented to....that's what Prohibitionists do.
Children cannot consent to having sex with an adult RobNo. I said a person, if they ARE capable, of consenting to something and another person forcibly stops them from exercising control over their OWN body the forcible person is the person molesting them.
You made up the rest to fit your narrative, because you like to talk about children and sex with your hand in your pants while viewing photos of skanky biker sluts from your sleezy motor cycle magazines while running around your house making vrooom vrooom sounds.
How old were you when you gained the wherewithal to knowingly control YOUR OWN body, is the question you run from. What is the magic age that you, a prohibitionist, became self aware and capable of making rational choices concerning yourself? Is that age the same for everyone?
I'm not sick and just did a shit load of one handed pushups, pretty good for an old duffer, eh?
By what criteria is someone able to consent?
You know exactly what I'm asking. No semantics.
The state says "18" based on metrics they've applied. If you disagree with that, please explain why you disagree and how someone younger than that could consent. What metrics do you apply to someone being able to consent younger than 18?
They have the wherewithal to understand the responsibility and consequences of their actions / inactions. Some people arrive at that point at different times in their life. Consent to be real, is not externally formed, it is an internal function of the person providing the consent.
To forcibly prohibit a peaceful person from exercising domain over their OWN body, is an act of initiated aggression. That is a common action when the state / coercive government becomes involved in anything isn't it?
Children cannot consent to having sex with an adult Rob
You are a sick mother fucker, and everyone else but Harrekin see's it that way
CHILDREN CANNOT CONSENT TO SEX WITH ADULTS ROBSo which age were you when you developed the wherewithal to determine the use of your own body?
When did the magical "it's okay to fuck fairy" fly into your bedroom and tell you, "Oh Cheesy boy, it's time to stop wanking into Donatello's face on your ninja turtle sheets and you should go out into the world and engage a consenting young lady"?
Were you 23? 17? 47? How old were you when you were granted the magic touch of the fairy and Donatellos' face became legible again?
CHILDREN CANNOT CONSENT TO SEX WITH AN ADULT ROBYes, we agree that people who cannot consent, cannot consent.
How old were you when you developed the wherewithal to consent, Prohibitionist?
Donatello was your favorite wasn't he? Leonardo? C'mon which one?