From your Nazi site.. . .Like our fore-fathers, we too are willing to SACRIFICE to build a better world for our children whom we love deeply, and like them as well - we are willing to DO ANYTHING NECESSARY to ACHIEVE THAT GOAL......sounds like Bush's reasoning on Iraq to me?
They do raise good questions and problems that our country faces but are way waaaaaaay out there.
Extreme left = Socialist
Extreme right = Fascist
Me = right in the middle
Commi website....... . .. . This election can set the stage to advance the interests of working people; of those excluded because of race, gender, sexual orientation and
immigration status.
Agree with all except the last
We also are working for a political system and government whose priority is to watch the backs of working families, not fill the pockets of the corporate fat cats
- A life free of exploitation, insecurity, poverty; an end to unemployment, hunger and homelessness.
- An end to racism, national oppression, anti-Semitism, all forms of discrimination, prejudice and bigotry. An end to the unequal status of women.
- Renewal and extension of democracy; an end to the rule of corporate America and private ownership of the wealth of our nation. Creation of a truly humane and rationally planned society that will stimulate the fullest flowering of the human personality, creativity and talent.
Why are these bad things to want?