Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Don't bitch it's my birthday present from God he promised me rain for the Mojave! don't harsh his buzz.
no bitchin here. I fn looove thunderstorms. I just hate when lightning strikes right above my head and blinds me so i cant see the door when i try to run inside
Damn, I love a good Thunderstorm.
I've only seen lightning/heard thunder twice in the last 15 years here.

its was a gooood one. One of the best this year so far
no bitchin here. I fn looove thunderstorms. I just hate when lightning strikes right above my head and blinds me so i cant see the door when i try to run inside
its was a gooood one. One of the best this year so far

Oh gawd that's funny! One of my cousins, a HUGE guy, played for the Rams for a season, anyway he was 6'7" and about 260ish and we were out BBQ'ing and a thunderstorm blew up and this HUGE guy squeeled like a girl and RAN for the house, thanks that was a great laugh envisioning you dashin' did you spill your beer? He did not! LOL

Any of you guys following me? Does anyone even use that shit? I just go watched forums.
Yes I am ;) Apparently Xenforo stalker = VBulletin friend LOL

And...... GWN c'mon I'd trade you lighting/thunder for living inside a snow globe any day.

(edited because ENGLISH!)
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Oh gawd that's funny! One of my cousins, a HUGE guy, played for the Rams for a season, anyway he was 6'7" and about 260ish and we were out BBQ'ing and a thunderstorm blew up and this HUGE guy squeeled like a girl and RAN for the house, thanks that was a great laugh envisioning you dashin' did you spill your beer? He did not! LOL

Yes I am ;) Apparently Xenforo stalker = VBulletin friend LOL

And...... GWN c'mon I'd trade you lighting/thunder for living inside a snow globe any day.

(edited because ENGLISH!)
You should visit my grow thread. Having a crisis sorta. This summer was not good to me. I forgot to pre wet promix and it expanded and choked my roots. Just figuring it out now.
Oh gawd that's funny! One of my cousins, a HUGE guy, played for the Rams for a season, anyway he was 6'7" and about 260ish and we were out BBQ'ing and a thunderstorm blew up and this HUGE guy squeeled like a girl and RAN for the house, thanks that was a great laugh envisioning you dashin' did you spill your beer? He did not! LOL
lol nah i didnt have a beer, if i did, yes i wouldve spilled it. I wouldnt squeel tho, i just sprint to safety
So I recently made a peace offering with an Ex of mine just to be friends. (I don't like not being a good terms with people)

She's been alright recently. But I have been trying not to talk to her too much. (I won't initiate the conversations she always hits me up.)

She often texts me at night I assume when her BF is not around.

Then when I text her back in the morning she is standoffish and rude. I assume cause her BF is around.
For whatever poignant reason you feel it necessary to be rude to me and I can only assume why when you texted me last night. I thought we could be friends but obviously you are incapable of handling that at least during the day. I feel bad for you.

That was my response to her being a cunt.
Good. Cus winter time I always get down on my self. I need some cheerleaders to keep me up.


Always ask, does tricare cover this? 75% of the time, they will know the answer. 25% of the time, Idunno and shrugs.
ya i get that now, gotta understand im very ignorant to american health insurance and how it works
for the last 25 years i went to a hospital or a doctor i just showed a health card that was it
ive never had to ask about what is covered and what isnt, so i assumed that my tricare covered just about anything routine which it doesnt.
i was ignorant, but really not my fault...because im new to this whole system
ya i get that now, gotta understand im very ignorant to american health insurance and how it works
for the last 25 years i went to a hospital or a doctor i just showed a health card that was it
ive never had to ask about what is covered and what isnt, so i assumed that my tricare covered just about anything routine which it doesnt.
i was ignorant, but really not my fault...because im new to this whole system

You were better off in Canada. Our healthcare system is a joke. It's all about profit over people. Socialized medicine is so much better.