BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

Damn, I am so sorry! Is the swelling going down?

I was amazed at how well the Tylenol (acetaminophen) and Advil (ibuprofen) mix (3 and 2) completely killed my mouth pain. When the Dr recommended it I thought he was crazy. The Codeine just got me stoned and I didn't care about how much it hurt.

It is the extra strength stuff:

I'm cycling all three, I've got some codeine phosphates on top but nothings really doing much. I'm pretty sure its infected. The swelling hasn't gone down at all.
With livers I'm disappointed if I get less than 70 off 1800. I don't know what the gpw is though. I've never worked it out. I'll try now though. Sometimes I just run 1200 and I get roughly 50. + or - two or three.

1.089 I think
I'm cycling all three, I've got some codeine phosphates on top but nothings really doing much. I'm pretty sure its infected. The swelling hasn't gone down at all.
It takes ages mate, and with there being bits still in there it will be even longer (talking from experience with the wisdom) I was fukked for weeks.....sorry.
With livers I'm disappointed if I get less than 70 off 1800. I don't know what the gpw is though. I've never worked it out. I'll try now though. Sometimes I just run 1200 and I get roughly 50. + or - two or three.

1.089 I think
very respectable lad.
Try drinking and swishing with soda water. The high pH kills bacteria.
been warm salty water I've been using. I think Gin would be an improvement.
It takes ages mate, and with there being bits still in there it will be even longer (talking from experience with the wisdom) I was fukked for weeks.....sorry.
It's rest of my face being numb I'm concerned about. The hole has dry socket and is infected, they told me this morning. anti biotics. I was sposed to be doing a trade show today. ne chance. am up the wall with it man.
hmmm no chance of me doing that tbh. I'm not really in a rush, i was trying to work out my timings for a xmas crop. I want a good one in before with a resonable veg time and quickie one to come just before or on XMas. Everyone shoots for just before to pay for xmas and it's always rushed BS.

been looking at aquaponics, it looks so much fun. closed loop so no maintenance self cleaning tank producing food. the price of the kit is so stupid it's embarrasing. it's basically just hydro yet their purpose build 'family' kit is £600, they should wear masks the pirates...

I'd like to tinker about and make one but it seems most only grow salad in them. I doubt fish would like a 600 HPS blaring at them or 25-30C as a home so I think weed is out haha

I built one for $100. 30 gallon trashcan, 20 gallon tote (for sump pump), 390gpm pump, 21 gallon mortar mixed tub, a couple valves, dripline and some pvc. I have 19 Tilapia in this system. They're pretty small for now. Planning on a 275 gallon IBC in the next week or so. I have tomatoes, okra, several hot peppers, basil all growing very well. It's not just for lettuce. The tomato plants are twice as thick as the soil grown tomatoes that are about 3 weeks older. Also, several times more flowers. The system is still fairly new so we'll see how things go during fruiting. Things get better as the system matures.

As for the fish comment you made, the tank can be located in a more suitable spot. Tilapia can handle extremely hot temps so I have mine in full sun in Maui. This and the fact I could catch them in the local pond on a burrito shell made Tilapia my choice of fish.

When I first started researching aquaponics, I became completely fascinated by the concept. Seemed confusing at first and I probably stressed more than I needed to. But everything is going so well that I will be expanding the system.

My understanding is that AP can grow 6x the amount as the same footprint in soil. I use about one gallon of water per day with about 25 plants, 1/2 cup a week of Maxicrop with iron, pH adjusters (cheap pool chems) and fish food. Once the system is up, it pays for itself. Very little maintenance involved.

I'm growing Sour D because it can handle the higher temps. You mentioned your higher house temps so I thought I'd toss that out at ya. Haven't tried in AP though. That's what brought me to this thread.

Anyways, I linked a photo of my experimental setup. It can be done inexpensively.


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Have to say hats off @Frosteze that is pretty awesome. aren't tilapia going to get real big real fast though?

The whole concept is fascinating to me too, so are you growing Sour D in the AP system or about to, judging by the pic? post away with your results man, I'm eager to see. It would be amazing to have a setup like that outdoors here but I think we'd need Pike in the tank for our weather and then it'd end up non cost effective feeding the pike with goldfish etc haha

Thanks for sharing man.
third day off work, stomach cramps from the codeine, face throbbing and to boot I think a shard of tooth is working through the gum line. I feel like a teething child ffs. no wonder they cry the house down when teething lol. I'm down to my last nug of weed though so I think I may have to venture out in the pishing rain.
Have to say hats off @Frosteze that is pretty awesome. aren't tilapia going to get real big real fast though?

The whole concept is fascinating to me too, so are you growing Sour D in the AP system or about to, judging by the pic? post away with your results man, I'm eager to see. It would be amazing to have a setup like that outdoors here but I think we'd need Pike in the tank for our weather and then it'd end up non cost effective feeding the pike with goldfish etc haha

Thanks for sharing man.
They do grow fast. Upgrading tank next week. System is about a month and a half old. Started out with some veggies. Then I'll give the D a shot. Gotta figure out how to transition clones though. I have to veg indoors and I don't want to transfer a plant grown in soil into the system. Invites all kinds of problems. Then I have to harden off the plants before putting in full sun. So I'm guessing maybe a small DWC that can be moved easily outside. Then once the plants are adapted, transfer into AP. Lotta extra work but it might be worth it.

Here's a photo of the veggies that are less than a month old from seed. Tomatoes already have flowers and the okra is getting ready to flower. This is growth even with the system not being cycled (beneficial bateria). I could only imagine the results with the system in full swing. They say a system isn't really mature until at least a year. There are peppers, chives, garlic and basil in there as well.

Camera doesn't show the color of tomatoes very good. But they are very, very deep green.

Trout do really well in cold climates and so do goldfish. Purina makes a really good feed for fish and it's inexpensive. Aquatic plants can also be grown for fish food.


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I honestly believe aquaponics could be the solution to the food crisis. it's cheap up-scale able and everyone can do it.

You're bang with a mini DWC would be the way I'd go. I've done plenty over the years. Ramen noodle tub or Pot noodle to us UK folks haha. tiny airstone and a baby pump. I've kept mothers like that for months.
did some pinching and bending this morning, & got a separate male area set up which will eventually become the vegging area maybe. depending on whether my lass goes mad about it being in her office room lol...
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just waiting on a water pump coming for the cloner. that might have to live in the garage or under the stairs lol I'll have weed in every nook and cranny before long. fuckin loves it I do!
hahaha if only pal. kinda glad I'm down to 4 ladies and 4 mystery apolloxc99's it was deffo going to be cramped.

tho I've just remembered the cfl in the male area is blur spec. Might need to get a red spec 125 bulb next.