Boy administration sure cleaned house.

So what is banning material around here anyone no or is it at the choice of a mod. is there away to be banned with just a few words
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So what is banning material around her anyone no or is it at the choice of a mod is there ban material no questions asked or is it after enough fuck ups ur
Idk I'm actually on "discouraged user" mode right now. You know what that's like... Slooooooooow as fuck. And allz I did was say I don't approve of the bad things I've heard about advanced nutes and children

Well, that and something about slobbing nobs and not being able to hear over their own slobbing noises. Now that I think about it, my post was worthy of a warning....
Idk I'm actually on "discouraged user" mode right now. You know what that's like... Slooooooooow as fuck. And allz I did was say I don't approve of the bad things I've heard about advanced nutes and children

Well, that and something about slobbing nobs and not being able to hear over their own slobbing noises. Now that I think about it, my post was worthy of a warning....
I said F u to the mods favorite uncle buck and was put on retard mode.. for the lingest no mode would tell me what I did they all avoided me rollitup/potroast kept saying ask admin but he never responded. So kinda sad they don't say this is what u did don't do it instead they retard you and never say anything
welcome to turtle speed

Are you sure it wasn't the pic of that girl eating a big ol pile of poo that got you in trouble?
I spent a month on turtle, then got put back on after about a week, even on turtle mode, i'm still swinging, can't keep a good troll down!!
welcome to turtle speed

Are you sure it wasn't the pic of that girl eating a big ol pile of poo that got you in trouble?
I spent a month on turtle, then got put back on after about a week, even on turtle mode, i'm still swinging, can't keep a good troll down!!
Yea I'm sure, the warning includes the offensive post.
All the inappropriate post are gone. I have been warned.... Darn it, this is most troubling. I am oh so flustered. I must.... Not..... Cuss ..... Kinda feel like I got a note sent home back in school. I'm in trouble.

Wow! Being close to being banned would really hurt my day too. Ouch!