So I'm fairly new into growing (smoked for a few years, I'm still young and inexperienced). SO i'm currently in the middle of my first plant!!!! Except I didn't know anything and I learned the hard way. So my plants doing ok, she has a few problems and I know how to fix them (yeah its a female, got the sex showing
so happy). But she's just an ordinary mexican bag weed type of plant. I want to get into the better strains/medical type. But the problem is the prices and such of trying to get these seeds, I've looked around and they cost anywhere from 7-100 a freaking seed. Obviously there will not be any places that offer free seeds to you, but is there a way for me to get some good strain seeds or medical strains alot cheaper and or off some growers who have/are producing seeds? If so where would I look to find these cheaper areas/people?
(Before any of the mean people start commenting, Yes I've looked into the 101 FAQ's and that I've also been around the net looking still haven't found anything other than a few seed banks that still have the super expensive prices.)
ALSO to prove im a newbie, ill post a pic later tomorrow of the plant I currently have, It may make some of you cry just a heads up XD

(Before any of the mean people start commenting, Yes I've looked into the 101 FAQ's and that I've also been around the net looking still haven't found anything other than a few seed banks that still have the super expensive prices.)
ALSO to prove im a newbie, ill post a pic later tomorrow of the plant I currently have, It may make some of you cry just a heads up XD