Sick plant or shit genetics ??

It's a pH drop in the medium due to being to wet. I've seen it a hundred times. The leaf deformation is from dying root issues. The twist in the leaves = pH problems.
lol hookah his soil is ph buffering dude how is his ph dropping .... that doesnt make sense
The pH drops when the meduim stays wet. Then it rises again as the meduim drys out.
It makes all the sense.
Overwatering is the number one cause of deficiency for new growers.
The pH drops when the meduim stays wet. Then it rises again as the meduim drys out.
It makes all the sense.
Overwatering is the number one cause of deficiency for new growers.
Again, my pots are weighed before watering to make sure they are not over watered. But I will leave them a mother day after I feel they need watering.
i do ... they wont mind ... dont leave it dry for days but let it get bone dry before feeding to see if thats the case it wont hurt them...also ... i dont know where u can get copper from but thats what i would look for.... that way if its either case u took care of it....
Yes he's rite that soil will buffer itself no need to be adjusting ph in that soil Ph swing isn't a bad thing IMO when it comes to good soil as it buffers anyways Good luck. I'd go with just water a few times then start feeding very light when u feed again
Its none of the above in my opinion except for what you said earlier. Shit genetics,. Sorry but that's what Im going with. One of the leaves in the first picture Is twisted yes, but did anyone happen to notice that the leaf vein has grown more to one side rather than straight down the middle where it belongs and the pointed tips of the leaf margins are pointing up? This is a deformity as well as some of the other leaves pictured. Seed breeders are not perfect and they fuck up all the time but they dont have to worry because we have been blaming OURSELVES for crappy genetics the whole time.
Ph wouldn't affect 3 out of 5 plants 2 he said looked beautiful. Everything is affected the same or not at all especially when all 5 plants are the same strain from the same breeder.