You sure like to talk about these kinds of scenarios. I wish it were more reassuring when you say you have no fantasies, but I'm afraid the repeated scenarios you suggest are very troubling to me. I'd rather talk about consent in a more generic way than entertain your fantastic and illicit stories. You're scaring me a little bit.
I recognize one issue you have is you haven't answered when you believe you reached an age where you could provide consent. So, how old were you, when you became self aware enough to control your own body?
At which age did you develop the wherewithal to knowingly consent to things that affect you?
It seems that you are getting into the scenario thing yourself. But really, you are just being a jerk about this. Are you afraid to answer a direct question with a direct answer?
You've already discussed the generic idea of consent and I believe that you are wholly wrong about your philosophy regarding this and just about everything else. I think you are wrong about consent so I've picked one specific scenario and just one to clarify my objection. It is very simple. You say that some 13 year old children may be able to consent to sex with an adult. I think you are completely wrong but am willing to discuss it. I'm asking how would you discern the difference between a child -- a 13 year old child -- that can consent and one that cannot? To prevent you from going off into some harebrained discussion, I refined the question to apply to you personally and asked -- hypothetically -- what if it were your daughter that were having sex with a 21 year old male. How would you decide if she were able to consent. Does this question scare you? I think not.
I've answered your questions directly before and you've never directly answered one of mine, nor of anybody else as far as I can tell. If you ever answer this question, then I'll honor your question regarding when or how the age of consent is derived -- its a good one. If you don't answer my question then I'll just keep asking.