bringing plants inside for a few days or chop

Lara vanhousen

Well-Known Member
Due to circumstances im going to have to bring my plants inside the house for about 4 hours a day for a few days because of work going on. Possibly more than 4 hours. Some are close to finishing but some of the sativas have alot of time to go. Cant run a real light because of heat and fans. Not sure if it would be worth running a few florescents so theyre not just sitting in the dark. Or if i should just chop them now.

Solar Flowered

Active Member
Due to circumstances im going to have to bring my plants inside the house for about 4 hours a day for a few days because of work going on. Possibly more than 4 hours. Some are close to finishing but some of the sativas have alot of time to go. Cant run a real light because of heat and fans. Not sure if it would be worth running a few florescents so theyre not just sitting in the dark. Or if i should just chop them now.
I think you could run T5 florescents no problem for supplemental lighting for a part of each day in my opinion.. I made a video about using fluorescent lighting for outdoor plants.. the section starts about 7:15 in the video. I hope this helps and good luck!



Well-Known Member
Tuff call, if you do bring them in, put as much light on them as possible...any pics? what time of day would you need to bring them in and for how many days?

Lara vanhousen

Well-Known Member
dont have t5s just random floros and hids laying around trying to avoid the hid at all cost because of heat build up without fans. I wonder what the minimum is to keep the plants "awake". Most likely from 10:30-2:30 potentially longer but most likely never before 10. No pics theyre medium sized plants just skinny enough to be able to lift branches together and slid through a door. Also worried about the smell. Thinking just opening the window and maybe stuffing a shirt under the door.... dont want to have to run a filter and fans


Well-Known Member
Stuffing a shirt under the door won't do anything to stop the smell...that shit will stink up an entire house...breaks my heart to say this, but it may be time to cut your close and yet so far...I feel for ya.
You sound young, mind if I ask how old you are...still living at home?

Solar Flowered

Active Member
I assume you have T40 flouros.. which can also work just fine. However, the smell can become a big issue. I run an 8 inch carbon filter when the plants would be inside. Another big thing is dehumidification and heat/cold spikes. Unless the environment is dialed in.. the chances of PM and budrot are almost certain. In my opinion.. 90% of work that goes into a flower depp operation is stuff gathered while the plants were still vegging out..

Lara vanhousen

Well-Known Member
got them in the house. Broke a bunch of branches on the way in. House smells like weed. bummed because theyre so close and i had to beat the shit out of them getting them through the hallway. Hopefully theyll go back out and ill get some decently ripe buds..... guess its time to focus on the winter greenhouse and forget this shitty summer