How Bernie Sanders would transform the nation


"The expiring provisions of the act came up for re-authorization in late 2009. Despite months of congressional debate and a delayed vote, President Obama ended up signing a re-authorization that included no changes in early 2010."

The only thing he changed was to give "more oversight".

i see what you are trying to do.

this is why they make you swear to tell not only the truth, but the whole truth. you left out the part where he let all but three provisions expire a year later, you midget racist.
Since you're not backing anything you say up with citations, we have the legitimate right to call you out on your bullshit. ALL OF IT.
They have changed the formula for computing the numbers every other week,are you for real?They could not even operate a website.
All our info stolen, who is in charge!

Funny how Obama changes America for the worse and now it is the whole system,
That is broken.He has been pulling the strings for how long skippy.
Are you fucking stupid or just ignorant?

Sure, no freedom in the rest of the world...

A few guns and a bit of pot...MURICAN FREEDOMZ!

Have you read anything about the Patriot Act?


Domestic use of drones for spying?

America has less freedoms than Germans had in 1940.
No. I started using the word FASCISM to accurately describe what conservatives have done to our country. It came from ME, no one else. And it fits the facts.

Fox watching right wingers love to toss around words like 'socialist' and communist' when speaking of the Honorable opposition, and it's obviously done without any regard to the truth. Not that the average Faux Spews sycophant has any clue what those terms mean, either! So, it's my turn to hang nasty labels around the necks of right wing destroyers of our civil freedoms.

Yes, I've spent years outside the States. I have several family members who work in the State Department. Have you ever been out of the country for more than a 'Mexican hamburger'?

Campus BS; the world's highest rate of incarceration, rampant institutionalized racism and classism, wildly different treatment by the law if you're poor or of color, corporations committing high crimes against millions with impunity, legislation stomping all over our Constitutional Rights. Shall I continue? Militarized police MURDERING SO MANY PEOPLE THEY DON'T WANT TO KEEP TRACK OF HOW MANY?!
Worse off then Jews in Germany in the 40's etc ok skippy.
You compared the U.S to Germany, who gassed how many Jews?
I compared the increasingly totalitarian powers and treatment of innocent civilians between Nazi Germany and America under the Patriot Act.

You seem pretty dumb.

Might not be gassing Jews but you're bombing enough brown people in the Middle East...
She will be indicted, so she won't get the nomination.

Your advice to get a job is spot on, though. Free shit ain't coming.

If you ever read the news, you'd find out that Joe McCarthy, err I mean, Kevin McCarthy flat out admitted that the Republicans started the Benghazi committee to discredit her, and also that the DoJ cleared her. So what is she going to be indicted over?

Where's a trombone guy to play "Waaa waaa waaaaaaa?"
If you ever read the news, you'd find out that Joe McCarthy, err I mean, Kevin McCarthy flat out admitted that the Republicans started the Benghazi committee to discredit her, and also that the DoJ cleared her. So what is she going to be indicted over?

Where's a trombone guy to play "Waaa waaa waaaaaaa?"

Who mentioned benghazi. I am talking about her massive illegal dump of emails. She might want to seek asylum in Moscow. She would fit right in.
Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) on Wednesday pushed a privileged resolution calling for the disbanding of the special panel investigating the Benghazi attacks.

The measure was tabled on a party line vote, 240 to 183.

The resolution included a host of grievances Democrats have against the Benghazi panel, and specifically called out Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for his recent comments that the committee hurt Hillary Clinton's poll numbers.

The resolution read in part

  • Whereas a widely-quoted statement made on September 29th, 2015 by Representative Kevin McCarthy, the Republican Leader of the House of Representatives, has called into question the integrity of the proceedings of the Select Committee and the House of Representatives as a whole;
  • Whereas this statement by Representative McCarthy demonstrates that the Select Committee established by Republican leaders in the House of Representatives was created to influence public opinion of a presidential candidate;
The resolution is a procedural tactic that forced House Republicans to take a public vote on the floor to keep the Benghazi Committee operational.

Hmm... Maybe we should start some select committees on these Republicans.
FBI is investigating, it is serious and against the law what she's done. It is well known that she lied about the emails, scrubbed the server, did have classfied emails and then tried to apologize without really apologizing recently after the heat was ramped up on her. What was that spin she spewed? "I'm sorry you are frustrated by this" or something to that effect. NO accountability, always blaming the Republicans making up some shit about some witch hunt to get her.

She "got" herself into this mess, shit in her mess can just like their Clinton "charitable" foundation with financial ties to rogue nations.

For Hillary it's death by a thousand cuts.......
Who mentioned benghazi. I am talking about her massive illegal dump of emails. She might want to seek asylum in Moscow. She would fit right in.

"The FBI is primarily concerned with trying to determine how Top Secret information made its way on to the private server."

That's it.
"The FBI is primarily concerned with trying to determine how Top Secret information made its way on to the private server."

That's it.

How in the hell do you think they got there dumbnuts, by magic?

As an aside, if it wasn't for the Benghazi investigation her email scandal and lies would never have been disclosed.

Justice....come soon mon. ;)
It just keeps getting better and better.....this just in: :mrgreen:

The FBI has seized four State Department computer servers as part of its probe into how classified information was compromised on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email system, according to people familiar with the investigation.

The four servers, which were located at the State Department’s headquarters building, were seized by the FBI several weeks ago. They are being checked by technical forensic analysts charged with determining how Top Secret material was sent to Clinton’s private email by State Department aides during her tenure as secretary from 2009 to 2013, said two people familiar with the probe. The people spoke on condition of anonymity because it is an ongoing investigation.


Clinton has offered varying explanations for her use of a private email server, initially claiming she had done nothing wrong. Then, under pressure from critics, she said she was sorry people were confused by the practice, later admitting in early September that her use of a private email system had been a mistake.

In a sign of increasing worries about the probe at the Clinton campaign, the New York Post reported that an unidentified legal aide to Clinton has advised her to hire a criminal defense lawyer.

The number of communications regarded as classified is about 400, according to the latest State Department release of emails. Three of the new emails released last month were marked secret, including emails relating to Iranian nuclear talks.

How in the hell do you think they got there dumbnuts, by magic?

As an aside, if it wasn't for the Benghazi investigation her email scandal and lies would never have been disclosed.

Justice....come soon mon. ;)

McCarthyism at its finest.

Next why don't we investigate all the Republicans? Kick backs, campaign finances, Republican sexual misconduct... Or what about Cheney for war crimes and the no bid contracts? Or, how about how Wikileaks started to get all the classified info from 2006 beginning under the Bush administration? Is there any accountability for torture (or should we use the more 'PC term' enhanced interrogation)?
McCarthyism at its finest.

Next why don't we investigate all the Republicans? Kick backs, campaign finances, Republican sexual misconduct... Or what about Cheney for war crimes and the no bid contracts? Or, how about how Wikileaks started to get all the classified info from 2006 beginning under the Bush administration? Is there any accountability for torture (or should we use the more 'PC term' enhanced interrogation)?
Torturing people, bombing hospitals, internment camps on foreign soil, arming Jihadis...

Good rep there.