The NEW Gage Green info thread

I was never in charge or ever claimed to be, I simply used to work with GGG as UK rep and help out with forum liaison but due to recent shifts in my personal life I can no longer afford the time needed to do what I was doing there. As of last year (Sept 2014) I am no longer affiliated with Gage or any seed bank and my life has been stress free and much better for it!!. All things regarding GGG should be taken up with them as I am no longer working as part of the crew there. Thanx :)

I don't post much anymore but am around where my account hasn't been deleted. :p Still growing and making personal hobby X's, but have moved on to fresher pastures now. Take care guys
What happened to all the gage green groupies? Hope all is well.
my question is bob, how'd the fuck you know about my secondary hobby???????

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damn!!!! You better not have posted that the Feds will be knocking on your door any minute... Pieces of shit! Keep up the Good Work brother! I've got to start piling... I've only got a Thompson .50 caliber Muzzleloader right now... SHIT! I shouldn't have said that!!!
I go 10% to 15% unless it's a sativa then I go 20% to25%....straight sativas make me a lil panicky I guess you could say lol
me dont likey sativas... I ra ak47 for years and it hit so hard between the eyes, sharp and to the point like the cows at slaughterhouse. It hurt! all head buzz. Other sativas are too anxiety feeling for me. I wanna get fudged up...
50 50 clear and milky on ghost train haze was like smoking meth! intense!
Hahaha really!?!? I LOVE THAT! Good Sativa is the only thing I love!!! Don't get me wrong a good strong Indica is Great for pain or sleep BUT I don't want to be groggy and tired during the day! Haha I got some stuff and As soon as I took two rips my heart was Racing I was Yep this is the good shit so I saved it All for myself!!!

I Want to smoke something that is as intense as meth, not that I've tried meth. Haha.

Back to topic though...

What is your favorite GGG strain?! I was going to get Daybreaker probably...
See i'm in vermont and that collection started with my father.........the feds can't do a fucken thing to my family, we served this country honorbly, and refuse to give up our rights we fought for!
Oh you're damn right I don't care Who you are if you are a Citizen of these GOD Blessed united States of America then you should NOT EVER Waive your rights! These are the Stronghold Against Tyranny and because our Brilliant Servants of JESUS CHRIST Founding Fathers blessed us With the Bill of Rights we have been Protected against the Impending Police State for the past 100+ years!

KEEP AND BEAR ARMS! It is your Duty as a Citizen of these States!

And thank you All for your service.!

Society of Cincinnatus!!!