How Bernie Sanders would transform the nation

McCarthyism at its finest.

Next why don't we investigate all the Republicans? Kick backs, campaign finances, Republican sexual misconduct... Or what about Cheney for war crimes and the no bid contracts? Or, how about how Wikileaks started to get all the classified info from 2006 beginning under the Bush administration? Is there any accountability for torture (or should we use the more 'PC term' enhanced interrogation)?

First, let's put Hillary behind bars. Then we can start on your pogrom.
For what?
And a "pogrom" it's another word for genocide

What's you're mind?

Same thing that sent Patraeus before the court. Same thing that sent Snowden to Russia.

The secretary of state sent all of her email to a private server, and then claims that nothing in her email was classified. She deleted (at least she thought they were deleted) 30,000 emails because they were "personal". Think about that, nothing the secretary of state discussed via email was classified.

Hillary is too slimy to work for the mafia, and many Democrats want her to be president.
Same thing that sent Patraeus before the court. Same thing that sent Snowden to Russia.

The secretary of state sent all of her email to a private server, and then claims that nothing in her email was classified. She deleted (at least she thought they were deleted) 30,000 emails because they were "personal". Think about that, nothing the secretary of state discussed via email was classified.

Hillary is too slimy to work for the mafia, and many Democrats want her to be president.
Hillary sent classified info to her lover or absconded to another country with terabytes of top secret info she then released?
Even if 11 independent investigations cleared her, you would still think she's guilty, just like you do with "Climategate", remember that one?

Even if she is innocent of mishandling classified information, she is not innocent but for argument's sake assume she is, she is still a horrible human being. Why anybody would consider voting for her is beyond me. Don't the Democrats have anybody that doesn't poop in a depends diaper?

But she is not innocent. She broke the law. She is a felon.

I wonder if Obama will pardon her?
Even if she is innocent of mishandling classified information, she is not innocent but for argument's sake assume she is, she is still a horrible human being. Why anybody would consider voting for her is beyond me. Don't the Democrats have anybody that doesn't poop in a depends diaper?

But she is not innocent. She broke the law. She is a felon.

I wonder if Obama will pardon her?
I hate her for a reasons. Why don't you come up with some legitimate ones?

I forgot. You are just a stupid ass.
Even if she is innocent of mishandling classified information, she is not innocent but for argument's sake assume she is, she is still a horrible human being. Why anybody would consider voting for her is beyond me. Don't the Democrats have anybody that doesn't poop in a depends diaper?

But she is not innocent. She broke the law. She is a felon.

I wonder if Obama will pardon her?
People will vote for her because the other options are worse

I just read a poll recently that said 85% of republicans would vote for George W. Bush as president again if they could, so that leads me to believe the kinds of republicans who voted in this poll are incapable of objective reasoning. We saw the same thing last presidential election cycle here on RIU, conservatives straight up denied the polling data before the results were in. Same thing with climate change, same thing with racism, same thing with sexism and income inequality... you guys simply don't believe these things exist because of the media you consume and political ideology. Then when the objective hand of reason comes in and proves you wrong a la Kim Davis, the Pope siding with climate change and against crony capitalism and income and wealth inequality, the expected new speaker of the house accidentally outing the republican party for politicizing the investigation into Benghazi, et al, you denounce judges on the Supreme Court as "activist" and say shit like "the Pope shouldn't talk about science" - even though he's perfectly qualified holding a degree in chemistry.

Sound familiar? You cherry pick what you want to accept and deny and discard what you don't like. None of it is objective, and that's why the republicans will lose another chance at the white house in 2016.
Paddy, do you remember what the Benghazi scandal is all about?

It's about Hillary and Obama politicizing the incident and claiming that it was not a terrorist attack. They knew within hours that it was indeed a terrorist attack, yet they had Susan Rice making the rounds on the talk shows claiming it was all caused by that idiotic video.

The top Dem dogs lied about the facts and politicized that incident because Obama was claiming that terrorism was licked and he was a hero. They were afraid it would hurt his reelection chances to have an actual terrorist attack on the eve of the 2012 election. The whole Benghazi incident has been politicized from day one. Evidently, dirty politics is only a problem when Hillary's tit is in a wringer over it and on the receiving end of the skewer.

You want some world class, shameless lying for political reasons? I give you this:

Hilldawg's email problem is a criminal problem.
Paddy, do you remember what the Benghazi scandal is all about?

It's about Hillary and Obama politicizing the incident and claiming that it was not a terrorist attack. They knew within hours that it was indeed a terrorist attack, yet they had Susan Rice making the rounds on the talk shows claiming it was all caused by that idiotic video.

The top Dem dogs lied about the facts and politicized that incident because Obama was claiming that terrorism was licked and he was a hero. They were afraid it would hurt his reelection chances to have an actual terrorist attack on the eve of the 2012 election. The whole Benghazi incident has been politicized from day one. Evidently, dirty politics is only a problem when Hillary's tit is in a wringer over it and on the receiving end of the skewer.

You want some world class, shameless lying for political reasons? I give you this:

Hilldawg's email problem is a criminal problem.
Goddamn. You get dumber each passing second
Poor Hillary. A vast right-wing conspiracy is persecuting her. She was forced to commit a felony with her "private" email server in the conduct of her "public" service.