Dr. Carson kicking CAIR's ass...... oh my!

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I like this mild mannered man, a lot. He DOES kick ass as needed and tosses the libtard political correctness into the gutter where it belongs.

Quoting him here:

Ben Carson: Muslims Target Me, I Am Fighting Back
Dear Reader,

Over the past week, I've come under attack from the media, the Left and even some of my Republican peers for saying that many parts of Shariah law are incompatible with the U.S. Constitution, and that I couldn't advocate a Muslim candidate for president unless these tenets were fully renounced.

But did you know that one U.S. Islamic group brazenly violated the law by attacking me?

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) held a public press conference demanding that I withdraw from the presidential race. They said I was "unfit to lead."

Here's the catch — CAIR is a tax-exempt nonprofit, and IRS rules explicitly prohibit such groups from intervening in political campaigns on behalf of — or in opposition to — a candidate.

I am demanding that the IRS immediately revoke CAIR's tax-exempt status for violating IRS rules.

This is not the first time that CAIR has disrespected U.S. laws or America.

It previously lost its tax-exempt status by failing to file federal taxes three years in a row. It's also been named by federal prosecutors as an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal conspiracy to funnel money to Hamas, a terrorist organization.

Under the Obama Administration, the IRS has systematically targeted conservative nonprofit groups for politically motivated audits and harassment.

The agency should now do its job properly and punish the real violators of American laws and regulations.

I ask that you stand with me and the hundreds of thousands of grassroots donors who support my campaign. We won't be intimidated by the media or groups like CAIR.

Thank you for taking a stand.



Ben Carson

Oh.....the irony of CAIR, libs, and the Obama cronies. Bunch of crooks. :?

You go Dr. Ben! :clap:
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I like Carson. He seems like a decent guy. We need more decent people in politics. I think that is partly what people like about Bernie Sanders as well. He is Hillary, without the shit-coating.

My preference is Gary Johnson, though.
I like Carson. He seems like a decent guy. We need more decent people in politics. I think that is partly what people like about Bernie Sanders as well. He is Hillary, without the shit-coating.

My preference is Gary Johnson, though.
The reason there are not more decent people in politics is because decent people go in thinking they will change the system, and in fact the system changes them, and they become indecent.
I like Carson. He seems like a decent guy. We need more decent people in politics. I think that is partly what people like about Bernie Sanders as well. He is Hillary, without the shit-coating.

My preference is Gary Johnson, though.
If I voted, I would write in Gary Johnson.
The reason there are not more decent people in politics is because decent people go in thinking they will change the system, and in fact the system changes them, and they become indecent.
i disagree, people go into politics for the power and money...and power.
I like Carson. He seems like a decent guy. We need more decent people in politics. I think that is partly what people like about Bernie Sanders as well. He is Hillary, without the shit-coating.

My preference is Gary Johnson, though.

Did you know that Gary Johnson is in the scam penny stock business. He went to the dark side. imo
I think Carson has quite a bit of Trump in him but without Trump's arrogance and recklessness.
agreed. But Id like to see trump and Putin two alpha types

I like Carson. He seems like a decent guy. He is Hillary, without the shit-coating.

I have friends in the secret service and Hillary is a dryed up cunt. They say they are told to hide out of sight from her and that if she sees them she screams at them to get out of her sight. She hates military types.....
Please elaborate.

The scam company that I was following started doing business with a scam that had Garry Johnson as a director. The ticker is MDCN. I don't buy penny stocks and I certainly don't respect people that run them. I believe Garry has left the company about the same time everybody's money left.
agreed. But Id like to see trump and Putin two alpha types

I have friends in the secret service and Hillary is a dryed up cunt. They say they are told to hide out of sight from her and that if she sees them she screams at them to get out of her sight. She hates military types.....

I have read first person accounts about Hillary that jibe with what you are saying. It comes from dozens of sources.

Hillary is a stain on the Democrats.
I have read first person accounts about Hillary that jibe with what you are saying. It comes from dozens of sources.

Hillary is a stain on the Democrats.
Yep! I think the last good democrat president America has had was Kennedy. Not sure about republican. I like bush because he liked the military.
Watched a bit of an interview by Hannity with Carson last night. Man, is that guy (Dr.) incredible. He has over 15,000 surgeries under his belt and countless consultations. Guy is brash when he wants to be and isn't afraid to say something is "crap" when it needs to be said.

Trump is a hard core salesman that I don't know if I could trust. I think I could trust Carson and the rest of the candidates.

Thinking goofy Joe Biden will get in. Hillary's toast, it's just a matter of time before she's finally dug her grave, FBI is on her ass now. An aide advised her to get a criminal defense attorney.
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Yep! I think the last good democrat president America has had was Kennedy. Not sure about republican. I like bush because he liked the military.

That was a different party back then, of which I was a staunch supporter. It's now run by a bunch of kooks.

Kennedy was a great president, an honest man, a statesman albeit a womanizer.