My homeowners association breeds gnats where I live, and I can't fix that.
So I had to come up with a way to fight a constant vector of gnats , with out spending $100 a grow on gnatrol.
I now use a mechanical means to keep gnats out of my garden.
It adds more work to transplanting but saves me money and worry.
I grow in solo cups, 1 gallon bags , and 3 gallon smartpots.
I top all my soil with a layer of weedblock landscape fabric cut to shape. I then top that with gnatgnix mixed 10:1 with diamataceous earth. I put my solo cups and my 1gallon grow bags into little wig caps, a nylon thingy for ladies, that shields the bottom from gnats.
I have eliminated them 100%. I see one or two drop in from time to time, but none ever stay.
I also reuse my weedblock landscape fabric and the gnatgnix mix a few times.
It's a labor of love.
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