Trich Photos - Almost Ready?

I got something rigged up out of a storage box I had lying around, thanks for the idea. Only thing is, I am worried even this computer fan is going to blow too much air and cause the buds to either dry unevenly or too quickly.


Well-Known Member
I got something rigged up out of a storage box I had lying around, thanks for the idea. Only thing is, I am worried even this computer fan is going to blow too much air and cause the buds to either dry unevenly or too quickly.
That's just something your going to need to keep an eye you have an extra RH meter to put in? can do different things to vary it..turn ran on a timer like on for 20 mins ever 4 hours the lid etc..things like that ya know


Well-Known Member
OP nice pics for a $13 scope. Getting a clear (pic worthy) shot is tricky indeed but you've mastered it. You def have some finish time, check em again in a week or so. On chopping while dark, you can always chop and hang them up for trimming later that day. Reason for dark is to separate plant from roots while foods are still down in roots. Come light the plant starts pumping them up.
Thanks @Six9 I am really having trouble deciding whether to do it tomorrow or not. I obviously want to so that I can get it done (and since it is my first time I am excited too). However, it will only be 53 days since flowering began so I feel like it could easily take another week or more. Some samples I take from the plant have loads of amber, others have barely any amber. It is a bit confusing to a newbie. The Kolas aren't as big as what I see on a lot of plants on here and youtube n'such, but my plant has been through the ringer with stress throughout it's life and temps have been less than great the past couple weeks. Just not 100% sure what to do yet. Leaning towards giving her until the middle of next week when the rain is suppose to move back in.


Well-Known Member
Thanks @Six9 I am really having trouble deciding whether to do it tomorrow or not. I obviously want to so that I can get it done (and since it is my first time I am excited too). However, it will only be 53 days since flowering began so I feel like it could easily take another week or more. Some samples I take from the plant have loads of amber, others have barely any amber. It is a bit confusing to a newbie. The Kolas aren't as big as what I see on a lot of plants on here and youtube n'such, but my plant has been through the ringer with stress throughout it's life and temps have been less than great the past couple weeks. Just not 100% sure what to do yet. Leaning towards giving her until the middle of next week when the rain is suppose to move back in.
Yeah def take the rains into consideration. Luckily some nice days. I'm excited too but watching the skies, my sativa needs another week. Massive buds! Good luck..



Well-Known Member
Yea see, mine don't look that big lol. how long has it been in flower?
She started flower last week of July with 70-80 day harvest window so mid October. she was stellar till I had bud rot due to rains. I've had to cut some out and treat with hydrogen peroxide, she's looking good though, as you can see I'm very hopeful, so yeah I'm watching those skies too :)


Well-Known Member
Just took these two a couple minutes ago. This is from about half down the plant as well. LOTS of amber here. totally different then what I was seeing from yesterdays "specimen" lol. I really feel like lookign at this, I should harvest tomorrow.
If flower trics look like this she's ready. Good luck!
Yes, I also had trouble with what appeared to be bud rot, but I don't think it was. I had a bud worm problem and in two separate spots I found what looked like bud rot but there were worms inside the mess. I feel like possibly it webbing, but I chopped it all away and treated anyways. No bud rot or PM atm. Everything is looking good now, and those tops on those photos are really nice. I will also go and cut a small larf bud to check the flower to make 100% sure. I flushed almost a week and a half ago now anyways due to my soil not draining well and I have a feeling that it had nutes built up in compacted soil. Starting to yellow a tiny bit now. But I'm off to make a small clipping lol. Thanks for being so helpful. Lots of nice people in the forums.
So hate to keep writing on here, but here is a couple off the bud. I see some amber but not nearly as much. Even worse, I feel like these photos really aren't great quality (used to a 24MP DSLR Though), so I can't really tell the difference TOO WELL between cloudy and clear.



Well-Known Member
Trics on flower look mostly cloudy with some amber, as you can see there's less amber on flower vs. sugar leaves. Your call really, you could harvest now and be okay.

Is this in ground or in a pot? I'd not stress about if you flushed adequately or not. You mentioned a nice long cure so no worries. Do try to chop when she's sleeping though :)
Ok. I will decide on whether or not I chop her down tomorrow or not. I will also try to chop in the morning. Also she is in a 5 gallon bucket.
Ok, that would just be a lot more convenient for me then at 6 in the morning lol. I'll either chop her this weekend or wait until Wednesday. I don't really mind the wait, I am just anxious to get to do it lol.

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
Ok, that would just be a lot more convenient for me then at 6 in the morning lol. I'll either chop her this weekend or wait until Wednesday. I don't really mind the wait, I am just anxious to get to do it lol.
I say do it ASAP after lights out, you're just about peak THC from those photos, IMO. Like he said, an hour after lights out is prolly good.