it has always been dead serious, intro to politicsToday's bullying is more like harassment than a bit of teasing imho it has evolved into something serious
Proud daddy moment!!!!
After 9 yrs of wonder and worry, i found out today that my babygurl is an actual beast! Got a call from wifey at work today, "babe, we gotta go to the school tomorrow and see the principal, k80 got into a fight". Im like "she ok?" Wifeys like "umm..yea shes fine, but the other girls arent". i had to get back to work so i get home and it turns out my daughter and her friend got jumped by 5 girls. Now my daughter is a fuckin ball of sunshine, soft spoken, sweet as can be, not a mean bone in her body. Well today she wasnt havin it i guess. The 5 girls had strted beatin on my dtrs friend so my dtr goes in lays out 1 girl with a 2 piece, throws another girl into a tree by her hoody so she hit the tree face first, she was done. The third girl got the business tho. I guess they started throwin blows back n forth then they fall to ground, the other girl grabs my babys hair, my dtr is fn rapunzel by the way, so she said the girl wouldnt let go of her hair so she reaches over and grabs a piece of one of those red cynderblock things that u see lining gardens with the humps on it and smashes the girls other hand which was on the ground with it. Broke 2 finger. Anyways this is gettn hella long. Bottom line ive never seen my dtr hit anyone and today she beat 3 bitches. I couldnt be more proud
old school, salahYea man thats good shit. Thats exactly why im so proud. Not that she was fighting but because instead of lettin the situation turn into a constant bully issue, she stood up and let them lil bitches know she aint the one. All this stop bullying shit is hurtin kids imo, the only way to stop bullies is to fuck em up.
old school, salah
I honestly didnt know she had it in herGoin all Rhonda Rousey on their asses.
Many times overOld school has been proven to work my friend.
All this stop bullying shit is hurtin kids imo, the only way to stop bullies is to fuck em up.
yea kids are the worst. 4 yrs? Cmon. U tell her to wear her shoes and dont let those lil bs get to her. Theyre just jellyKids today are awful... My 4 year old niece told my sister she didn't want to go to dance class anymore the other day. Wouldn't give a reason. After days of prodding, she finally said that a girl was making fun of her shoes, calling them ugly, and a bunch of other girls joined in and agreed. They were her moms/my sisters dance shoes from when she was her age, and my niece thought they were really special and really wanted to wear them. But now she's worried to go back because they were relentless and apparently said it over and over and laughed at her. She even said, "I know I'm not supposed to care what other people think about me but it made me really sad," and that just broke my heart. She's 4 years old!!! I mean shit, I was bullied in middle school, but not in fuckin preschool!!
Kids today are awful... My 4 year old niece told my sister she didn't want to go to dance class anymore the other day. Wouldn't give a reason. After days of prodding, she finally said that a girl was making fun of her shoes, calling them ugly, and a bunch of other girls joined in and agreed. They were her moms/my sisters dance shoes from when she was her age, and my niece thought they were really special and really wanted to wear them. But now she's worried to go back because they were relentless and apparently said it over and over and laughed at her. She even said, "I know I'm not supposed to care what other people think about me but it made me really sad," and that just broke my heart. She's 4 years old!!! I mean shit, I was bullied in middle school, but not in fuckin preschool!!
Thats what happens. People take kindness and love as weakness. Its a lil differnt when u get mobbed. Bullied is 1 thing but gang jumpin is somethin else. U better just runI tried that when I was a kid and had everyone with in earshot or sight help the other guy, even had a knife pulled on me a few times. Not much you can do when the entire PE class is kicking you while you're down and the coach thinks it's a laugh riot.
Did I mention just how much I hate people, it's weird because I'm so nice to them all the time.
Thats what happens. People take kindness and love as weakness. Its a lil differnt when u get mobbed. Bullied is 1 thing but gang jumpin is somethin else. U better just run
Thats what happens. People take kindness and love as weakness. Its a lil differnt when u get mobbed. Bullied is 1 thing but gang jumpin is somethin else. U better just run
Yeah, that's where society is at right now.