Hawaii Growers

Sweet pics rik... I'll take a sample of each:lol:~

I managed to find the pdf you were talking about from the EPA, although interesting, I'll be keeping neem off of plants in flower. I would say that a light coating during flowering would be alright in certain situations but regardless you're going to get neem where the sun doesn't shine and I'd prefer not to smoke that. I also found a table on that same document finding small traces of neem on broad leaved plants up to 86 days after application page 18

Seems like most steered the way of Malawi, I've never grown or smoked any ACE or CBG gear yet but I have beans on the way... CBGs Caribe, Nepal Jam and Bangi Haze as well as ACEs Congo. This will be my first pollen chucking run... I picked up this gear in the hopes of finding plants that will stand up to the humidity and rain. I will be making selections based on their hardiness, their high, potency and aroma/color in that order~ Other than that I've been stuck in between seed orders because I nearly got ripped off by Cannazon and gifted too many beans back when I had them (LOL).

And I get what you mean... Before I turned caveman I knew a lot of people who thought airy bud meant shitty bud... On one hand, when you pick up airy larfy shit from some stranger chances are it's shitty weed. On the other hand, when you pick up airy buds from a long time grower and sativa-enthusiast, you might think he put a little something extra in that doob.
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...about some trippy strains from around there. I've got some Mekong Haze seeds from Cambodia; I'll try to pop a few for next summer.

Anyway, I had a couple heavy smokers say that Ace's Malawi was like smoking weed again for the first time. One of my buddies said he hadn't had a head rush like it since he was 13.

Yeah, I've got some experience smoking those kinds of sativas mostly - every time in the Netherlands (except once or twice at home in Scandinavia). I'd love to do a grow, with some seeds like you seem to have atm, but alas I haven't got the chance to acquire any atm.

Sweet pics rik... I'll take a sample of each:lol:~

I managed to find the pdf you were talking about from the EPA, although interesting, I'll be keeping neem off of plants in flower. I would say that a light coating during flowering would be alright in certain situations but regardless you're going to get neem where the sun doesn't shine and I'd prefer not to smoke that. I also found a table on that same document finding small traces of neem on broad leaved plants up to 86 days after application page 18

You should never spray anything on plants after 3 weeks in flower, no matter what the half life is, half life just means its half its original value not completely gone. Neem definitely affects the taste if you do it in late flower, I know this from experience even if done 3 weeks before harvest. Even if you try to do a bud rinse to wash it off, you will see an oil coming off your colas when you dip it in water.

Trichomes are soluble in oil and not water....neem is an oil.

Also, the big extract companies on the mainland hate when growers use neem in late flower because it changes the color and makes it sizzle and less marketable.

Keep in mind when any company says a product is safe for use up to a day before harvest, most if not all are referring to food crops and not sticky, icky trichome laden flowers that are going to be smoked.
I liked your silly people comment so true. Let me tell you..with long flowering sativas which are landrace (at least frkm my experience, which means shit:)) SE Asian Sativas anyway that have grown have same smells you speak BUT they sometimes hammer, and I like that
Do you get any spice (like cooking spice) smelling weed over there? Kali Mist kind of smells like cooking spices and is thought to be predominantly Cambodian with some Thai, Colombian and Afghani mixed in and I keep it around because it's got a great head high.
Sweet pics rik... I'll take a sample of each:lol:~

I managed to find the pdf you were talking about from the EPA, although interesting, I'll be keeping neem off of plants in flower. I would say that a light coating during flowering would be alright in certain situations but regardless you're going to get neem where the sun doesn't shine and I'd prefer not to smoke that. I also found a table on that same document finding small traces of neem on broad leaved plants up to 86 days after application page 18

Seems like most steered the way of Malawi, I've never grown or smoked any ACE or CBG gear yet but I have beans on the way... CBGs Caribe, Nepal Jam and Bangi Haze as well as ACEs Congo. This will be my first pollen chucking run... I picked up this gear in the hopes of finding plants that will stand up to the humidity and rain. I will be making selections based on their hardiness, their high, potency and aroma/color in that order~ Other than that I've been stuck in between seed orders because I nearly got ripped off by Cannazon and gifted too many beans back when I had them (LOL).

And I get what you mean... Before I turned caveman I knew a lot of people who thought airy bud meant shitty bud... On one hand, when you pick up airy larfy shit from some stranger chances are it's shitty weed. On the other hand, when you pick up airy buds from a long time grower and sativa-enthusiast, you might think he put a little something extra in that doob.
Sorry brah, I meant to put the link up of that EPA paper but I spaced it; I was really tired when I posted that.

I'll hit up the neem thing in the next post, but why do you think smoking trace amounts of neem would be harmful, like say, more harmful than inhaling weed smoke? I'm just curious and you didn't state your opinion as to why you think it might be bad.

And yeah, I think a lot of people went with Malawi because it was advertised as potent, which it is, but I'd rather have grown what you ordered. And I've wanted to grow the Caribe, NepJam and Bangi Haze for awhile. I'm glad I got to grow and smoke Ace's Malawi; it was a great outdoor plant and the effect was great, but it's not the shortest flowering strain (not the longest either) and though it yields well it wasn't desired much by most patients which ends up being a headache for me. I'm pretty sure effect and potency are at the bottom of the list for most people and aroma and taste are at the top so Malawi loses in the head-to-head with other "danker" strains. It's pretty much the opposite for me so that's why I kept the Malawi as long as I did. If CBG's and Ace's other strains are as tough as their Malawi then they should handle the weather fine.

Also, on the airy leafy stuff, I'd say you have a good take on it though I've been surprised a few times. I've smoked crappy looking weed on several occasions from some friends of mine and it would dang near take your head right off your body and then also on several occasions I've had beautiful grown indoor buds from skilled grower friends that didn't have any punched to it at all. So the moral of the story kids is, "Don't (always) judge a book by its cover (though you're probably correct in your assumptions 90% of the time)", ha ha.
You should never spray anything on plants after 3 weeks in flower, no matter what the half life is, half life just means its half its original value not completely gone. Neem definitely affects the taste if you do it in late flower, I know this from experience even if done 3 weeks before harvest. Even if you try to do a bud rinse to wash it off, you will see an oil coming off your colas when you dip it in water.

Trichomes are soluble in oil and not water....neem is an oil.

Also, the big extract companies on the mainland hate when growers use neem in late flower because it changes the color and makes it sizzle and less marketable.

Keep in mind when any company says a product is safe for use up to a day before harvest, most if not all are referring to food crops and not sticky, icky trichome laden flowers that are going to be smoked.
Hey waterproof808, aloha :) I haven't seen you around here before. Pull up a chair and kick back awhile, you seem like a fun loving individual :)

Soooooo, thanks for your explanation of half life and your opinions. Have you got to smoke any of my flowers before? Maybe you have and didn't know it, but chances are slim I'd guess, there's a lot of weed here. Anyway, I can guarantee you my buds don't taste or smell like neem oil. Maybe I'm accidentally doing something magical in my growing/harvesting/drying/curing process that makes it all go away, I don't know, but it doesn't taste like neem. Maybe it's because I get mostly sunny days and had 91" of rain last year and will probably get that much or more this year, but my buds don't taste like neem. Maybe the Hawaiian outdoor climate just kicks neem's ass all day everyday, I don't know, but my buds don't taste like neem. (There's an underlying message in that paragraph, see if you can find it. Kind of like a lame "Where's Waldo", bwah ha ha)

I'm going to state a fact, not an opinion; I've had plenty of long time seasoned smokers from here, Cali, Washington and Oregon say some of my stuff is the best or some of the best stuff they've ever smoked and some, probably not all, but some would definitely tell me if it tasted or smelled like neem or if it wasn't top notch. I have some good honest friends and patients that will tell me if something isn't up to par so I do get regular feedback. And I'm not boasting here, I just have some good genetics, the Hawaiian outdoors and can keep them alive long enough to harvest them; it's something any decent gardener could do, nothing special. Really I'm just saying your opinions may not always a play out to be true in my reality. Maybe you're in a drier part of the islands or maybe you grow indoors or maybe something else. Maybe neem residue stays on your plants longer because of your environment and that's why your experience isn't the same as mine, I don't know. Maybe someday in the not too distant future, you and me and all the other regulars in the "Hawaii Growers" thread can get together around a big bonfire, singing kumbaya and smoking doobies while contemplating why my bud doesn't taste/smell like neem oil even though I spray them far into flowering. It probably won't happen, but a kid's gotta have dreams, ya know?

And finally, I don't care what mainland extraction companies hate; I'm not working with them. I make my own oil and it's gone, out the door as soon as it's ready. I would assume it would hang around for awhile if it sucked.

And really, I'm just not worried about smoking trace amounts of neem. Maybe someday it'll bite me in the okole, but I doubt it. I'd wager you inhale more deadly crap filling up your gas tank one time then you would smoking an ounce of my stuff. Anyway, it doesn't matter; it's all conjecture until there's some studies done to prove me right............ ha ha, just kidding............... kind of :)

Well, it's nice to have you join us. Don't take offense to my input and humor or lack thereof; we can hug it out if you do take offense though..... just saying :) There's a good group of guys on this thread. Post up some pics if you got some and are comfortable to do so. TTYL brah :)
No funkies from neem and soap late in flower? Good to know.
So after waterproof808's comment, I'm thinking your environment may have something to do with whether your flowers will taste/smell like neem oil. So you may want to try to test it on one plant instead of all of them or maybe even better would be part of one plant. Apparently not everybody has the same results at harvest time. Also, as @HiloReign pointed out, smoking trace amounts of neem oil MAY be bad for you. It MAY be good for you, it MIGHT not do anything to you at all, we don't know so do what you feel comfortable with I guess.

(Disclaimer: Let it be known rikdabrick is not liable for any advice given to Frosteze in regards to smoking cannabis sativa with trace amounts of neem oil on or in said smoking substance. If Frosteze does in fact smoke cannabis sativa leaves or flowers with tracea amounts neem oil on or in it and does in fact grow another head, literally cough up a lung, decrease in size in the boto or ala alas regions, contract enlarged man breasts or explosive and/or projectile diarrhea or pregnancy let it be known Frosteze choose to smoke the neem laced cannabis sativa flowers and/or leaves of his own will with a sound mind and rikdabrick had no part in the decisions of Frosteze)
Truth is I don't have any factual science to back me up, my friend. The difference is that I'm trying to inhale combusted weed, not combusted trace amounts of neem oil. I accept any carcinogenic or "bad stuff" when I burn the ganja only because I as the grower could not produce a cleaner product. I'm well aware most flowers I smoke are covered in dust, particulate matter, bugs, etc. (even though I pluck out foreign objects) so it only seems foolish adding to the that list. Whether or not I taste it adding neem only means I'm smoking more weird shit(which I obviously don't want to be) and applied during late flowering, would mean I failed to bring this plant to fruition in optimal health. IMO, neem during flower is a last ditch effort to save some hard work. I laughed when you said it MAY be good for you, what can you burn and inhale regularly that's good for your body?

In the end I agree, do what you feel is most comfortable for you.

EDIT: I'm still young... I'd still sample any of your flowers any day rik LOL

The descriptions of the beans I picked up were all outdoor hardy/mold resistant types, they should be beasts~
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Truth is I don't have any factual science to back me up, my friend. The difference is that I'm trying to inhale combusted weed, not combusted trace amounts of neem oil. I accept any carcinogenic or "bad stuff" when I burn the ganja only because I as the grower could not produce a cleaner product. I'm well aware most flowers I smoke are covered in dust, particulate matter, bugs, etc. (even though I pluck out foreign objects) so it only seems foolish adding to the that list. Whether or not I taste it adding neem only means I'm smoking more weird shit(which I obviously don't want to be) and applied during late flowering, would mean I failed to bring this plant to fruition in optimal health. IMO, neem during flower is a last ditch effort to save some hard work. I laughed when you said it MAY be good for you, what can you burn and inhale regularly that's good for your body?

In the end I agree, do what you feel is most comfortable for you.

EDIT: I'm still young... I'd still sample any of your flowers any day rik LOL

The descriptions of the beans I picked up were all outdoor hardy/mold resistant types, they should be beasts~
I was joking when I said smoking trace amounts of neem MAY be good for you, but who knows? Maybe it cures testicular cancer; I've been smoking it for awhile and haven't got any testicular cancer sooooooo, yeah, maybe? Ha ha.

If you ever come to Maui let me know and I'll start up the bonfire :)
You might be on to something there kanak LOL

I'd like to visit Maui again, haven't been there since I was just a kid.... And bonfires are the shit~

If you're visiting Hawaii island... Well don't let me know cause I don't got shit right now lol. Visit early next year, I'll have a good selection by then~
You might be on to something there kanak LOL

I'd like to visit Maui again, haven't been there since I was just a kid.... And bonfires are the shit~

If you're visiting Hawaii island... Well don't let me know cause I don't got shit right now lol. Visit early next year, I'll have a good selection by then~
It'd be cool to visit the B.I. too. I haven't been there for 3.5 years. That's when we moved back to Maui from Mountain View. There's a lot of cool things about the B.I. and a lot of rad people, but I probably won't make there anytime soon. I'm stuck on Maui for the foreseeable future. Fortunately, it's not a bad place to be stuck :)