Do you think drinking a 6 pack of beer a day is unhealthy? Poll

Is a 6 pack too much?

  • No

    Votes: 14 25.0%
  • Yes

    Votes: 21 37.5%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 6 10.7%
  • Pinworm

    Votes: 9 16.1%
  • Sunni is going to say yes :)

    Votes: 6 10.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I am a big ass dude, I weigh 250 and I am 6'5. I'm not fat at all, but nor am In perfect health. I used to be very athletic, but now I'm 30. I really want to buy a gym membership but I'm afraid I'm just too damn lazy. I got a couple friends asking me from work to play basketball with them, and I am about to.

But even working out and being active. I don't feel a 6 pack a day is too much. My girl doesn't claim to drink "but she will if it's hard liquor" which I don't really like because I feel like an alcoholic.. Regardless she hates me drinking, but I think she just needs something to complain about. Because I do 95% of the household chores.

What's your opinions?


Well-Known Member
I know for me that there is no way I could consistently train with legit intensity while killing a sixer every day.

Also with alcohol it's beneficial to stay away from it sometimes.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
I am a big ass dude, I weigh 250 and I am 6'5. I'm not fat at all, but nor am In perfect health. I used to be very athletic, but now I'm 30. I really want to buy a gym membership but I'm afraid I'm just too damn lazy. I got a couple friends asking me from work to play basketball with them, and I am about to.

But even working out and being active. I don't feel a 6 pack a day is too much. My girl doesn't claim to drink "but she will if it's hard liquor" which I don't really like because I feel like an alcoholic.. Regardless she hates me drinking, but I think she just needs something to complain about. Because I do 95% of the household chores.

What's your opinions?
My first opinion is that if my girl asked me to stop drinking I probably would, but I stopped drinking anyway. Second thing I want to say is congratulations on your height, that's definitely something to be proud of. Third I don't think you should get a membership at 30. Fourth your last sentence makes no sense, why is she complaining since you do most of the chores? You don't even have sheets on your bed. You're a fucking mess.

A six pack is too much, but your girl shouldn't be complaining. She should be happy you're drinking. Cause if you weren't drinking and numbing out all your painful feelings, you would be beating the shit out of her instead.


Well-Known Member
Think of all the $$$ you can save not drinking I'm 24 and for 4 years straight I was drinking between 8 and 10 pint tins a night every night I used to wake up with cramps in my stomach running for a shit as soon as I felt outta bed and would need about 3 hours to pull my head straight in a morning, I would of considered my self as a alcoholic but I looked at it as I could say no during the day and just drink at night, I was also mixing poisons drinking beer and smoking weed. Then one day something snapped and I said no more beer (I think I had something to do with vomit and the big white telephone), it's been 4 months since I had a beer and I must say I feel great for not drinking and I don't miss it like I thought I would my advice to you is either cut it out all together or just drink on a weekend, least you can say to your girl well I'm sober Monday to Thursday so get fucked and get your lazy arse off the couch and pick up the hoover.


Well-Known Member
I've got friends a lot older than you (and me) and one went to rehab for drinking. They say it's not how much you drink but whether you NEED to have a drink.

Another friend has a bf who drinks beer daily and they have a baby. The relationship is practically over.

Drink makes you oblivious to others and effectively makes you quite selfish. Plus it ain't great for that 6 pack stomach is it?

Anyway, you don't listen coz you are still poisoning your dog with allergy pills etc. :)

It's up to you though, it's your life. And dog! Lol


Well-Known Member
Yea dude, I'm an avid beer drinker and occasional hard liquor drinker, but 2 is my usual nightly dose or a 22oz of something good (and strong) I mean if you're drinking piss water I can see why you'd need 6 but even so 6 is just too much. Invest in good beer, get some Russian Imperials at 9.5% ABV and enjoy 3…. You'll never lose weight while on a beer habit… I switched to Wine (quit beer all together) and started just doing pushups and sit-ups in my house about 7 years ago and lost 20lbs in about 6months (no food change just beer and the little exercise). Of course than I met my now wife and she fattened me up nicely…

I also right before quitting the beer was hitting it hard, 4+ pints at the bar about 3 days a week (after work) plus drinking at home when I wasn't out…was it fun, fuck yes I slayed like 20 women in a 14 month (give er take) period, never missed a day of work due to drinking and held a great job… would I do it again, well maybe the women but thats no life drinking every day.


Well-Known Member
My first opinion is that if my girl asked me to stop drinking I probably would, but I stopped drinking anyway. Second thing I want to say is congratulations on your height, that's definitely something to be proud of. Third I don't think you should get a membership at 30. Fourth your last sentence makes no sense, why is she complaining since you do most of the chores? You don't even have sheets on your bed. You're a fucking mess.

A six pack is too much, but your girl shouldn't be complaining. She should be happy you're drinking. Cause if you weren't drinking and numbing out all your painful feelings, you would be beating the shit out of her instead.
Lol they were in the washing machine, damn it lol


Well-Known Member
My first opinion is that if my girl asked me to stop drinking I probably would, but I stopped drinking anyway. Second thing I want to say is congratulations on your height, that's definitely something to be proud of. Third I don't think you should get a membership at 30. Fourth your last sentence makes no sense, why is she complaining since you do most of the chores? You don't even have sheets on your bed. You're a fucking mess.

A six pack is too much, but your girl shouldn't be complaining. She should be happy you're drinking. Cause if you weren't drinking and numbing out all your painful feelings, you would be beating the shit out of her instead.
Fucking lol...


Well-Known Member
I've got friends a lot older than you (and me) and one went to rehab for drinking. They say it's not how much you drink but whether you NEED to have a drink.

Another friend has a bf who drinks beer daily and they have a baby. The relationship is practically over.

Drink makes you oblivious to others and effectively makes you quite selfish. Plus it ain't great for that 6 pack stomach is it?

Anyway, you don't listen coz you are still poisoning your dog with allergy pills etc. :)

It's up to you though, it's your life. And dog! Lol
Naw no more allergy pills


Well-Known Member
Just switch to meth, bro. You'll have a lot more energy to work out, play ball, run from cops, and even some left over to rob old folks. You'll meet very interesting people. You'll naturally lose weight and perhaps a few teeth. There's very little you can't accomplish riding a good meth addiction, it's amazing...


Well-Known Member
I drink because I'm in pain from a curved spine and anxiety. I'm always in constant pain from my back. But opiates do nothing for me, except make me sick. Opiates only get me high, but alcohol actually helps me relax, keep calm and helps me sleep. For those three factors alone, It's hard for me to deny the benefits.


Well-Known Member
get some medical marijuana products and drop the beer… RSO, Tincture, Edibles… much healthier.. look into CBD's


Well-Known Member

Listen to Bukowski. Stick to beer or wine and you'll live for centuries.
Yeah but honestly as a grower, I had to quit smoking everyday to be productive. I can drink and work perfectly fine, but cannabis just makes me retarded. But I love growing and I believe if you want want to feel slightly tarded that is your own choice.

I still smoke but only when I feel like going full retard


Well-Known Member
Just switch to meth, bro. You'll have a lot more energy to work out, play ball, run from cops, and even some left over to rob old folks. You'll meet very interesting people. You'll naturally lose weight and perhaps a few teeth. There's very little you can't accomplish riding a good meth addiction, it's amazing...
Yea @tyler.durden I figure you're running out of money so I will be expecting you to be robbing me again soon. Look this time... I'm not doing THAT again.. I mean it. Thank you, come again.


Well-Known Member
Thanksgiving will be a year sober for me. Alcohol that as. I was hard core. I chased vodka with milk at times. If my eyes were open. I was drinking. 3 years that went on. I'd get so drunk I'd wake up in the woods with a camp fire that's went out and sausages on sticks that WERE roasting. I was a dick on alcohol. But it's one day at a time for me.


Staff member
I drink because I'm in pain from a curved spine and anxiety. I'm always in constant pain from my back. But opiates do nothing for me, except make me sick. Opiates only get me high, but alcohol actually helps me relax, keep calm and helps me sleep. For those three factors alone, It's hard for me to deny the benefits.
Alcohol is a sedative and a depressant that people with anxiety used for self medication for the exact reasons you're claiming
Because it affects your central nervous system

Anxiety sufferers have a higher chance of becoming dependent on alcohol as it can allow them to live their life anxiety free

In fact anxiety sufferers are three times more likely to become substance abusers
Eventually in most cases after the sufferer is dependant on alcohol the alcohol turns the effect around and the anxiety sufferers who used it once to ease the pain and discomfort it will actually start becoming a trigger for anxiety while drunk