Shotgun injury.

I have a win 1300 in 20 gauge. Good gun.

Actually, unless you shoot a lot of 3 1/2 it is pointless. When shooting 2 3/4 out of a 3 1/2 chamber it hurts the pattern. I've learned that 2 3/4 and 3 in is all that is needed.
Thanks man. On a lighter note. "Toke a bowl". I went over to my homies this week and noticed he had like 6 22" chainsaw blades hangin on the corner of something. He said, yeah man they kept wearing out so I kept buying more. I was like ok. He asked if I needed one. I told em I could use one, but would have to take a few links out. He was like well take one. I looked at them a little close and was all like damn dude, these are brand new. He explained they didn't work. So, I told em about how it takes two minutes to put a round file to the blade. He looked at me funny. I was like, yeah my blades are about half that size. I may get another year out of it I dunno. lol. $200 dollars worth of brand new blades to chop down a couple of trees. 2 woulda done it. And he let termites get in te wood. It's a long story. Anyway, gotta few battle scars myself. Shit happens I guess if your really doing shit. I mean, I guess the video gamers get blisters and shit. Peace and love. Toke a bowl bro.
When I saw the title of the thread I thought it was going to be worse. Glad ur ok.

Try watching some snaggletooth porn while you're holed up for a few days. Nothing like some snaggle and some pain killers to help a boy feel better about himself.
I have the 870 3 1/2 super mag also. I sometimes hunt with 3 1/2 mag buck shot for deer and pigs, it depends on the stand I hunt out of.
but yea it does hurt.
I also have a crack barrel 10 gauge with 36 in full choke barrel. I wanted to use this as my primitive arm for this season. fired a round of buck shot thru it and will not be using this as a primitive arm.
When I was on painkillers in the past I would only take them if I could not sleep. Try not to make a habit out of them. Take them when only absolutely necessary.

I've seen too many people form habits on them. Even in a very short time. Most of them do heroin now.
When I was on painkillers in the past I would only take them if I could not sleep. Try not to make a habit out of them. Take them when only absolutely necessary.

I've seen too many people form habits on them. Even in a very short time. Most of them do heroin now.
I know. I was on them for chronic pain and quit. I can't help it. I don't mean to sound like a puss but this shit hurts. Every time I breath it hurts. I mostly have taken them at night with a benadryl to sleep.
My first time hunting I almost took my eye out...we tracked a buck for 2 days..on the 3rd morning we finally found it...I quietly set myself up and waited for it to clear the bush line to cross the road. .my moment came and I thought I was ready. the second I pulled the trigger I slipped backwards in the fresh powder and my scope hit me just above my right eye on my eyebrow..fuck that boyfriend freaked out and I started laughing. .note I'm only a 100 lbs and just over 5 ft..note to self..tuck that in and hold on tight!

Kinda sad I don't get to hunt this yr..

But seriously if I had gotten that buck it would have been guy is super awesome for allowing me the chance to take that that's true luv...he wouldn't have missed...that I'm sure of.
Wtf. Just learn to shoot. Or you'll fuck up your weak side too.
Being Injured blows.....
I know how to shoot. I guess you missed the part where I have a collarbone that grew back wrong. It impedes the butt of a gun from seating right. Its fine in smaller calibers. I have problems with magnum loads and large rifle calibers sometimes.

I had to learn to shoot all over after the injury. I should have just shot left handed after that.

I don't have a weak side. I'm ambidextrous. I have an old climber stand made from aluminum. It is lightweight. You face the tree though. Anything off to the right of me needed to be shot left handed. I shoot left handed. I just haven't practiced shooting with a 12 gauge left handed.

I'm not sure that it was that one instance that did it. I assumed it was. I just woke up sore the next day and it got worse and worse. I don't remember it hurting me when I shot.

I have proper form and know how to shoot. I have been hunting with a shotgun for 20+ years. That is squirells, rabbit, turkey, quail, pheasant, deer, pigs, you name it, I've hunted it. Out of all those years and thousands upon thousands of shells this is the one and only time I've injured myself.

I guess I'm getting older and maybe its time to retire the 12 gauge magnum rounds and go back to shooting 20 gauge.
Yeah 20 gauge. I understand your shoulder pocket is bad from collar bone injury. You can shoot just fine from upper peck or front delt. Just hold gun tight to the muscle. Also you could look in to a heavier shotty. Softens the kick....just hold it tight.

I've been looking at the stoger double Defence....good home pro gun.
Mine is in camo finish. I like it. Of course Remington 870 is my favorite shotgun. Been thinking about getting an automatic as the action absorbs some of the recoil.
Yessir mine is as well I like the pump better then auto
when I am screwing around or shooting pigeons I hip shoot or hold it 1 hand.
Yeah 20 gauge. I understand your shoulder pocket is bad from collar bone injury. You can shoot just fine from upper peck or front delt. Just hold gun tight to the muscle. Also you could look in to a heavier shotty. Softens the kick....just hold it tight.

I've been looking at the stoger double Defence....good home pro gun.
00 buck shot will blast thru sheet rock works grest
Yeah 20 gauge. I understand your shoulder pocket is bad from collar bone injury. You can shoot just fine from upper peck or front delt. Just hold gun tight to the muscle. Also you could look in to a heavier shotty. Softens the kick....just hold it tight.

I've been looking at the stoger double Defence....good home pro gun.
Actually I added a pound and half to the gun and I shoot from the peck. Idk. It was a slip up. I thought I had a good grip. Muscle memory and all. I've been looking at some heavier automatics. They use the recoil to cycle the action. That combined with the extra weight softens the kick.

I looked at a bull pup 12gauge pump. It has two magazine tubes and hold 14 shells. With the extensions it would hold 20. Buck shot on the left, slugs on the right.
Yep I got hurt. I was hunting and got excited while shooting a 12 gauge three inch magnum. I had a broken collar bone heal wrong so I have to shoot funny as it is. I didn't seat the stock tight and pulled the trigger early.

It slammed I to my chest. It cracked a rib and separated the cartilage.

It hurts to even breathe. I despise pain pills but have had to take some.

I'm kinda laid up for a day or two.

i did the some thing the same ...broke that bone young did not wear the brace it healed wrong ......u can get it fixed but it requires them to rebreak it and u to wear the dang brace

1600fps kicks hard huh
here i know of this

fucking love this one ......shoot using that and the magnums feel like a 9mm