Shotgun injury.

oh then we are good
to make sure i am safe the first round loaded is a thunder blank ....2nd is rock salt so will break something but not kill 3rd round is live slug (when it is at home)

u would of loved the scout master's they were asses when it came to this stuff they sawl u goofing around u had to wait a year before allowed to try course again ....tho i will say no one ever got shot they use to give it to use before we crashed out in the tents no bullets ......if we showed respect 2/3 day they let us shoot
I was raised in the scouts. I was also raised around a lot of military personnel including special ops.
I always thought hunting would be fun, but I don't think I could bring myself to shoot a animal
hunting is about food what u kill hunting like a lion or something along those line is wrong (they want something to hang on wall and brag about)

u kill that animal pay a butcher to cut her up ....u eat for under 100 bucks for 2/3 months
I always thought hunting would be fun, but I don't think I could bring myself to shoot a animal
I enjoy it but always a little saddened when I kill something. It is a way of life for me. I fill the freezer with meat hunting and fishing. We grow a garden every year. I don't pay a butcher either. I butcher my own meat and have a meat grinder for making deer burger.