What is the libertarians answer for stopping an asteroid impact?

Think about it man, we don't pay for anything now. You seriously think if the fate of mankind was at risk, Libertarians would let it fall instead of borrowing money? Wow, come on man!

You think scientists that might have any ideas would hold onto them hoping for a better offer?

What you posed was an asteroid heading here to destroy the earth, I'm sorry but a non-partisan leadership would be my first choice. What we have today, in terms of the 2 party central planners, there would be 3 months of arguing over who gets the contract first.

Nope, I like the imaginary 3rd party system much better that what we have now. Sure what we want to get done might not happen, but what needs to get done would happen in a much more efficient matter.
So in a libertarian system people would all come together and unite to solve the problem, and under the system we have now everyone would just bicker in government and nothing would get done, is that it?

Give me a break..

If there was no NASA/ESA, it's over. Under a libertarian system of government, there is no NASA/ESA. It would be over and we both know it. Even if you could unite everyone, you wouldn't have enough time to come up with a plan and build all the things that would be required to carry it out or train the people to operate any of it. This is a glaring hole in the system that hasn't been sufficiently answered.
Not a goddamn thing a libertarian system of government could do, that's the point.

Would you rather live under a system of government that has the ability to do something or not?
What system has the solution? Would you please post it here? Id like to vet out the science of it.
A system that would allow for a federally funded space agency would have the solution to the problem of preventing an asteroid impact
is that one of nasa's mission, now or has it been ever? i get that funding changes, so ill accept anything they ever produced.
So in a libertarian system people would all come together and unite to solve the problem, and under the system we have now everyone would just bicker in government and nothing would get done, is that it?

Give me a break..

If there was no NASA/ESA, it's over. Under a libertarian system of government, there is no NASA/ESA. It would be over and we both know it. Even if you could unite everyone, you wouldn't have enough time to come up with a plan and build all the things that would be required to carry it out or train the people to operate any of it. This is a glaring hole in the system that hasn't been sufficiently answered.
It's like you don't even live in this country.

BP oil spill. Jindal, who is libertarian light said let's clean this shit up and send BP the bill. Instead, we saw the Obama sucks but Bush sucks too rhetoric for a month while nothing happened. And nothing happened not because people weren't ABLE to do anything, they weren't ALLOWED to do anything. Libertarian solutions made a fuck of lot more sense to me than what we came up with.

Katrina. Residents showed up in boats to help rescue their neighbors but were turned away because they didn't have a valid sticker on their boat, proof of insurance or a correct registration. Instead, people were forced to wait on "official" help. Help was turned away because our present system is the way it is. A libertarian system would have let neighbors help neighbors.

Our government lags decades behind society, streamlining it could only speed things up.
A system that would allow for a federally funded space agency would have the solution to the problem of preventing an asteroid impact
Because it's a federally funded agency it would be the bestest.

Has that been your observation so far? That government agencies are the bastion of intelligence and efficiency?
So in a libertarian system people would all come together and unite to solve the problem, and under the system we have now everyone would just bicker in government and nothing would get done, is that it?

Give me a break..

If there was no NASA/ESA, it's over. Under a libertarian system of government, there is no NASA/ESA. It would be over and we both know it. Even if you could unite everyone, you wouldn't have enough time to come up with a plan and build all the things that would be required to carry it out or train the people to operate any of it. This is a glaring hole in the system that hasn't been sufficiently answered.
I think you are missing the big point.
The private sector would of never gotten us to space because there was no profit motive to ever fund the science behind it
I think you are missing the big point.
The private sector would of never gotten us to space because there was no profit motive to ever fund the science behind it
Instead government contracts were awarded to the private sector, and the military industrial complex continued on. Someone quote me or tell this fool how NASA was born. I mean how are you a fan of it, and dont know the history of its conception? Some people's kids...i tell ya....
I think you are missing the big point.
The private sector would of never gotten us to space because there was no profit motive to ever fund the science behind it
Or.... the government could have contracted the work at a fraction of the cost much quicker. That one is unknowable because we can't do a do-over. NASA is limited to who works for NASA, the private sector has a bigger pool to choose from.

I love the idea of NASA (maybe not so much the execution) and think about how many people from our generation were inspired to study sciences because of it and the space race. I'm not hardcore libertarian like RP and would much rather see the program continues and thrives than gut and cut to where it's all pretty much bureaucrats left.
Jesus: Love thy neighbor
Romans: But can't we pay someone to do it on behalf of us?
Jesus: Let me start over...
Internet, GPS, vaccines, bar codes, anything developed at any government agency or university.. the list of benefits you take for granted that have been invented or improved upon by government is absolutely staggering. Without it, none of these things would have been possible.
nah thats just a myth thats been propagated by stateists. most government inventions are a direct result of necessity for the military industrial complex. the military is the main tool of international force by US, so the return on investment is there....no where else would there be a return on investment. try to dig up some actual patent numbers sir, youll be disappointed.

more black people invented things than the government did. they were slaves and had to do the work, so surely you see the logic in that. i did give kudos to black people for there innovative nature, but i did mention slavery....so ill wait patiently to be told called racist.
also the internet was perfected on the free market. arpanet protocols operated nothing like the protocols of today. but what do the simple minded care about facts, as long as they can get their pr0n.
nah thats just a myth thats been propagated by stateists. most government inventions are a direct result of necessity for the military industrial complex. the military is the main tool of international force by US, so the return on investment is there....no where else would there be a return on investment. try to dig up some actual patent numbers sir, youll be disappointed.

more black people invented things than the government did. they were slaves and had to do the work, so surely you see the logic in that. i did give kudos to black people for there innovative nature, but i did mention slavery....so ill wait patiently to be told called racist.
Last time I checked, the military was a government agency
Instead government contracts were awarded to the private sector, and the military industrial complex continued on. Someone quote me or tell this fool how NASA was born. I mean how are you a fan of it, and dont know the history of its conception? Some people's kids...i tell ya....

also the internet was perfected on the free market. arpanet protocols operated nothing like the protocols of today. but what do the simple minded care about facts, as long as they can get their pr0n.
Basic research
initial development
Last time I checked, the military was a government agency
Am I to gather you do not place distinction between the military, and the military industrial complex? If the government enters into a contract with a private corporation, is that private corporation then part of the government?
Am I to gather you do not place distinction between the military, and the military industrial complex? If the government enters into a contract with a private corporation, is that private corporation then part of the government?
They are under contract from the government