Clone only strains

Yea cops dont even look at it! Crazy when in LA i would be arrested, beaten, and thrown in prison for 30 years or more.

That's what I love to see too and nobody is even messing with you so I don't see what the big deal. These states need to realize what this stuff can do for everyone. The legal states are making a killing of taxes and crime is down some too so everyone needs to quit fronting fareal
Any of you guys grown out our growing the white. I'm growing it now for the first time and really liking it so far. She has a great structure and nice growth rate. Nice size stems I'm at day 35 and it seems like she doesn't really need support but ill see because she is forming some nice colas. She smells kind of like an og, she has the earthy fuel to her but not as strong as good og she has sine tropical fruit to her to me also maybe mango and pine. Sometimes when i rub the sugar leaf i get some chocolate too. For any one that has tryed her how does it taste? 20151009_032506.jpg20151009_032514.jpg
Week 3 GG4 and Platinum OG
View attachment 3518370 View attachment 3518371

Very excited about the Platinum OG (above)
Nice iv I've been smoking on some platinum og shatter the past couple days. I haven't had any kush in a while so i grabbed some of that and some vanilla kush and that's a nice one real good kush taste. Any one rocking the vanilla kush that stuff is pretty damn good to it has really great flavor