What is the libertarians answer for stopping an asteroid impact?

Basic research
initial development
I'm not on ignore? This calls for celebration. Bong hits. Please use sentences so I can attempt to make sense of what you are attempting to communicate.

FUN FACT: Some honda engines have a slight curve to them at the head, much like the true hemi's did. just not as big as a curve space.
I did answer the question. They are a private corporation under contract from the government
Is what they develop in private for the government subject to public scrutiny? Or is the contract more in place to ensure the government gets what the government paid for?
Why don't you just get to the point?
The point is the currently federally funded programs don't have a solution for this, and you want to scrutinize a hypothetical society with a hypothetical situation. why not offer what you view as a success of federally funded programs, then free market thinkers will illuminate how youve been robbed, and how it could be done better. destroying an incoming asteroid is not a solution anyone has done....building roads, or bringing drinkable water to the masses has....maybe start in reality if you want to learn more about free markets....if you want to learn more....it would seem you're not trolling, becuase you do resond to answers, unlike the rest.
So in a libertarian system people would all come together and unite to solve the problem, and under the system we have now everyone would just bicker in government and nothing would get done, is that it?

Give me a break..

If there was no NASA/ESA, it's over. Under a libertarian system of government, there is no NASA/ESA. It would be over and we both know it. Even if you could unite everyone, you wouldn't have enough time to come up with a plan and build all the things that would be required to carry it out or train the people to operate any of it. This is a glaring hole in the system that hasn't been sufficiently answered.

It is a fact that governments are inefficient and monopolistic and well, pretty shitty when solving problems.

It is not a fact that without a coercion based government there would not ALREADY be some kind of technology existing that would allay your fears and be BETTER than NASA.
Interstate highway system

Hey, I have an idea. You name something that government did that you like and I'll name shit they did that sucked...we'll see who runs out of gas first.


Also it's not a given that travel routes and various travel modes could not exist absent a coercion based government and it's also possible they could even be better than the present ones.
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Hey, I have an idea. You name something that government did that you like and I'll name shit they did that sucked...we'll see who runs out of gas first.


Also it's not a given that travel routes and various travel modes could not exist absent a coercion based government and even be better than the present ones.
Free market

Tell you a good example of transportation by the free market. If you look at how our railway system started in this country, it's an example of the free market. If you look at how the railway men used influence and money to buy politicians and the bills passed at their behest you can see cronyism through government abuse.
Built so we could easily transport military equipment when Russian attacked. Came in at 3X the original cost estimates.

"Our estimates were off by 300%". "No big deal, that's pretty good for government work".
That highlights an interesting aspect of the discussion - to the libertarian, profit margins are the only motivations to do business, so coming in over cost estimates automatically means it's a failure. That's not how I look at things. Regardless, are there any private highway construction corporations that could have built it faster and/or more efficiently?
Not a goddamn thing a libertarian system of government could do, that's the point.

Would you rather live under a system of government that has the ability to do something or not?

That depends on the "something" the government wants to do. That is the point.

Governments in the past have created extermination facilities for large groups of people.

How many people were killed at the hands of governments in the 20th century.

Your worship of government is pretty damn stupid.

Libertarians want a small government, with a limited set of powers to accomplish a very few functions. Personally, I would settle for a federal government that perform the very limited set duties set forth in the US Constitution.
Hey, I have an idea. You name something that government did that you like and I'll name shit they did that sucked...we'll see who runs out of gas first.
You're confusing my position, I don't support everything the government does. I recognize the necessity for a certain level of government to exist to operate efficiently and effectively.
That highlights an interesting aspect of the discussion - to the libertarian, profit margins are the only motivations to do business, so coming in over cost estimates automatically means it's a failure. That's not how I look at things. Regardless, are there any private highway construction corporations that could have built it faster and/or more efficiently?
300% under projections is a huge fucking deal to anyone not government. If you see it differently then I recommend you run for office, you'd be perfect.
Interstate highway system
Great topic, I'm glad you started there. Tha'ts everyone's favorite. It's such a beautiful country (and earth) its insanely adventurous to explore it. Gives you a real sense of personal freedom, ad unadulterated travel does.

First lets remember that privately owned railroad would be a bit more popular. Wonder what the effects of that would be? Less pollution? Longer shipping times? Lower shipping costs?
Without interstates, regional economies would have existed for the absolute bare essentials of food, shelter, and people. This means some people will be eating alligators. Some would have to live in wood homes, and some would have to options of steel and brick perhaps. Conservation methods would be sought out by locals, as everyone needs the food supply to sustain. The amount of work that had to be done locally would increase, and jobs simply could not be exported out of town, state, country as easily. This is all very bad. Likely local wars would break out over minor differences, but bombs wouldnt get dropped, its regional economies after all.

Sorry I'm diluting this a bit. Who benefits from Interstate should pay for it right? Should the percent that you benefit match the percent that you pay? We all hate tolls, they slow you down....lets not have that lame ass solution.....tax gas & diesel.....nah i dont like that idea either becuase what about when im mowing my grass, or operating privately owned equipment on privately owned land that never touches public roads.....IVE GOT IT!!! A corporate tax! yeah thats the ticket.......EVERYTHING SHIPS on 18 wheeler .they stand to make a profit by shipping out endless goods, day and night 365s a year to national stores that are only feasable because of the interstate sytem. let them pay 99% of the cost because use it 99% of the time, and im okay with paying 1% of the coast for my bi-annual road trips within 6 hours drive of my home...im glad to have an interstate system, just want to pay a more true fair share....if corporatoins werent as fruitfull becuase of the purposed tax collection change, and we have to rely more on a hybrid of regional economy....oh no...the worlds over if you cant shop at walmart?