Feminized vs Regular seeds


People slamming fems are actually the ones short on growing knowledge. There is no inherent weakness in a fem seed, If you dont like fem seeds for some reason then you are permitted to have a bias to what you use but saying they are for noobs is ignorance of facts. Those who say regs are sooo superior are just trying to act all elite and shit. Its a no fucking brainer to pop 10 fems and look at them like "yup, all female. Now i can carry on putting all my work into these" As opposed to wasting weeks of space,nutes,medium,electricity on males. I mean WTF?
I never slammed fems and Ive got over 15 years of grow experience. Nobody said they were sooo superior. Clearly youre noob status.


Well-Known Member
what the hell are you talking about,regs can herm to.thats always been the case.

you dont know what youre talking about.the same problems you experience with fems,you experience with regs.
Utter shit far more likely to have problems with fem seeds then you are regular has long has there of a good breeder,
you not from london mate are ya west ham because you seem to be blowing bubbles,no way could you keep a fem mother for cloneing long term,it will throw you eggs at some point

If you have been growing long term then i really do not get how you can give some one who is wanting advice on something,you are giveing them advice that is not true,regular seeds will all ways be far superior then fem,Come on dude you are a well known member and you are saying fem seeds are has stable has regular no way ho zay.

Fem seeds do have there place in growing i am not saying they don't but just not in mine,all so i think that new growers will learn far more from growing with reg seeds sexing them,and the keeping of strains[LONG TERM]

Who the hell are you buying your regular seeds of,if you are getting has many problems with regular seeds has you are fem,then hate to say it dude but it aint the seeds has long has there of a good breeder,it far more likely something your doing,stressing them out or something along that line.

Im not saying that regular seeds can not hermi on you because they can,but only if there either not a good cross or something has happened in the grow room temp flux ,nute flux cold or too hot just plain simple stress but has to be far more stress,to turn a reg then it is to turn a fem,
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Well-Known Member
Some of the strains i have are clone only and i have had them for 7 year one of them,i would love to see you do that with a fem seed it just would not happen,well not with out seeds lots of em,i just clone it when it gets out of hand and re grow new mum from that.

I have more than one that i do this with its the only way of keeping these gentics with out watering them down with a male from different gene pool,


Well-Known Member
I never slammed fems and Ive got over 15 years of grow experience. Nobody said they were sooo superior. Clearly youre noob status.
You're clearly a reading noob, as a bunch of people have said that in this very thread. Jesus Christ.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Utter shit far more likely to have problems with fem seeds then you are regular has long has there of a good breeder,
you not from london mate are ya west ham because you seem to be blowing bubbles,no way could you keep a fem mother for cloneing long term,it will throw you eggs at some point

If you have been growing long term then i really do not get how you can give some one who is wanting advice on something,you are giveing them advice that is not true,regular seeds will all ways be far superior then fem,Come on dude you are a well known member and you are saying fem seeds are has stable has regular no way ho zay.

Fem seeds do have there place in growing i am not saying they don't but just not in mine,all so i think that new growers will learn far more from growing with reg seeds sexing them,and the keeping of strains[LONG TERM]

Who the hell are you buying your regular seeds of,if you are getting has many problems with regular seeds has you are fem,then hate to say it dude but it aint the seeds has long has there of a good breeder,it far more likely something your doing,stressing them out or something along that line.

Im not saying that regular seeds can not hermi on you because they can,but only if there either not a good cross or something has happened in the grow room temp flux ,nute flux cold or too hot just plain simple stress but has to be far more stress,to turn a reg then it is to turn a fem,
Do you have any scientific studies that back the regulars are more stable thing? I have no ideal if that is true but would love to see an actual paper that had tested both. I still believe this thread is full of statements that are unproven, bro science, but am keeping an open mind on the stability thing.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Ahhhh.... no.

To get a patent on a GMO product you must "modify" a gene. The patent process accepts one method of modification and that is to extract a particular gene from one seed and insert it into another, which produces something else immediately, which makes it "intellectual property" that can be patented.

But, as I said, that is only one method of genetic modification. There are others, which do not produce instant results. They require time and generations of breeding. And it was that generational method that led to the idea that gene extraction and insertion was possible.

You need to do some reading on the subject.
How about these that are read already!

An Introduction to genetic analysis; Anthony Griffiths

Principles of Genetics; Snustad & Simmons

Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding; George Acquaah

Fundamentals of Plant Genetics and Breeding; James R Welsh

Rather advanced reading -
Plant Genetic Engineering;


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Utter shit far more likely to have problems with fem seeds then you are regular has long has there of a good breeder,
you not from london mate are ya west ham because you seem to be blowing bubbles,no way could you keep a fem mother for cloneing long term,it will throw you eggs at some point

If you have been growing long term then i really do not get how you can give some one who is wanting advice on something,you are giveing them advice that is not true,regular seeds will all ways be far superior then fem,Come on dude you are a well known member and you are saying fem seeds are has stable has regular no way ho zay.

Fem seeds do have there place in growing i am not saying they don't but just not in mine,all so i think that new growers will learn far more from growing with reg seeds sexing them,and the keeping of strains[LONG TERM]

Who the hell are you buying your regular seeds of,if you are getting has many problems with regular seeds has you are fem,then hate to say it dude but it aint the seeds has long has there of a good breeder,it far more likely something your doing,stressing them out or something along that line.

Im not saying that regular seeds can not hermi on you because they can,but only if there either not a good cross or something has happened in the grow room temp flux ,nute flux cold or too hot just plain simple stress but has to be far more stress,to turn a reg then it is to turn a fem,
Now THIS is well put and I agree with most and some not......The point is that for FEM seeds. The same rules apply for quality and lack of problems as with Regs - THE BREEDER YOU GET THEM FROM IS THE KEY!

Regs stronger? As in potency (as Albino Acorn says) - is TOTAL BS! Stronger as in vigor. Not really a big factor as most Fem's I see do have a bit less leg and appear tighter structured, most are close (although FEMs yield better). Stronger as in long term viability. I agree. My clones from regs DO last longer.......
Sadly it's the Vietnamese Black from the late 60's that has been S1'ed to make seeds for long term storage.....I did a whole plant so I have plenty of seeds to last till I can't grow any more.....

Now I wonder just how many of the seeds we buy as S1's are really S2 or higher? NOW your going to be finding all these "problems" many of you say S1's have as becoming really easy to find.

I do not find that S1's, ((REAL S1's)) as having any real slide in quality from REG.......THAT'S my point!

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Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Now THIS is well put and I agree with most and some not......The point is that for FEM seeds. The same rules apply for quality and lack of problems as with Regs - THE BREEDER YOU GET THEM FROM IS THE KEY!

Regs stronger? As in potency (as Albino Acorn says) - is TOTAL BS! Stronger as in vigor. Not really a big factor as most Fem's I see do have a bit less leg and appear tighter structured, most are close (although FEMs yield better). Stronger as in long term viability. I agree. My clones from regs DO last longer.......
Sadly it's the Vietnamese Black from the late 60's that has been S1'ed to make seeds for long term storage.....I did a whole plant so I have plenty of seeds to last till I can't grow any more.....

Now I wonder just how many of the seeds we buy as S1's are really S2 or higher? NOW your going to be finding all these "problems" many of you say S1's have as becoming really easy to find.

I do not find that S1's, ((REAL S1's)) as having any real slide in quality from REG.......THAT'S my point!

Just curious Doc but why would an S2 have more problems? Could you explain that in a bit more detail?


Well-Known Member
it's a good thing RIU has a hand full of dip-shits that sit on the misinformed side of the fence spewing their flawed facts to justify their blemished position....as these boneheads do provide a level of entertainment with their humorous statements which of course results in others informing them how stupid they really are, which results in more ridicules counter statements that essentially results with the said dip-shits digging a deeper hole.

fem's may not be everybody's cup of tea, but they do serve a purpose, as do auto's

anyhow, below is a pic of an auto-fem that became male....how the hell does this happen?


Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
todays a good day to post all the hey all growing fem seeds why did it grow balls or nanners compared to hey all growing reg seeds are these nanners