Feminized vs Regular seeds


Well-Known Member
Some use rodelation or however it is spelled. Cannabis, if left to over ripen, in response to no pollen, will throw some nanners. It is a survival mechanism.

If that pollen is used how is it poisoned?

It is illegal to grow where I am. Four plants is a misdemeanor. I can't have a bunch going. For that reason I use FEMS.
I was talking about collidial silver....or however it is spelled..lol


bud bootlegger
You now how fem seeds are made right? Theyre piosoned.

Dont tell me there is any difference.

Ive been growing two strains primarily. One is NL#5. Ive done it from both fem seeds and reg seeds several times each and there is no comparison. The reg seeds produce stronger plants and yield far more i the same growing environment. Ive done the same now with white russian fems and regs....same deal.

Fem seeds suck. Especially when they hermie...
poisoned, oh, you must mean with that nasty collodial silver stuff, you know, the same stuff gnc sells on their shelves and health nuts drink for it's benefits, that poison?


bud bootlegger
Ummm....fem seeds is pretty much the basic definition genetically modifying.... thats where it all started...
except adding cs to a plant does nothing to the dna, which is what genetically modifying means.. all adding cs to a plant does is stop the plant from producing a hormone, i forget which atm, but that hormone is responsible for the plant growing female pistiliate flowers.. once cs is applied, the hormone is stopped being produced by the plant, which signals the plant the now grow male staminate flowers instead.. no change is going on to the plant on the dna or genetic level what so ever..
it'd be like bruce jennar taking hormones to grow boobs.. the only reason he now has boobs is because he is taking a female hormone that produces mammary glands to develop in men.. if he stops taking the hormones, bam, no tits.. that's because the hormone doesn't altar his dna, same way that cs doesn't altar the dna or genetic makeup in a plant..


bud bootlegger
Colloidal silver (commonly abbreviated CS) suppresses ethylene production in bud sites, stimulating male characteristics. Spraying selected leaves, branches and – in cases where a large amount of seed is desired – whole plants with colloidal silver solution has become a preferred method of obtaining feminized seeds.

copy and paste above..

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
except adding cs to a plant does nothing to the dna, which is what genetically modifying means.. all adding cs to a plant does is stop the plant from producing a hormone, i forget which atm, but that hormone is responsible for the plant growing female pistiliate flowers.. once cs is applied, the hormone is stopped being produced by the plant, which signals the plant the now grow male staminate flowers instead.. no change is going on to the plant on the dna or genetic level what so ever..
it'd be like bruce jennar taking hormones to grow boobs.. the only reason he now has boobs is because he is taking a female hormone that produces mammary glands to develop in men.. if he stops taking the hormones, bam, no tits.. that's because the hormone doesn't altar his dna, same way that cs doesn't altar the dna or genetic makeup in a plant..
lol awe no doesn;t work like but to the opposite its used to make male pollen from a female plant the pollen is collected then sprinkled onto a flowering female plant there for creating fem seeds ...
Has anyone tried making a male plant into a female plant ??? they say it can be done never seen it

see i think there is huge confusion between fem Forced female to produce sacks and rodelization there completely Different
Rodelization takes advantage of the fact that a female plant will try to pollinate herself as a last resort when she doesn't get pollinated and is nearing the end of her lifecycle. That is why sometimes older or stressed female plants grow a few male "balls" as a last-ditch attempt to self-pollinate. When successful, she will grow a few seeds.

These self-pollinated seeds will have gotten both sets of genes from the same female plant, so both parents will be female, and all resulting seeds with be female.


Well-Known Member
except adding cs to a plant does nothing to the dna, which is what genetically modifying means.. all adding cs to a plant does is stop the plant from producing a hormone, i forget which atm, but that hormone is responsible for the plant growing female pistiliate flowers.. once cs is applied, the hormone is stopped being produced by the plant, which signals the plant the now grow male staminate flowers instead.. no change is going on to the plant on the dna or genetic level what so ever..
it'd be like bruce jennar taking hormones to grow boobs.. the only reason he now has boobs is because he is taking a female hormone that produces mammary glands to develop in men.. if he stops taking the hormones, bam, no tits.. that's because the hormone doesn't altar his dna, same way that cs doesn't altar the dna or genetic makeup in a plant..
That is like saying mercury doesnt poison and pollute fish and other marine life. And yet, over time, their dna is mutated by it. Plain and simple...


Well-Known Member
poisoned, oh, you must mean with that nasty collodial silver stuff, you know, the same stuff gnc sells on their shelves and health nuts drink for it's benefits, that poison?
You might want to read what the Mayo clinic has to say about the stuff...


Well-Known Member
They say people that ate with silver spoons and forks survived the bubonic plague due to the silver.
Maybe maybe not.

That doesnt mean they werent poisend by it.

Shit...many organisms including people can survive a certain amount of radiation. They even use it to fight cancer. But that doesnt mean its good for you or at least not harmful.

Try again.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
Also considering using fem seeds ???? cannot be sold as organic unless they been forced naturally using silver will ban you from claiming its organic grown right from the get go .. interesting huh i mean with the organic craze how much silver contaminants might be in the pollen

Colloidal silver isn't considered safe or effective for any of the health claims manufacturers make. Silver has no known purpose in the body. Nor is it an essential mineral, as some sellers of silver products claim.

Colloidal silver products are made of tiny silver particles suspended in a liquid — the same type of precious metal used in jewelry, dental fillings, silverware and other consumer goods.

Colloidal silver products are usually marketed as dietary supplements that are taken by mouth. Colloidal silver products also come in forms to be injected or applied to the skin.

Manufacturers of colloidal silver products often claim that they are cure–alls, boosting your immune system, fighting bacteria and viruses, and treating cancer, HIV/AIDS, shingles, herpes, eye ailments and prostatitis.

However, no sound scientific studies to evaluate these health claims have been published in reputable medical journals. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration has taken action against some manufacturers of colloidal silver products for making unproven health claims.

It's not clear how much colloidal silver may be harmful, but it can build up in your body's tissues over months or years. Most commonly, this results in argyria (ahr–JIR–e–uh), a blue-gray discoloration of your skin, eyes, internal organs, nails and gums. While argyria doesn't pose a serious health problem, it can be a cosmetic concern because it doesn't go away when you stop taking silver products.

Rarely, excessive doses of colloidal silver can cause possibly irreversible serious health problems, including kidney damage and neurological problems such as seizures. Colloidal silver products may also interact with medications, including penicillamine (Cuprimine, Depen), quinolone antibiotics, tetracycline and thyroxine (Levothroid, Levoxyl, Synthroid) medications. interesting wonder if any lab results of fem seeds tested show silver content in it

You know the craze that organic is so much better lol
lets look at plant esseentials and see if silver is in there

From soil, water, and air Carbon C03 -2, HCO3 - , CO2 Hydrogen H+ , OH Oxygen O2, OHPrimarily from soil: macro or major, secondary, and micrometabolic or trace elements Nitrogen NO3 - , NH4 + Phosphorus HPO4 -2, H2PO4 - Potassium K+ Calcium Ca+2 Magnesium Mg+2 Sulfur SO4 –2 Iron Fe+2 , Fe+3 Copper Cu+2 , Cu+ Zinc Zn+2 Manganese Mn+2 , MnO4 – Molybdenum HMoO4 – , MoO4 –2 Boron H3BO3, B4O7 –2 Chlorine Cl


bud bootlegger
Also considering using fem seeds ???? cannot be sold as organic unless they been forced naturally using silver will ban you from claiming its organic grown right from the get go .. interesting huh i mean with the organic craze how much silver contaminants might be in the pollen

Colloidal silver isn't considered safe or effective for any of the health claims manufacturers make. Silver has no known purpose in the body. Nor is it an essential mineral, as some sellers of silver products claim.

Colloidal silver products are made of tiny silver particles suspended in a liquid — the same type of precious metal used in jewelry, dental fillings, silverware and other consumer goods.

Colloidal silver products are usually marketed as dietary supplements that are taken by mouth. Colloidal silver products also come in forms to be injected or applied to the skin.

Manufacturers of colloidal silver products often claim that they are cure–alls, boosting your immune system, fighting bacteria and viruses, and treating cancer, HIV/AIDS, shingles, herpes, eye ailments and prostatitis.

However, no sound scientific studies to evaluate these health claims have been published in reputable medical journals. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration has taken action against some manufacturers of colloidal silver products for making unproven health claims.

It's not clear how much colloidal silver may be harmful, but it can build up in your body's tissues over months or years. Most commonly, this results in argyria (ahr–JIR–e–uh), a blue-gray discoloration of your skin, eyes, internal organs, nails and gums. While argyria doesn't pose a serious health problem, it can be a cosmetic concern because it doesn't go away when you stop taking silver products.

Rarely, excessive doses of colloidal silver can cause possibly irreversible serious health problems, including kidney damage and neurological problems such as seizures. Colloidal silver products may also interact with medications, including penicillamine (Cuprimine, Depen), quinolone antibiotics, tetracycline and thyroxine (Levothroid, Levoxyl, Synthroid) medications. interesting wonder if any lab results of fem seeds tested show silver content in it

You know the craze that organic is so much better lol
lets look at plant esseentials and see if silver is in there

From soil, water, and air Carbon C03 -2, HCO3 - , CO2 Hydrogen H+ , OH Oxygen O2, OHPrimarily from soil: macro or major, secondary, and micrometabolic or trace elements Nitrogen NO3 - , NH4 + Phosphorus HPO4 -2, H2PO4 - Potassium K+ Calcium Ca+2 Magnesium Mg+2 Sulfur SO4 –2 Iron Fe+2 , Fe+3 Copper Cu+2 , Cu+ Zinc Zn+2 Manganese Mn+2 , MnO4 – Molybdenum HMoO4 – , MoO4 –2 Boron H3BO3, B4O7 –2 Chlorine Cl
try drinking gallons and gallons of water, and let us know how you make out..


Well-Known Member
It is illegal to grow where I am. Four plants is a misdemeanor. I can't have a bunch going. For that reason I use FEMS.
....And here we have yet again another good reason why running fems is what is right for some peoples circumstances. I suppose trying to stay out of jail can rank right up there with the best of them.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Ummm....fem seeds is pretty much the basic definition genetically modifying.... thats where it all started...
This thread is funny lol. Do you actually know how they produce gm plants? They modify the genes lol. Femmed seeds are not genetically modified. They are basically given hormone suppressants, no genes have been modified, added, etc. i think someone should do some gmo pot though, i'd be the first inline!!! Not Monsanto though, their just a bad corporation but thats a different thread for all you General hyro nute users lol.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
....And here we have yet again another good reason why running fems is what is right for some peoples circumstances. I suppose trying to stay out of jail can rank right up there with the best of them.
I here ya brother! 5 gets ya 6 months here. Election in 11 days, we can only hope!!!

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Exactly. But over how long? Within minutes or days?

The difference is that the body expels the water. Not so with silver.
Who said anything about eating the stuff lol. Its not on the plant you smoke, well I guess it could be if your stupid enough to smoke the treated buds lol. This thing is just getting way beyond the facts. GMO plants, inbred pets, all from a femmed seed thread, amazing lol.


Well-Known Member
This thread is funny lol. Do you actually know how they produce gm plants? They modify the genes lol. Femmed seeds are not genetically modified. They are basically given hormone suppressants, no genes have been modified, added, etc. i think someone should do some gmo pot though, i'd be the first inline!!! Not Monsanto though, their just a bad corporation but thats a different thread for all you General hyro nute users lol.
And how do they modify the genes? There are several ways.

But my point was genetically modifying plants started with seeds. That is where the manipulation began. It has come a long way since those days. But how do you think they modified genes in the begining? Do you know what it takes to modify a gene? Look it up...


Well-Known Member
And for the record. I never once said that femmed seeds are gentically modified. What i have said is that they are poisoned. And "poisoning" is a manner of genetically modifying organisms over time.