

In which case the consequence is simply to stop taking any statements of a liar seriously, and insist on leaders who will speak the truth, even if it's unpopular.

I said simple; I didn't say easy.
could the congress during bush be what was bullshit?

Or, you know, Congress didn't want to spend $14 million dollars doing a stupid congressional hearing that turned out to be a political witch hunt because when you become a Foreign Service Officer you sign a statement acknowledging there's a chance you'll be placed somewhere where the locals do not like the United States. You also get extra pay for doing this, but you know, whatever. Tomato potato.
Or, you know, Congress didn't want to spend $14 million dollars doing a stupid congressional hearing that turned out to be a political witch hunt because when you become a Foreign Service Officer you sign a statement acknowledging there's a chance you'll be placed somewhere where the locals do not like the United States. You also get extra pay for doing this, but you know, whatever. Tomato potato.
First, of course it's a witch hunt. That's what you call it when going after witches.

Second, I've not heard anyone say there shouldn't have been an investigation, even the most hardcore pom pom wavers have said an investigation was justified.

Yes, the methods sucked. Yes, the goal from the pub side was to damage Clinton more than get to the truth. I get the criticism for how it was handled, I do, but to think we should just let "it was the video" go without finding out why they lied is trouble. Bushney should probably be doing time, Hillary should probably doing time, instead we'll just amp up the evil and let these guys bend us over as long as it's the right team doing it.
First, of course it's a witch hunt. That's what you call it when going after witches.

Second, I've not heard anyone say there shouldn't have been an investigation, even the most hardcore pom pom wavers have said an investigation was justified.

Yes, the methods sucked. Yes, the goal from the pub side was to damage Clinton more than get to the truth. I get the criticism for how it was handled, I do, but to think we should just let "it was the video" go without finding out why they lied is trouble. Bushney should probably be doing time, Hillary should probably doing time, instead we'll just amp up the evil and let these guys bend us over as long as it's the right team doing it.

so, which geographic regions did not evolve from the neck up?
Or, you know, Congress didn't want to spend $14 million dollars doing a stupid congressional hearing that turned out to be a political witch hunt because when you become a Foreign Service Officer you sign a statement acknowledging there's a chance you'll be placed somewhere where the locals do not like the United States. You also get extra pay for doing this, but you know, whatever. Tomato potato.
well hey, as long as were both using hypothetical and not proving a damn thing, its all fine by me.
Washington (CNN)A former investigator with the House Select Committee on Benghazi is accusing the Republican-led panel of carrying out a politically motivated investigation targeting former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton instead of the thorough and objective fact-finding mission it was set up to pursue.

Maj. Bradley Podliska, an intelligence officer in the Air Force Reserve who describes himself as a conservative Republican, told CNN that the committee trained its sights almost exclusively on Clinton after the revelation last March that she used a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state. That new focus flipped a broad-based probe of the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, into what Podliska described as "a partisan investigation."
You will have to convince the FBI, I think she is in trouble and it is out of any politicians hands.

Oh and BENGAZI!!!!!!!!

If it wasn't for Trey Gowdy's initiative investigating Benghazi We The People would have never known about Hillary's email scandal and her coverup.

It's not over until it's over.
Of course it's a partisan investigation. If the liberals won't investigate then someone needs to do it. Hell, the lieing bitch blamed that massacre on a frickin' video for Christ's sakes rather than calling it what it was - a terrorist attack. And Obama said he would bring the terrorists to justice which never happened. He's no GW, who did bring the terrorists to justice.

The families of the victims are still waiting on an apology and an explanation.
Of course it's a partisan investigation. If the liberals won't investigate then someone needs to do it. Hell, the lieing bitch blamed that massacre on a frickin' video for Christ's sakes rather than calling it what it was - a terrorist attack. And Obama said he would bring the terrorists to justice which never happened. He's no GW, who did bring the terrorists to justice.

Why do you have a problem with Obama and not GW?