Great! Now what are these?

I have used this to kill spider mites. It also makes a good periodic leaf wash. It is mostly fish oil so is a good nitrogen boost too. As well as a nice leaf shine. Garden plants love it too!

I would not spray fish oil on my buds.
Spinosad will kill them in one shot. I have had them a few times. So far they are my most favorite problem to have. By that I mean I have had PM, Spider Mites, Fungus Gnats, and Thrips. Fungus Gnats don't present much of a problem to me, Thrips, I am not sure where I get them from. I have read of moths carrying pests. There are a lot of moths where I live... who knows? The other two are more of a PITA and require more intensive therapy lol. If using spinosad DRENCH the plant. Make sure you get the whole plant and it is dripping. You don't have to go more than that.
I have this but I think those little things in the second pics I posted are aphids. I think I got rid of thrips. what ratio you all mix your spinosad at? anything extra added and how and when to do is best. Light spray or heavy drench?
I have this but I think those little things in the second pics I posted are aphids. I think I got rid of thrips. what ratio you all mix your spinosad at? anything extra added and how and when to do is best. Light spray or heavy drench?

I can't remember what I mix it at. It's on the label. It is a full good drenching of the leaves. Until all are coated and dripping. All foliar applications should be done with lights off.