Down to half the fish

That still leaves Leviathan in place, only less autocratic.
It's not so simple to completely do away with. Even in a technocratic utopia, there would still be some apparatus of governance, albeit mundane.
Why bother?

He's reading from his Sanders Campaign phrase book, flavor of the week, "he don't understand one nothing" as an America would say.
It's the arrogance and flair for dramatics that gets me.

The dude doesn't even socialist, bro. Here we'd call him "another slimey politician". you are testing my ESP abilities at the boundaries. Who are you talking about? Sanders or "the Socialist" in the vid?
That still leaves Leviathan in place, only less autocratic.
It's not so simple to completely do away with. Even in a technocratic utopia, there would still be some apparatus of governance, albeit mundane.

Responsive government as opposed to repressive styles makes for smooth working all 'round. America has allowed the few to control the many for too long, and they've pushed their power too far, perhaps inevitably.

I'm a bit shocked that anyone who isn't already a millionaire would be so against more egalitarianism. It would be a hell of a raise for most of us!