Need ideas for personal grow


Hey guys, looking to set up my first grow. I've been researching about this for over a year now and keep getting discouraged and putting it off...but now I finally wanna buckle down and try it out. I just need a little more direction before I get started.

So, basically what I want to do is a stealth grow in my closet. I can either use the entire closet, or make some sort of cabinet (leaning towards a cabinet). Obviously, like others, my goal is to yield as much as possible. Ideally I would like to yield 200g+ dry every 3 months, preferably 2-4 different strains each round...someone please let me know if this is possible and what my best route would be. Lighting type? How many watts,etc? Autoflower? Scrog?

Anything helps. thanks a lot!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, looking to set up my first grow. I've been researching about this for over a year now and keep getting discouraged and putting it off...but now I finally wanna buckle down and try it out. I just need a little more direction before I get started.

So, basically what I want to do is a stealth grow in my closet. I can either use the entire closet, or make some sort of cabinet (leaning towards a cabinet). Obviously, like others, my goal is to yield as much as possible. Ideally I would like to yield 200g+ dry every 3 months, preferably 2-4 different strains each round...someone please let me know if this is possible and what my best route would be. Lighting type? How many watts,etc? Autoflower? Scrog?

Anything helps. thanks a lot!
Lets see,
1. veg under T5 lights
2. 2 rooms...18hr....12hr
3. window a/c
4. tank & flood table
5. 400w hps


Do you have already decided with a strain? Will it be something interesting?
still trying to decide if I'm going with auto flower or not, then I will choose the strain. Hoping to do 2-4 strains. 2 indicas 1 hybrid and 1 sativa preferably :)

Lets see,
1. veg under T5 lights
2. 2 rooms...18hr....12hr
3. window a/c
4. tank & flood table
5. 400w hps
2 rooms? so maybe 2 cabinets in my closet? or a cabinet divided
I do have a window A/C but I live up north so it's getting cold already the windows need to stay closed..winter is approaching. it gets to negative 55 here some days :( whats the A/C for anyway? cool air into the cabinet?

Sorry don't know what a tank and flood table are..

15 day veg.
small 6" pots
avg. 10-15 grams
less time more harvest good to test out buds faster
Not really in a rush. I wanna do this slowly if that means getting a better return and high quality bud. I firmly believe in quality vs quantity :)


cabinet I would like to yield 200g+ dry every 3 months
Never Happen
see this is why I always get discouraged... how do y'all grow enough to smoke? Even 200g wouldn't last me 3 months...not even close..

I have my entire closet to work with, you sure it's not possible?? 200g isn't even that much bud :|


Well-Known Member
see this is why I always get discouraged... how do y'all grow enough to smoke? Even 200g wouldn't last me 3 months...not even close..

I have my entire closet to work with, you sure it's not possible?? 200g isn't even that much bud :|
i harvest a plant every 2 weeks 2 / 3 oz promix 5 to 10 oz dwc

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
The first hydro grow I did was White Russian in a stacked tote with 6 plants and got 410 grams all in running a 400. The area was 3.5'x3.5'x7' and had no clue what I was doing so yup 200 is doable in a closet I would think. Not sure if I'd be growing different strains or just stick with one tried and true good producing, potent strain, might I suggest AK, WW, or WR.


Well-Known Member
see this is why I always get discouraged... how do y'all grow enough to smoke? Even 200g wouldn't last me 3 months...not even close..

I have my entire closet to work with, you sure it's not possible?? 200g isn't even that much bud :|
200g is 7 oz. you smoke 7 oz in 3 months?

200g in an entire closet should be pretty easy goal to reach.


Well-Known Member
see this is why I always get discouraged... how do y'all grow enough to smoke? Even 200g wouldn't last me 3 months...not even close..

I have my entire closet to work with, you sure it's not possible?? 200g isn't even that much bud :|
We have bigger grow areas ......but don't be discouraged just start growing even if you don't hit your goal at first at least you'll be off setting your costs of smoke with what you do get. And you'll be learning in the meantime how to grow. I suggest you use the entire closet a little cabinet isn't guna supply you with how much you say you smoke But like I said you just need to buckle down and start Quit worrying about yeild right now learn how to grow first. And I also suggest you do all the same strain at first pick something you like and do a garden of those less complicated and easier for a starter. Good luck


200g is 7 oz. you smoke 7 oz in 3 months?

200g in an entire closet should be pretty easy goal to reach.
Yes, very easily. 1.5 to 3 zips a week currently. excluding concentrates/edibles. So my goal is not even enough as it is lol

Set up a perpetual grow so you are chopping a plant every week or two.
I will definitely look into this, thanks a lot!

We have bigger grow areas ......but don't be discouraged just start growing even if you don't hit your goal at first at least you'll be off setting your costs of smoke with what you do get. And you'll be learning in the meantime how to grow. I suggest you use the entire closet a little cabinet isn't guna supply you with how much you say you smoke But like I said you just need to buckle down and start Quit worrying about yeild right now learn how to grow first. And I also suggest you do all the same strain at first pick something you like and do a garden of those less complicated and easier for a starter. Good luck
I have the entire closet..or I could even set up a tent. It isn't space that I'm lacking as I have a rather large 1 BR apartment to myself.. it is the cost of electricity that worries me. Over here we have stupid laws where even those who are licensed are not allowed to if my electrical bill spikes up from 15/month to some crazy number it can bring unwanted attention. As for smell and such it doesn't matter since my caretaker is cool with everything already.

But I guess you're right, I shouldn't worry so much about yield...should just worry about getting started. Thing is I don't wanna waste my time / money because I actually plan to put some effort and make a nice grow setup. I'm willing to put in the work, just need some guidance.

The first hydro grow I did was White Russian in a stacked tote with 6 plants and got 410 grams all in running a 400. The area was 3.5'x3.5'x7' and had no clue what I was doing so yup 200 is doable in a closet I would think. Not sure if I'd be growing different strains or just stick with one tried and true good producing, potent strain, might I suggest AK, WW, or WR.
Just in a tote?? 400 grams?? Do you have a journal with pics of this? I wanna try! And I wanted to do other strains because I don't wanna be stuck with the same smoke for 2-3 months at a time..I get a tolerance to a strain in a few days time usually.


Well-Known Member
Just remember getting started is the key thing big or small. Doesn't matter how much nice equipment you get you still gotta get experience growing. Start off small see how much your electric fluctuates and go from there. Point being start growing as soon as you can so you can work your way up to a end result your looking for with some experience under your belt that's all


Just remember getting started is the key thing big or small. Doesn't matter how much nice equipment you get you still gotta get experience growing. Start off small see how much your electric fluctuates and go from there. Point being start growing as soon as you can so you can work your way up to a end result your looking for with some experience under your belt that's all
Word. thanks for the advice my man. Do you think I should go with an autoflower for my first try??

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Yes, very easily. 1.5 to 3 zips a week currently. excluding concentrates/edibles. So my goal is not even enough as it is lol

I will definitely look into this, thanks a lot!

I have the entire closet..or I could even set up a tent. It isn't space that I'm lacking as I have a rather large 1 BR apartment to myself.. it is the cost of electricity that worries me. Over here we have stupid laws where even those who are licensed are not allowed to if my electrical bill spikes up from 15/month to some crazy number it can bring unwanted attention. As for smell and such it doesn't matter since my caretaker is cool with everything already.

But I guess you're right, I shouldn't worry so much about yield...should just worry about getting started. Thing is I don't wanna waste my time / money because I actually plan to put some effort and make a nice grow setup. I'm willing to put in the work, just need some guidance.

Just in a tote?? 400 grams?? Do you have a journal with pics of this? I wanna try! And I wanted to do other strains because I don't wanna be stuck with the same smoke for 2-3 months at a time..I get a tolerance to a strain in a few days time usually.
I'll have a look re: pics, it was a few years ago. If you go hydro in totes its not a good ideal to do different strains and even in pails its hard in a small area due to height and time differences. Here's a pic of the last grow I did which is god bud image.jpg. I started my indoor grows in hydro which may be a good choice if yield is a prime objective.