oh sorry im super behind haven't been on the 6 lately.. but haven't been enywhere else either! 600 gang all day lol justplaying..but foreal. 600 love!
I have the most bad ass collection of males iv eveer had im going to try and revege them.. bad ass to mee anyways.. best male I ever seen to this date though was the extrema male.. most indica plant iv seen to date also.. to bad I wasent smart enough to try and revege it.. but I was smart enough to bang all my bitches with it that year haha.. so gots s few extrema crosses.. but my male line up as of now is... (M1 X bmf f2) very nice looking.. grap god X white funk. and (BLAck rose X (black ROse x BMF).. had had a c-99 X extrema male but it wasn't looking so nice so I just pollinated a bagseed X extrema that's a super nice pheno best iv seen so far of that cross. and then culled the c99 extrema male... probably should kept around but didn't think I was gunna get so many males.. tryeid to get a late harvest and got nothing but males man
but its all good I enjoy making crosses.. im bout to move to cali and im going to be able large scale selective breeding..
so yall gunna see my crosses out theres some day... hope yall support the cause!
I just finished with my holiday harvest, giving it a good 2 month cure and.... Happy Holidays!
Good luck budolskie give them as much veg time as you can they look great.
The only thing that will give you root rot is the temps getting to high, or not having any oxygen. I've found that having some water in the tubes is better than just a strait stream along the bottom. It might not look like it is very 'bubbly' but there is dissolved oxygen in that water with the air stones plus the waterfalls.