First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

Its on CNN live right now..Its on in Boston n everywhere else in the U.S.

Bernie killed it.

It`s over, CNN is a ordered channel, why not a local at prime time ? I only got one TV and the four kids had it. It should have been on local and prime time.
are you even aware that the GOP is limiting the number of debates they have because the more people hear about what they have to say, the less they like it?

Don`t matter, I aint voting Democrat because of Hillary. I voted for Obama the first time. I just had to help shut up Al and Jesse. But would have liked to see Palin`s legs a lot in her dress. But that wasn`t important enough.
probably not.

unlike republicans, democrats just reduce the deficit. no blunder needed.

if you want to hear people lie about reducing it, watch the GOP debate.

global warming is real, by the way. did you know that?
My comment was in regards to debt, you know the $19 trillion? I don't give a shit who gets credit for reducing it but I'd like to hear it discussed by both parties.

Global warming? There can be no debate. My buds are loving it. 97% agree they are bigger.
you still riding that idiotic, 2012-era, bill o'reailly bellyache about "free shit"?

go for it. it helps me identify stupid people.
No idea man, just find it curious to hear talk of free college for all and no discussion of our debt level or taxing capacity.
Sanders has said ad naseum the shit out of the loop hole rich and cut foreign aid and war...Our debt is the Defense budget-military.
Are you smoking crack? You're telling me Obama's ten trillion in debt since he has been president has all gone to the defense budget? You're not even close. Although, If you were to combine it with Obama's money spent on defending illegals from the burden of our border, then we might be getting somewhere