First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

It's so funny I had to share it

The pukes didn't learn their lesson in 2012, so what do they do? Double down on their stupidity!

Hillary stemmed the blood flow somewhat tonight but she still needs to turn her ship around, she's going to use Mc Carthy statement yo her advantage that just might be the smokescreen she needs to keep the focus away from the Emails fiasco.

Bernie did ok but he needs more polishing I don't think he's ready for prime time.


The pukes didn't learn their lesson in 2012, so what do they do? Double down on their stupidity!

Hillary stemmed the blood flow somewhat tonight but she still needs to turn her ship around, she's going to use Mc Carthy statement yo her advantage that just might be the smokescreen she needs to keep the focus away from the Emails fiasco.

Bernie did ok but he needs more polishing I don't think he's ready for prime time.


Who completely routed the Democrats in the mid terms?

Unfortunately they've stupid in abundance and it seems to fit the American population.
BORING, I turned it off but what I viewed reflected a lot of the left's typical one mentioned the most important issue facing the world, ISIS, Islamic Terrorism, their Caliphate. Dumbasses followed the party line bashing billionaires and saying climate change was their primary concern for world peace. Dumb.........

Fired up and red faced Burnedout Sanders is against big business but is very much for big government. ;)

Crack News Network's treatment was soft on their own kind, as expected.

Mike Huckabee wasn't told that its a certain breed that's raised to eat. It is a common misconception that they eat any dog, but in fact it is 1 breed of dog only. It would seem I'd be better at politics than most. Maybe I should rule the lot of you.