Official Lolbertarian thread. Discuss the benefits of No goverment

how does a road fail financially? Are you saying they were toll roads and didn't pay for themselves or something? What about the turnpikes in Ohio, Penn, and KY that have paid for themselves enough times over they have stopped charging tolls in some places.

So your claim is that no private road ever in existence is still around? Or ?... I honestly don't know what you are trying to say.

Were you aware the two bridges into Canada from MI are privately owned? Probably not, or you wouldn't have made that claim. Pretty profitable too. Soooo, if you want to get into Canada from MI, and you only want to travel public roads, it's the tunnel or nothing.
Look it up
Look it up
Oh cheezy....

I've got something for you to look up, Matty Moroun / Ambassador Bridge. Yes THAT bridge. Moroun is a friggen billionaire from tolls and his duty free store. It most certainly has not failed financially. Here's the best part, he gets Windsor and Detroit to maintain it at their cost, not his. Gooooooo Government!!!!!
Oh cheezy....

I've got something for you to look up, Matty Moroun / Ambassador Bridge. Yes THAT bridge. Moroun is a friggen billionaire from tolls and his duty free store. It most certainly has not failed financially. Here's the best part, he gets Windsor and Detroit to maintain it at their cost, not his. Gooooooo Government!!!!!
so this is a good libertarian kind of thing?
Why are you so defensive about the toxic chemicals? You've been on my ass about this for two days now. Did I make a statement that is contoversial or untrue? If so, then explain and allow me to correct the record
no, I just didn't understand why you posted the old news of the spill from August. I guess that I'm not watching Fox news enough to understand the meme. Isn't it ok to ask what you meant by it? And why don't you want to explain it? Is it just because you don't like me or is it so obvious that I should have gotten it right away and you don't want to embarrass me? I can take it, my avi is a dog drinking from a toilet, after all.
Oh cheezy....

I've got something for you to look up, Matty Moroun / Ambassador Bridge. Yes THAT bridge. Moroun is a friggen billionaire from tolls and his duty free store. It most certainly has not failed financially. Here's the best part, he gets Windsor and Detroit to maintain it at their cost, not his. Gooooooo Government!!!!!
You said the first roads in this country were not built by the government.
I pointed out every one of them failed financially.
Then you moved goal posts and declared victory
Good for you!
You said the first roads in this country were not built by the government.
I pointed out every one of them failed financially.
Then you moved goal posts and declared victory
Good for you!
The first roads in this country were dirt trails taken by stagecoach. How the fuck do they fail financially.

Something tells me you read something that sort of sounded like what you claim but in cheezy fashion you botched it a bit.

I bet it made a whole lot more sense in your head when you were thinking about making that post, now you have to dig in your heels to save face.

What happens to a road when it fails financially, is it repo'd? Does the bank foreclose on the road? Ever been driving down the road and all of sudden it's not there anymore? that's because it failed financially.

Not sure how bridges with roads on them making billions and certainly NOT failing financially is moving goal posts and not just showing you how wrong you were, but OK then....
The first roads in this country were dirt trails taken by stagecoach. How the fuck do they fail financially.

Something tells me you read something that sort of sounded like what you claim but in cheezy fashion you botched it a bit.

I bet it made a whole lot more sense in your head when you were thinking about making that post, now you have to dig in your heels to save face.

What happens to a road when it fails financially, is it repo'd? Does the bank foreclose on the road? Ever been driving down the road and all of sudden it's not there anymore? that's because it failed financially.

Not sure how bridges with roads on them making billions and certainly NOT failing financially is moving goal posts and not just showing you how wrong you were, but OK then....
You don't know shit about history.
The first turnpikes were built in the late 1700s early 1800s. They were toll roads. And they all went bankrupt. Not just a few examples either dozens of them.
investing in turnpikes was quite the rage for 50 years or so.
You really are a stupid,racist twit
You don't know shit about history.
The first turnpikes were built in the late 1700s early 1800s. They were toll roads. And they all went bankrupt. Not just a few examples either dozens of them.
investing in turnpikes was quite the rage for 50 years or so.
You really are a stupid,racist twit
the privately owned bridge that bypasses chicagos south side is very well in business. think its about $5 to cross it. like any real estate its all about location, location, location.
You don't know shit about history.
The first turnpikes were built in the late 1700s early 1800s. They were toll roads. And they all went bankrupt. Not just a few examples either dozens of them.
investing in turnpikes was quite the rage for 50 years or so.
You really are a stupid,racist twit
lol, stupid racist twit....

lol at roads going bankrupt.

You made that claim that every private road ever failed financially, you should be able to back this up with more than just "take my lying ass's word for it"

chesusrice folks!!
Who built it?
The toll project was never as profitable for them as hoped. In 2006, the publically owned bridge was sold by the City of Chicago and it became foreign-owned private property owned under a 99 year lease by Spanish and Australian interests who formed a company called Skyway Concession Company to own the bridge. This company continues to provide tolled public access to the bridge and roadway in much the same way that the city once did. It is unclear what this ownership change might mean for the preservation of this bridge.

if it didnt make a profit that means it was..............GOVERNMENT WASTE
I'm sure glad we have the Privately Owned Eisenhower Private Interstate Private System Private Highways to get around in the US.
that way your government can get the nazi's out to the desert real easy like. good point. over the byway, and through where the woods used to be, to grandmothers house we go!
The toll project was never as profitable for them as hoped. In 2006, the publically owned bridge was sold by the City of Chicago and it became foreign-owned private property owned under a 99 year lease by Spanish and Australian interests who formed a company called Skyway Concession Company to own the bridge. This company continues to provide tolled public access to the bridge and roadway in much the same way that the city once did. It is unclear what this ownership change might mean for the preservation of this bridge.

if it didnt make a profit that means it was..............GOVERNMENT WASTE
You mean the city charged a toll before?
How much?
I'm sure glad we have the Privately Owned Eisenhower Private Interstate Private System Private Highways to get around in the US.
Not me. The highway system was built to transport military equipment and personnel in case we are attacked here. I think a high-speed rail system would have been much better money spent.

The costs for the highway system was widely criticized for coming in over 300% projections. That can't happen unless it's government.
Not me. The highway system was built to transport military equipment and personnel in case we are attacked here. I think a high-speed rail system would have been much better money spent.

The costs for the highway system was widely criticized for coming in over 300% projections. That can't happen unless it's government.
Nobody cares about the economic ideas of a Paulbot. The fact is, the Interstate system is directly responsible for massive economic growth and the actual building of it put hundreds of thousands of people (probably millions) to work at a time when jobs were desperately needed. It is likely the single most important piece of economic infrastructure in the entire United States, which is the most economically active nation in history. Capitalism didn't do that. It saved capitalism from certain demise.
Nobody cares about the economic ideas of a Paulbot. The fact is, the Interstate system is directly responsible for massive economic growth and the actual building of it put hundreds of thousands of people (probably millions) to work at a time when jobs were desperately needed. It is likely the single most important piece of economic infrastructure in the entire United States, which is the most economically active nation in history. Capitalism didn't do that. It saved capitalism from certain demise.
Imagine if we had gone high speed rails for the people instead of a transport system for the military. Our way of doing transportation in this country would be completely different. Our contribution to GW would be so much less.

Once that highway system was in place, a high-speed rail system didn't make sense. Too bad we went that route. Now we are dependent on semis to transport and fossil fuel. Well done government!!