Lighting, best for cannabis.

432 watt T5 ho's but just saying any light will grow plant if you have enough of em that is maybe not a perfect grow but people are jumping the gun like you said get the basics down i have grown same strain for 6 years i have played with every possible way to increase yield breeder claims 700 grams per m2 i got it to 1180 grams per and that is it no more per 5 week veg and this is not couple grows either right

Take things as a grain of salt on websites only you will know the truth ,when it comes to changing something up but for the life of me people growing varieites of strains or buying new seeds all time never spend enough time growing that one strain to get it to max out in all areas ,, there to busy buying the next strain craze
each grow a person gets better n better dialing in there room understanding the plants and they will throw you curves art times
But tp say UV made difference i think is a moot point you just become a better grower its your observation that o you think UV made that big o a difference ..
truth is i highly doubt it unless you have 2 completly different profesional grow rooms where both plants have benn harvested dryed the same , and tested at a lab

Holy shit.

I actually liked something you said

1st of all I have respect for anyone that follows their belief & truely believes that they are trying to help others by instruction or example,however I know for a Fact that there is no where on this plant that cannabis naturally flowers for up to 44 weeks
Perhaps using sub-par,underpowered lighting would prolong flowering, but 44 come on.Why would anyone grow cannabis for a smaller yield that would require 10 months?All cannabis has healing properties & many can suppress cancer & many other ailments that many people grow for a variety of reasons.As for our sun part of a binary,rubbish too much has proven otherwise
According to NASA's "Ask an Astrobiologist" page,

(T)he Sun is not part of a binary star system. There has never been any evidence to suggest a companion. The idea has been disproved by several infrared sky surveys, most recently the WISE mission. If there were a brown dwarf companion, these sensitive infrared telescopes would have detected it.— David Morrison, Astrobiology Senior Scientist, October 17, 2012

Dont get me wrong there is lots of misinformation out there including many world governments,yet you yourself are spreading more manure than I've seen in some time.Hypothetically even if you was correct about what you claim your "god" led you to your "revelation" it is redundant because cannabis can do these things without that massive utility bill to keep cannabis in a very unnatural flowering period.Cannabis is not native to Equatorial regions attachment 3518009
This thousands of years ago u claim it was brought to those regions is more rubbish.
I've seen no proof(visual,documentations) to your obsurd claims.I would love to see pictures of ur 44 week plants:rolleyes:
Stating ur opinion as fact is irresponsible,just like all religions are opinions,books & scrolls dont make something true. I can make a monument that states "I get this funky high off a yellow sun & can fly" doesnt make it true,of course 10,000 years from now I'm sure some muppets would believe it like most people blindly believe rubbish today that some con-men come up with as a form of control.You must believe the world is flat too.Good luck with ur grow "rev" Jim
Jones...dont drink the koolaid!!:spew:
Btw it has been posted to u many times HPS is HID
Im really sorry you have been lied too, like the generations before you. They have had n.a.s.a. a lot longer than you think? Designed to do one thing....find tiamat. They are liars, their whole bloodline has gone beyond corrupt and others they have brought in. No debate, believe what you will. Soon, you will all see the planet with a hole in it that comes every 400 years and causes deluge, that your keepers dig under the earth and have since they arrived thousands of years ago to escape. They know its also time for the 3600 true evolutionary cycle of the red sun and its seven planets. Why don't you all know? Simple, they teach you... Lies and even worse, half truths. Can you see the picture below? It will only make since, to others who have searched and know the interpretation. They put their symbology of the truth, everywhere. Conspiracy? Call it what you will. The first seven years started in 2009, the next seven years you will see all come to fruition. Gods plans not mans. There will be two new planets coming in also this round. Many will go, more will not. Nuts, you all will soon see. What then? What about the wise men, the preachers, the scientist, that led people astray? You better get to loving everything around you and cause no harm as I'm trying hard to learn this also. You shine love, you don't have to worry about what you think you know or don't know. ..just love. There is nothing new under the sun, all done before, because of our pride. The same ones who have kept the truth of your history and the solar system from you, are also responsible for keeping the tree of wisdom from you a long time and why the truth of the tree is also forgotten and how to properly ripen. What I've shared is nothing in the grand scope of things, but those who listen and apply, will know I have not lied. If you try what I'm suggesting, you will benefit greatly and can and will tell others. Yes, t.h.c. works against cancer and is a slow process, I know, I cured myself of it for those who did not read. I cured it over night by applying this information that god gave, using 30 week ripened bud full of cannabinoids, not t.h.c. as cannabinoids are the true healers and have to be ripened for and it takes time..period. Why me? Why do I know these things and you and the book writers and video makers do not? I don't know, why don't all of you, ask all of them, why they don't know and why they did not teach it? Your just a crazy nobody rev. John! I'm in really good company. No debate, no disrespect, just know I told you. Rev.thenaturalIMG_20150528_093603196.jpg
432 watt T5 ho's but just saying any light will grow plant if you have enough of em that is maybe not a perfect grow but people are jumping the gun like you said get the basics down i have grown same strain for 6 years i have played with every possible way to increase yield breeder claims 700 grams per m2 i got it to 1180 grams per and that is it no more per 5 week veg and this is not couple grows either right

Take things as a grain of salt on websites only you will know the truth ,when it comes to changing something up but for the life of me people growing varieites of strains or buying new seeds all time never spend enough time growing that one strain to get it to max out in all areas ,, there to busy buying the next strain craze
each grow a person gets better n better dialing in there room understanding the plants and they will throw you curves art times
But tp say UV made difference i think is a moot point you just become a better grower its your observation that o you think UV made that big o a difference ..
truth is i highly doubt it unless you have 2 completly different profesional grow rooms where both plants have benn harvested dryed the same , and tested at a lab
Good points but I don't think they're applicable to everyone.

Does growing the same strain for years let you dial it in better? Absolutely

But if you're growing for personal, would you rather just smoke the same thing for years or have multiple varieties to switch it up?

Im really sorry you have been lied too, like the generations before you. They have had n.a.s.a. a lot longer than you think? Designed to do one thing....find tiamat. /ATTACH]
Dude, what?
how much will I yield using a 14000k aquarium bulb with advanced nutrients if I let it go the full 40 weeks
I cannot tell you what you will yield and that's kind of an odd question, that depends on your own growing skill, size of your grow, amount of trees and how long you want to veg brother. Not all cannabis trees take 40 weeks to go through the stages of ripening. Some pure sativa locales take 40 or more depending on amount of light being used. Other pure Sativa's take less time and most pure indica's can do it in 18-24 depending on phenotype. Once again, all high intensity discharge, t5 and white/blue led, will accomplish ripening, however the high blue in the 14000k will ripen them faster and produce insane resin. Quality is more important than yield, however in the second stage of ripening, you will not only start to produce cannabinoids, but buds start popping out of places you will not believe and it gains mass. The tree when its complete in second stage, will have no leaves, the trichromes will be deep blood red all of them and the entire tree itself, will be a beautiful amber red and light brown. Within a couple weeks, the tree and trichromes will start to turn golden and when the tree and trichromes turn completely gold, just like a pineapple, your fruit is ripe. If people do this and give it time and make Simpsons oil with these cannabinoids, all cell disease stops and the tree will be free and all negative symptoms of using this tree are no longer there as I've discussed in other threads. I've only lived out here 18 months and been going crazy developing new strains. In a few weeks, I will flower and show over winter the whole process with pure Acapulco's. Just give me time and god willing, I will show and hide nothing. I just want people to heal and this tree to be free by having the true historical and medicinal understanding of it. Why are you not rich someone asked, if this is true? When someone loves you, they don't want your money. One love, rev.thenatural
how much will I yield using a 14000k aquarium bulb with advanced nutrients if I let it go the full 40 weeks
Last thing, kinda important. Allot of growers run their lights too close and don't allow for proper stretch and defoliation or some kind of training, to maximize yields. The blue in all high intensity discharge lights, has always shown to stack nodes tight. Well, this one will stack them like pancakes, so don't run to close, unless your sea of green or similar. I'm a little different, so I run either two 400s or ten t5 for veg. I keep the lights around 44 inches from top of pots and I run smaller pots now. As they stretch for the light, you defoliate leaves after branches are produced here and there for better light to strengthen branches. Once trees hit 3ft, I raise the light another two feet and start flowering. Once trees hit 4ft, I then take the horizontal lights down and stack the two 400s for vertical and they get no taller and by the time they are finished with all stages of ripening, the trees are pretty much one giant bud and this technique produces pounds and pounds of bud, with less light and heat and materials as big pots are not needed if you want to maximize. You can easily produce a pound of bud on a tree in a one gallon pot. How? Hydroton or rocks at the bottom of your pots for air and bottom feed the whole time. The more you can feed them, without drowning their roots, the more they will produce and hence also why smaller pots. Its just hillbilly hydro without the pumps. If you bottom feed, do it from the start and do not top feed. Why? They developed a different rooting system and especially when young, they could drown from a sudden top feeding, so your best not to get antsy and change. Also, if you have trees vegging under another light, do not switch them under the 14000k. The 14000k produces a different type growth so it will cause old leaves under the other bulb to shed off and stunt them, until new 14000k growth appears. Just things to remember so not to goof. How you think I know? I goofed lol. One love, rev.thenatural
Had a few ask about these two little cactus flowers, so I transplanted them from the Dixie cups to 1/2 gallons a couple days ago and figured I'd take a quick picture in their youth. The first is a pure morroco indica, courtesy of a botanist friend of my friend and the native cactus that is used by the people for many things, is were the Latin word indica comes from lol. Now, the next one is a pure afghan indica from 25 year old seeds, courtesy of a true hippy boomer chick lol and I can already see the morroco may be a bigger tree, but we will see? Not often too see pure indica's either these days and I'm a pollen chucker also lol. What's cool, lord willing we will use our pure Acapulco gold male " neo " to pollinate these girls and make brand new kush for first time in decades. That's all the original kush was, Acapulco gold and afghan indica cactus flower. Need to keep them pure and that's our number one goal is pairing pure locales collected off the brick and otherwise over the years. The sativa and the sativa pollinated with cactus " indica " both have their attributes and one really takes away from the other, however there's always a flavor for everyone at the ice cream store. One love, rev.thenaturalIMG_20151014_125829953_HDR.jpgIMG_20151014_125847518.jpg
Kush originates from the Hindu Kush mountain region of the Himalayas
Yes thank you and another I'm looking for. Any Acapulco with an indica winds up a kush tasting and feeling tree as the woodsy acrid flavor is from ac gold side. Those hindu kush trees are squat little things and tight buds and was a great mix of genetics as ac golds have a similar bud structure without the density. Thanks to another member, we may have a Pakistan/Uzbekistan on the way, so finding a pure Hindu would be great. Apologise for mix up on the kush lol. One love, rev.thenatural
If anyone has any suggestions on were to find pure hindu kush, let me know by the way. For purposes of keeping pure and to breed with pure ac gold male. It would then allow us four pure indica locales from overseas to breed to neo. Of course the brother or sister who helps, will get beans. Must be pure. Only other thing I'm looking for, however would take a miracle, is original clone only blackberry kush. Last I seen the genetics was back home in the volunteer and I believe heath Robinson, bred genetics with it. Top five most beautiful trees and should have never been messed with. Comes out of the seed " when lucky enough to find one " violet purple and stays that way and ripening color changes are insane. It has ruderalis in it and foxtail and whispy buds and hates being over watered. Just figured I'd throw it out there lol. Blessings rev.thenatural
Here's a squat Mendocino Purple Kush I just chopped (Mendo Purps x Purple Kush)

Has some beautiful hues I think, can't wait to see what it cures like. It was indoor but I let the night temps get down around 60 for the last couple weeks

Sorry but I don't really have the space to breed or get many beans. We're lucky that we can just buy clones in stores here to flower out and try different types


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Cloners Market here has Blackberry Kush I think, might try it out sometime. I've had a gram from the shops before and the whole thing was purple from stem to leaf to calyx with orange hairs. It wasn't the most potent, but it didn't seem like it had the best cure though so it might not have been the best representation of its potential.
Cloners Market here has Blackberry Kush I think, might try it out sometime. I've had a gram from the shops before and the whole thing was purple from stem to leaf to calyx with orange hairs. It wasn't the most potent, but it didn't seem like it had the best cure though so it might not have been the best representation of its potential.
The real one is more violet than purple. I really wish I could find some pictures. Funny thing is, just three years ago, I could put blackberry kush into google and you would pretty quick find a picture or two of it by someone who lucked out. Now, nothing at all. Dispensaries are way bad about cutting early, so best representation of anything would be trying from a grower like you or me. Blessings, rev.thenatural
Here's what it looked like:

It wasn't THAT stringy (I'd been smoking some before I took the pic) but def not as dense as a real Kush should be


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Here's what it looked like:

It wasn't THAT stringy (I'd been smoking some before I took the pic) but def not as dense as a real Kush should be
Nope, not the one. That's the one they have had out here a while. Ole heath, is the last person I knew of, that had a cut and used it in breeding some of his own strains. Didn't need to be touched lol. I lucked up on a seed five years ago. One little seed in a half oz I just lucked up on. Darn thing come out of the seed looking like a violet alien lol. Three weeks into vegging her and seeing that every inch of this tree was insane violet and unique, ole rev here got to smoking some deep purple contemplation Mexican and forgot and over watered her lol. Needless to say...rev.
In all fairness I have to give rev kudos in his selection of cannabis.Acapulco Gold is in my top 3 strains & I have smoked since the 70's I've smoked lots of this new stuff & high THC doesnt mean nothing when it comes to a very cerebral high that u get from old school sativa
Agreed. I mentioned this in another thread, but I know a guy who always gets this crazy-good cut of blueberry -from some old veteran grower who has been growing the strain for decades. It smelled like a blueberry skunk and the smoke was sweet and heavy and full of flavor. The high was right out of the old days, too. If I hadn't been alive for all these years, then I might not have recognized it. I wish I would have gotten a chance to smoke some of it properly instead of a nasty old, joint, but oh well! There ARE strains out there that are above and beyond the norm. It doesn't seem to equate to THC level in my experience, either. I think they need to go back and start doing more research on just EXACTLY what it is that differentiates the good weed from the great weed.
Agreed. I mentioned this in another thread, but I know a guy who always gets this crazy-good cut of blueberry -from some old veteran grower who has been growing the strain for decades. It smelled like a blueberry skunk and the smoke was sweet and heavy and full of flavor. The high was right out of the old days, too. If I hadn't been alive for all these years, then I might not have recognized it. I wish I would have gotten a chance to smoke some of it properly instead of a nasty old, joint, but oh well! There ARE strains out there that are above and beyond the norm. It doesn't seem to equate to THC level in my experience, either. I think they need to go back and start doing more research on just EXACTLY what it is that differentiates the good weed from the great weed.
Let's just say, most of the bud that was tested by Mississippi state years ago was done with Mexican green bud cut too early and THC percentages would have been pathetically off. What makes that old school feel, is cannabinoids and Sativa's not pollinated with cactus to make indica. A generation ago, farmers in mexico, knew not to cut early and usually did not. They would leave it until Jan, even through march until the bud converted THC to cannabinoids and the sun would be used to decarb. Bud was more golden and would be loaded with cannabinoids, that will make you heal, happy and open pineal gland and no negatives. Once in a while back home, you can still every once in a while run into a bail, that is more golden. A pin joint from it will set you on fire. Southern Sativa's of mexico, Jalisco, guerro, mochoacan, Acapulco regions are sprayed hard for " they " know these particular trees open pineal and sets the mind free. Northern purple type Mexicans are also cactus indica's and very contemplating and laid back as most indica's. People have even thought them hybrids from the north. There is no hybrids, all Sativa's or hemp or sativa pollinated with cactus to create indica. The old ones are there all of them, its just they do down there now, what everyone up here adopted, they cut early green now and in pure Sativa's, that means, paranoia and introversion and other negatives, instead of pineal opening, happiness, peace, balance, serenity. Hmm, I bet the " keepers" will hate that coming to people. It will, because people like myself, are working to make it happen. Tstick, you keep good thoughts for rev to get these projects fulfilled and I'll send you some beans this spring, that you will never part with as long as plenty ripening is given. I want people to heal and know for the first time or again, what its like to smoke and get truly high. Blessings, rev.thenatural