Lighting, best for cannabis.

He didn't say anything that people don't already know! If you let the plant go until the trich's are mostly amber (ripe as he puts it) then it is more medicinal. If you cut early, it's more of a head high, if you cut in the middle mostly milky sum amber you get a stronger high.... Science is all over this!!
That's what I just said. Chill and smoke one man.
I'm not saying I buy into it.

I am however interested at what chemicals are made or transformed in long flowering.

I actually have grown and love sativa's that take 20+ weeks to flower. The high is complex. It is better I think. I think long flowering times allow some extraordinary things to happen.

I also believe that cannabis in all shapes including hemp and auto flowers are capable of healing most ailments. As more and more it is accepted and tested there has been aot of ground made. I hope more is gained.

We need to take a page from the past. Indians were disease free. I have family that were raised that way. They have medicine and have a herb or root for everything just about.

I watched with my own eyes as doctors push so much chemo and radiation he was going to die. They burnt his saliva glands up pushing so hard. He pas permanent nerve damage from it. This confirmed by a neurologist.

My father walked away from chemo and radiation on his death bed. He changed his life. Read up on making the body alkaline to kill cancer. He did that and went with a very clean diet of fresh, live produce. He also used holistic care and different herbs and roots.

Over 15 years cancer free.

I firmly believe this plant holds healing powers and we need to use it.
I don't disagree and have a very similar experience except my father died in 98 at the ripe old age of 45 of cancer I also believe that there are plants on this planet that can heal, but I think a lot may never be found. Polluting the ocean, deforestation ( not to be confused with defoliation lol), and pharmaceutical companies will make sure of that.
I don't like people jamming their religion on me, but it's equally offensive to keep badmouthing a religion, too. Ive done plenty of that too, and I decided I'm better than that

Anywho- I'm all for exploring different mechanisms to improve healing. If growing the plant differently yields different compounds, I'm all ears. I need some proof, though
  • Organized religion is responsible for more deaths than any other organized entity, including organized crime or government! And lets not forget about brainwashing (scientology) or molestation (catholic church)...

    The bible teaches & breeds some pretty sick sheut!
Or the kid fuckin!
Pictures are not going to back claims. We know what a weed plant looks like and I'm sure rev can grow a plant

This isn't about someone's ability to grow a plant. It's about the claims of the molecular composition. I question that, being the lab guy that I am

How can such claims be made with no testing whatsoever? It's just some dude talking without lab data
Fair enough :lol:. I like abit of scientific data myself, something to really sink my teeth into now again. Guess my interests sway abit more to mysticism though, I've listened to the likes of Terence Mckenna, Timothy Leary, Alan watts and Robert Anton Wilson for countless hours in which they talk about different levels of consciousness, alternate realities and so on....Terence (r.i.p) talks about other beings hes encountered and communicated with...."time machine elves come to mind" :lol: and I dont doubt him for a second that they realities wern't real to him....whether his mind made it real through the use of fungi or plants or altered and tuned in his mind in to other levels through the use of has barely touched this subject. This is what interests me about the rev's ripening theory aswell especially the landrace sativas the Rev talks about and the ability to open and expand minds more than any other "when grown properly". And if the Revs been hittin this shit for years theres no tellin' what his mind's been opened up to :bigjoint: :lol:
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Have you read this thread? Honestly, or just skimmed threw it? It started in August, try to count the amount of times his claims were to be proven in a few weeks. 5 months later not one piece of proof. A few pics mean nothing. Certainly doesn't prove his claim or that he has a wealth of knowledge and tried all kinds of lighting tests. If i say I trained monkeys and put up a pic of a chimp does it make it true? I've never flowered a plant for a year so I have no first hand knowledge. I've also never jumped off my roof to see if I could fly so maybe....
I could never consider his light theory because of the bullshit being spewed. He calls himself the reverend but is Muslim/Islamic. there is no reverend it that religion.
He could cure disease overnight. All degenerative disease. He cured cancer, almost being paralyzed, lost 200lbs and west nile virus.
If you believe he can do it by some pics that's your choice. Personally I don't and the only thing that spews that much bullshit is an asshole in my opinion. What I posted is a small portion of the bs. When I think someone is that full of shit about one thing why would I believe anything else they say, why would any reasonable person? I have a hunch proof of any of it is non existent just like his god.

I've been returning to this thread on and off for over 3 months now to divulge in some more of the rev's posts sometimes even just outta boredom :lol: I've done alot of research into different lights my self, plodded through a shit ton of spectral analysis from different bulbs, sun spectrum, photosynthetic responses, and posts on here from others experiences yadyadayada..... dabbled in led's, hps, cfl's and now currently metal halide which just strikes me as a superior light (for this purpose of course) even the response cannabis gives to this light in vegetation says alot. I get what you're saying but the stuff about the lights, organics, defoliation, bottom feeding, urine fert', CBD etc backs up my own research some done before this thread some after.....and SOME just makes sense for reasons im unsure, but thats true of alot of things people claim to understand. I never feed 100% in to other peoples bullshit/belief systems anyway as no-one should but he's not shoving this stuff down our throats, which if he was I would run a mile but he even shows restraint when discussing non accepted ideas/beliefs or whatever and doesn't seem to have a serious attitude on this forum even showing some peace and love to people who have made personal attacks at him....shit comes with age and maturity- only way to survive and stay positive in this im learning anyway :lol:
I don't much you've looked around this forum about this subject, but look up a member RM3 he has a lot of good info. He also used to go by riddlem3 here or some thing like that im not how it was spelled, but it had a 3 in place of an e. I'm sure you could find his older info here if wanted. Had his own site at one time as well. If you haven't seen his stuff check it out its a good read.
I don't much you've looked around this forum about this subject, but look up a member RM3 he has a lot of good info. He also used to go by riddlem3 here or some thing like that im not how it was spelled, but it had a 3 in place of an e. I'm sure you could find his older info here if wanted. Had his own site at one time as well. If you haven't seen his stuff check it out its a good read.

Will do man, thanks :cool:
Very good reading material, that should keep me busy/entertained for a good while :mrgreen: Already blowing my mind with talks of "Mid day depression in plants" and switching lights off for half an hour to give them a break to stop this effect :shock: very interesting stuff! Thanks.
He seems to know his shit
That's what I just said. Chill and smoke one man.
I don't like people jamming their religion on me, but it's equally offensive to keep badmouthing a religion, too. Ive done plenty of that too, and I decided I'm better than that

Anywho- I'm all for exploring different mechanisms to improve healing. If growing the plant differently yields different compounds, I'm all ears. I need some proof, though
i wasn't badmouthing someone's religion, I was simply sticking up for Science after someone decided to interject religion into a forum about the best lights for growing mj...
  • Organized religion is responsible for more deaths than any other organized entity, including organized crime or government! And lets not forget about brainwashing (scientology) or molestation (catholic church)...

    The bible teaches & breeds some pretty sick sheut!

I did not "badmouth someones religion"! I simply stated 4 facts, and apparently one of them upset you...
which one?
1) Organized religion is responsible for more deaths than any other organized entity.... fact! you can google it
2)Scientology brainwashes people....fact! just ask Lea Remini
3) Catholic priests molest children....fact! just ask, well, ANYONE!!
4) bible teaches & breeds some pretty sick sheut...fact! Uh, just read the battle of jericho or other battles where god orders joshua to murder innocent children, women, and animals!!

The Rev is the one who was spewing negativity about Science & rambling about how everyone should listen to him over Science because god gave him the wisdom & truth about MJ.... blah, blah, blah

I simply posted a response to him, the same way I'm posting a response to you...
  • Organized religion is responsible for more deaths than any other organized entity, including organized crime or government! And lets not forget about brainwashing (scientology) or molestation (catholic church)...

    The bible teaches & breeds some pretty sick sheut!
An old incorrect 'fact'. Communism and other organized political forces have killed more people overall. Easy to verify. Spanish inquisition killed around 4 thousand or less. It gets lumped in with the Nazi death camps, Stalin murders and what not. Stalin is estimated to have killed 20 to 40 million, China is hard to know but 100 million is thought to be possible. People have killed people not religion per se. Same way guns do not murder many every week in Chicago. People.

I am not religious or given to faith btw. I like the Rev. as he thinks WAY outside the box and seems very nice. I am not a believer in what he says but would like to give some of what he advocates for, a try. Science is better than religion for me but not at expense of making it my 'religion'.
Communism in most countries is as close religion as it gets if it's not considered one. The leaders push their propaganda from what little I know about the subject, and most of that propaganda has the people "worshiping" these political leaders. It is basically the same as religion in my eyes, a means to control the masses.