Does this coco looks fine?


Whats up growers
Its 2 days since the coco brick is soaking in water and its not completely soil like its like mud balls Still i have to smash it with hand
There are 2 pics
1 before smashing with hand
2 after that
Take a look and tell me your thoughts
It's my very first grow
Peace ✌

DSC_0444.JPG DSC_0445.JPG


Well-Known Member
who told you to soak it for days? I only use it for a plants first tiny container but I just break a chunk off and put in a starter pot. then I run HOT water over it and it triples its size and gets evenly spread in seconds.


So it wont spread in room temp water?
And how does it look when i smashed it?
Is it usable or still i have to run hot water on it?
who told you to soak it for days? I only use it for a plants first tiny container but I just break a chunk off and put in a starter pot. then I run HOT water over it and it triples its size and gets evenly spread in seconds.


Well-Known Member
Which brand of coco you using? Or where did you get it? Whenever I expand my coco bricks, usually botanicare coco grow, I do exactly what the bag tells me and its all good in like 30 mins to 2 hours. once I did use some cheap bullshit coco and came out something like you, a little. How much water you use to how much coco?
What I would do is take it out the water let it dry a little bit, but still moistened and just use it from their, you should be 100% fine bro. Good luck on your grow!


Well-Known Member
Which brand of coco you using? Or where did you get it? Whenever I expand my coco bricks, usually botanicare coco grow, I do exactly what the bag tells me and its all good in like 30 mins to 2 hours. once I did use some cheap bullshit coco and came out something like you, a little. How much water you use to how much coco?
What I would do is take it out the water let it dry a little bit, but still moistened and just use it from their, you should be 100% fine bro. Good luck on your grow!


Tnx for quote bro
No idea what brand it is
I used 30litre water for a brick that was about 10kg and they said it would be about 60litre when spread out
So u think the bottom pic is ok?
Which brand of coco you using? Or where did you get it? Whenever I expand my coco bricks, usually botanicare coco grow, I do exactly what the bag tells me and its all good in like 30 mins to 2 hours. once I did use some cheap bullshit coco and came out something like you, a little. How much water you use to how much coco?
What I would do is take it out the water let it dry a little bit, but still moistened and just use it from their, you should be 100% fine bro. Good luck on your grow!


Well-Known Member
Tnx for quote bro
No idea what brand it is
I used 30litre water for a brick that was about 10kg and they said it would be about 60litre when spread out
So u think the bottom pic is ok?
Yeah the coco in the bottom pic looks good to go. If it was my coco I would def use it. As long as the coco isent compacted, hard or anything like that then it should be fine bro.